
235 Hilarious Rain Jokes to Brighten Your Day

Who needs sunshine when you can have rain?

It’s the perfect excuse to stay inside and binge-watch your favorite comedy series.

Plus, nothing beats the sound of raindrops as a laugh track.

Prepare to laugh so hard you’ll forget about the soggy socks and frizzy hair with this assortment of knee-slapping rain jokes.

Whether you’re in need of a quick chuckle, a cheesy punchline, a dad joke, or something to make your grandma laugh, we’ve got your back.

So grab your snorkel and get ready to dive into a sea of giggles with these jokes about rain!

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Best Rain Jokes

If you’re in search of the best rain jokes to make you burst into laughter, you’ve come to the right place. These jokes will have you raining down tears of joy!

Why did the raindrop go to therapy?
It had a lot of clouded thoughts.

What do you call a wet bear?
A drizzly bear.

Why did the raindrop bring a towel to the party?
In case it wanted to make a splash!

How does rain tie its shoelaces?
In little water knots.

Why did the raindrop bring a map to the party?
In case it got mist.

What do you call a rainy day in Spain?

Why did the umbrella break up with the raincoat?
It thought the raincoat was too clingy.

What do you call it when it’s raining chickens and ducks?
Foul weather!

How do you describe a rainstorm that just won’t quit?
It’s a “rainy day-saster”!

Why don’t vampires like rain?
It dampens their spirits.

How do you make a tissue dance in the rain?
Put a little boogie in it!

What do you call a frog that likes to be out in the rain?
A hoppy camper!

Why did the cloud break up with the rain?
It found someone with better flow.

What do you call a rainstorm with bad manners?
A pour sport!

Why did the raindrop want to be friends with the snowflake?
Because they both had a unique perspective!

What falls but never gets hurt?

Why did the raindrop wear sunglasses?
To keep the light showers out of its eyes.

What do you call a raindrop with a drum?
A thundershower!

How does a raindrop make a decision?
It goes with the flow.

Why do bees stay in their hives during rainstorms?
They don’t want to be drizzled on!

What did one raindrop say to the other during a storm?
Let’s make it rain!

Why did the raindrop want to play in the band?
Because it had perfect pitch!

What do you get when you cross a snowman and a rainstorm?
Wet feet!

How do you start a lightning party?
You just need a few good sparks!

What do you call a rainy day that follows two sunny days?

Why did the umbrella win the race?
Because it was a fast op-poncho!

Funny Rain Jokes

Looking for a good chuckle on a rainy day? These funny rain jokes will have you laughing so hard that you’ll forget about the gloomy weather outside.

Why did the scarecrow stay inside during the rainstorm?
Because it didn’t want to be “out-standing” in its field!

What do you call two birds in the rain?

What falls in winter but never gets hurt?

Why did the raindrop win the race?
Because it was always making great strides!

How do raindrops greet each other?
With a high “humidity”!

What did one raindrop say to the other?
I’m falling for you!

What did the rain say to the ground?
Nice to make your acquaintance, I’ll be dropping in often!

How does a raindrop get around town?
By taking the “h2o-bus”!

Why did the raincloud break up with the thundercloud?
They had too many stormy arguments!

How do you catch a squirrel in the rain?
Climb a tree and act like a nut!

Why do cows love rainy days?
They get to mooo-ve inside!

How does the rain apologize for ruining your plans?
It offers a “down-pour” of apologies!

Why did the raincloud go to therapy?
It had a lot of clouded thoughts!

How does a raindrop ask for a favor?
It says, “Can you lend me a hand, or at least an umbrella?”

How do you spot a raindrop in a crowd?
It’s the one that always makes a splash!

Why did the weather forecaster bring a ladder to work?
To reach the high pressure!

How do you organize a rain party?
You “cloud” together some friends and make it rain with fun!

Why don’t raindrops make good comedians?
Because their jokes can be a bit “punny”!

What do you call a rainstorm with potatoes?
A mashed downpour!

Why do weather forecasters never get invited to parties?
They always bring the rain!

How does rain come up with ideas?
It brainstorms!

What do you call a raindrop that’s always on time?
Punctual precipitation!

Why did the rain go to art school?
It wanted to learn about the fluid arts!

How do raindrops communicate with each other?
Through cloud-based messaging!

What do you call a rainy day in the jungle?
Wet and wild!

How does rain flirt?
It makes dewy eyes!

Why did the raincloud start a band?
Because it had some really good drips and beats!

Hilarious Rain Jokes

Prepare yourself for a downpour of laughter with these hilarious rain jokes. These jokes are guaranteed to leave you drenched in giggles and brighten even the dreariest of days.

Why did the raindrop want to be friends with the lightning bolt?
Because it thought they had a striking connection!

How do you find out if it’s raining cats and dogs?
Step in a poodle!

Why did the rain go to therapy?
It had a lot of clouded emotions!

What did the umbrella say to the raincoat?
You’ve got me covered!

How does a weather vane greet the wind?
It says, “I’m always pointing in the right direction!”

Why did the cloud break up with the rain?
It thought the rain was too clingy!

What do you call a snowman with an umbrella?
Completely snowed under!

What’s the rain’s favorite type of music?
Heavy downpour!

How does rain pay for things?
With liquid assets!

Why did the raincloud become a stand-up comedian?
Because it had everyone in stitches!

How does a raindrop call home?
With a cell phone!

Why don’t vampires like the rain?
It washes all the bite away!

How do raindrops get around town?
In the back of a puddle taxi!

What did the umbrella say to the raindrop?
You’re really droppin’ in!

How does rain dance?
It just wiggles its way through the clouds!

What did the rain say to the roof?
Hold onto your shingles, it’s gonna be a wild ride!

Why did the raincoat start a band?
It wanted to make some “wet and wild” music!

Why did the raindrop bring a map?
It wanted to go with the flow!

What do you call a cloud with an attitude?
A thundercloud!

Why did the raincloud take up yoga?
To find its inner calm and be more zen!

How does the rain take its coffee?
Light and sprinkly!

What did the raindrop say when it fell off the roof?
I’ve fallen and I can’t get dry!

Why was the math book sad during the rainstorm?
It had too many problems!

Knock Knock Rain Jokes

Knock, knock! Who’s there? Rain! Rain who? Rain or shine, these knock-knock rain jokes will have you laughing nonstop.

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Rain who?
Rain or shine, I’m here to make you laugh!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Cloud who?
Cloud you believe it’s raining again?

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Storm who?
Storm’s brewing, better grab an umbrella!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Raindrop who?
Raindrop everything and listen to these jokes!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Thunder who?
Thunder-struck by these jokes, aren’t you?

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Wet who?
Wet your appetite for more rain jokes!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Wind who?
Wind, rain, or shine, I’m always here with a joke!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Precipitation who?
Precipitation, it’s raining jokes in here!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Raincoat who?
Raincoat, you need one in this weather!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Shower who?
Shower you with laughter and rain jokes!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Puddle who?
Puddle up and listen to this funny rain joke!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Rainy who?
Rainy days call for funny jokes!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Cloudy who?
Cloudy with a chance of laughter!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Damp who?
Damp weather, but not a dampened spirit for jokes!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Monsoon who?
Monsoon jokes are pouring in!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Umbrella who?
Umbrella-la-la, here’s another rain joke!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Raindrop who?
Raindrop by to deliver some jokes!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Weather who?
Weather you like it or not, here’s a rain joke for you!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Thunderstorm who?
Thunderstorm is brewing, time for some funny rain jokes!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Pitter who?
Pitter-patter, let’s hear some rain jokes!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Wet socks.
Wet socks who?
Wet socks, but these jokes will dry your tears of laughter!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Rainy night.
Rainy night who?
Rainy night, perfect for some rain jokes!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Foggy who?
Foggy weather calls for foggy jokes!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Rain boots.
Rain boots who?
Rain boots, ready to splash into some jokes!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Hail who?
Hail, it’s time for some rain joke fun!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Water who?
Water you waiting for? More rain jokes, of course!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Drizzle who?
Drizzle, here’s another rain joke for you!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Rainy day.
Rainy day who?
Rainy day, the perfect time for jokes!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Rain boots.
Rain boots who?
Rain boots, let’s make a splash with more jokes!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Soaked who?
Soaked in laughter from these rain jokes!

Rain Jokes One Liners

Short, snappy, and oh-so-funny, these rain jokes one-liners pack a punch. Get ready for some quick-witted humor that will have you giggling in no time.

I asked the rain if it wanted to go for a run, but it just made a splashy exit.

The rain asked me, “What’s the weather like up there?” I replied, “Wet!”

Rainy days are perfect for cloud storage.

The rain was so heavy that even the weather couldn’t hold it together.

I went for a walk in the rain and came back with a mist-erious feeling.

The rain whispered to me, “You can’t beat me; I’m the reigning champion.”

The rainstorm said, “You can’t stop me; I’m making a splash!”

The rain thought it was a comedian, but it only got a few dry laughs.

Why did the raindrop take up skydiving? It wanted to experience the ultimate free fall.

The raindrop was feeling sad, so I told it to keep its chin up and be a little more positive.

What do you call a frog that loves rain? A precipitation enthusiast.

Rainy days are perfect for reading between the raindrops.

The rain told the cloud, “I don’t mean to rain on your parade, but I’m stealing the show today.”

What’s a raindrop’s favorite musical genre? Drip-hop.

The rain said to the sun, “I don’t mean to throw shade, but you can’t outshine me.”

The raindrop asked the cloud, “Do you think we’ll make a good team? We’re a perfect storm!”

The raindrop had an electrifying personality, it was always ready to make a splash.

Why did the rain go to the bank? It wanted to make a few liquid assets.

The raindrop fell in love with the puddle; they had an instant connection.

What’s a raindrop’s favorite type of music? Heavy metal.

The raindrop said, “I’m not just any drop; I’m a precipitation of perfection!”

Short Rain Jokes

Looking for a quick dose of humor to brighten your day? These short rain jokes are perfect for a moment of laughter in between raindrops.

Why did the raindrop bring a towel?
It wanted to dry off after making a splash.

What did the rain say to the ground?
I’ll fall for you!

How does a rainstorm flirt?
It makes lightning-quick moves.

What’s a raindrop’s favorite sport?

Why did the umbrella bring a map?
It wanted to find a sheltered place.

Why did the raincloud become a detective?
It loved solving mist-eries.

How do raindrops communicate?
They make small talk.

What do raindrops wear on their feet?
Wet socks!

How does a raindrop clean itself?
It takes a little mist bath.

How does a raindrop greet its friends?
With a high-five!

Why did the raindrop go to therapy?
It had issues with condensation.

How do raindrops invite each other to a party?
They send evap-orations.

What do you call a raindrop with a big ego?
A little precipitation!

Why did the rain go to school?
To get a little more depth.

What’s a raindrop’s favorite type of exercise?
Liquid aerobics.

Why did the raindrop start a band?
It had a great sense of rhythm.

How does a raindrop stay fit?
It does waterobics.

What’s a raindrop’s favorite pastime?
Watching “Dancing with the Stars.”

Why did the rain take up painting?
It wanted to create masterpieces with watercolors.

How do raindrops perform on stage?
They make a splashy entrance!

What do you call a group of raindrops playing music?
A symphony of precipitation.

Why did the raindrop win an award?
It was a real standout in the water world.

How do raindrops stay dry?
They use umbrellas.

Dirty Rain Jokes

These jokes about rain might make you wet your pants from laughing too hard! Get ready to hold onto your knickers for some mildly mischievous humor that will definitely give your funny bone a good tickle.

Why are Native Americans the most successfull strippers?
Because when they dance, they make it rain.

It’s raining and my gf has been staring at the window for about an hour..
I should probably let her in.

Just asked Siri.
“Surely it’s not going to rain today?”
She said “it will, and don’t call me Shirley”
…Forgot to take my phone off Airplane mode.

Just read that by law you have to turn your headlights on when it’s raining in Sweden
How the fuck am I meant to know when it’s raining in Sweden?

They say “it’s raining cats and dogs”…
But I still can never seem to get myself any pussies or bitches

I tried to kill a spider by spraying it with a whole can of White Rain hair spray
But that didn’t work, now it’s wearing blue eye shadow and chain smoking Virginia Slims.

I asked my wife “If I was an inanimate object, what would I be?”
She said “a window”

I thought about it for a minute and then said “Is that because I’m transparent, I let the sunshine into your life and shield you from the rain?”

She looked up slowly, smiled and said “No it’s because you’re a fucking pane”

Cotton Farmer: Finally, some rain
**Cotton Candy Farmer:** *[running toward his fields]* oh shit oh fuck no no no no no

Rain Jokes for Adults

Ready for some rainy-day humor that’s tailored for adults? These rain jokes will have the grown-ups in stitches and prove that rainy weather can be hilarious for everyone.

Why did the rainstorm go to therapy?
It had a lot of unresolved issues with thunder.

What’s the difference between rain and marriage?
When it rains, you get wet. When you get married, you get half your stuff wet.

Why did the raindrop go to the bar?
It wanted to drown its sorrows.

How do rain clouds communicate?
They use weather apps called “Snapcloud” and “Insta-storm.”

Why was the weather report so risqué?
It was predicting a 100% chance of “hot and steamy” in the afternoon.

Why did the raincloud break up with the sunshine?
It found out the sunshine was having an affair with a rainbow.

What’s a raindrop’s favorite pick-up line?
Hey there, baby, I heard you’re looking for some liquid love.

How do raindrops flirt?
They make it rain compliments.

Why did the raincloud start a band?
It wanted to make some “moist” music.

What’s a rainstorm’s favorite kind of music?
Heavy precipitation.

Why did the raincoat go to therapy?
It had an identity crisis and wanted to explore its true purpose in life.

How does the rain apologize to the sunshine?
It showers it with compliments.

What’s a raindrop’s favorite way to get around town?
In a “drizzle” ride-share.

What do you call a rainy day in the tropics?
A moist-see vacation.

Why did the rain go on a diet?
It wanted to make sure it was in “liquid” shape for the beach.

What did the rain say to the thunder during an argument?
Stop trying to steal my thunder!

Why did the raincloud get kicked out of the party?
It had a habit of “making it rain” on everyone.

What do raindrops do when they want to have a good time?
They “cloud” around and let loose.

Why was the raindrop a hit at the comedy club?
It had everyone in stitches, creating the perfect “wet” atmosphere.

How do raindrops make decisions?
They go with the “flow.”

Why did the raincloud start a fight with the wind?
It didn’t appreciate being blown off.

How did the rain propose to the sunshine?
It said, “Will you rain with me for the rest of our cloud-covered days?”

What’s a rainstorm’s favorite dance move?
The “drip and drop.”

What’s a raindrop’s favorite game to play?
Droplet Poker” with the other raindrops

Why did the raincloud join a support group?
It needed help overcoming its fear of dry spells.

Rain Jokes for Kids

Kids love a good joke, especially when it’s about rain. These rain jokes for kids are clean, fun, and perfect for brightening up a rainy day with laughter.

Why did the raindrop go to school?
To get a little “wet-ucation”!

What did one raindrop say to the other?
Let’s make a big splash together!

How does a raindrop lose weight?
By “exercising” its evaporation skills!

Why did the girl bring a ladder to the rainstorm?
She wanted to climb up and touch the clouds!

How do rainbows greet each other?
With a “Hi-DRO-licious!”

Why did the raindrop bring a friend to the party?
It didn’t want to make a splash alone!

What do raindrops wear to sleep?
Their “night-caps”!

Why did the rain take a bath?
Because it wanted to “cleanse” itself!

How does rain order food?
By asking for a “downpour” of flavors!

What’s a raindrop’s favorite exercise?
The “puddle jump”!

Why did the raindrop bring an umbrella to the concert?
It wanted to “rock” out without getting wet!

How does a raindrop feel after a long day?

What did the raindrop say when it was caught in a storm?
Oh, sheet!

What do raindrops do on their vacation?
They go “water-skiing”!

Why did the raindrop bring a ladder to the art gallery?
It wanted to see the “high art”!

How does a raindrop send a letter?
It “dew” it by express mail!

What do raindrops like to do on weekends?
They go “cloud-spotting”!

Why did the raindrop take the day off?
It was feeling a little “under the weather”!

How does a raindrop do its hair?
With a “shower cap”!

What did one raindrop say to the other during a race?
Water you waiting for? Let’s go!

Why did the raindrop bring sunglasses to the party?
It wanted to make a “sun-ning” impression!

How do raindrops apologize?
They say, “I’m sorry for making you wet!”

Why did the raincloud go to the bank?
It wanted to make a “rain-deposit”!

How do raindrops greet each other?
With a “drip and smile”!

Why did the raindrop bring an umbrella to the zoo?
It wanted to “shelter” itself from the animals!

What do raindrops use to dry off?
“Towels” made of sunshine!

Why did the raindrop bring an umbrella to the library?
It wanted to catch up on some “read-ing”!

What do raindrops eat for breakfast?
“Rain-ola” cereal!

Rain Jokes and Puns

Get ready for a pun-tastic downpour of rain jokes and puns. From clever wordplay to playful humor, these jokes will have you rolling with laughter, rain or shine.

Why did the raindrop bring a towel?
Because it wanted to have a dry sense of humor!

What do you call two raindrops that fall in love?
A drizzle of romance!

Why did the raindrop bring an umbrella to the party?
It didn’t want to dampen the mood!

What’s a raindrop’s favorite game?
Puddle jump!

How do raindrops dry themselves?
With “towel-eration”!

What did the umbrella say to the rain?
You can’t rain on my parade!

What do you call a cloud that likes to tease the rain?
A “misto”!

Why do raindrops never feel lonely?
Because they always fall in a crowd!

What do you call a raindrop that doesn’t want to be a raindrop anymore?
A mist-fit!

Why did the raindrop bring an extra pair of pants?
In case it got wet behind the ears!

How does a rainstorm apologize?
It says, “Sorry for the rain inconvenience!”

How does the rain say hello to the ground?
It gives a wet handshake!

Why did the raindrop always bring a towel to school?
It was a class act!

What do you call a wet dog on a rainy day?
A soggy retriever!

Why was the raindrop a good listener?
Because it always paid attention to the waterworks!

How do raindrops get around town?
By “drizzle-sharing”!

What’s a cloud’s favorite dessert?
Thunder pudding!

Why did the raincoat go to the doctor?
It had a case of the “drips”!

What did the raindrop say to the plant?
I’m falling for you, bud!

Why did the cloud become an artist?
It wanted to paint with all the colors of the rainbow!

How does rain cut its hair?
It makes it drizzle!

What do you call a storm that just got promoted?
A high-pressure system!

Final Thoughts

Well, well, well, look at that! A bunch of hilarious rain jokes to make you chuckle and forget about your soggy socks.

Whether you’re into quick quips, doorbell dingers, wordplay, or humor for tiny or big humans, we’ve got you covered like a blanket on a cold night.

We hope these jokes made you smile and brightened your day, even if your neighbor’s dog won’t stop barking and your plants are wilting faster than your dreams.

Hey, did you hear about the rain? It’s the perfect excuse to laugh your heart out!

After all, who needs medicine when you can just laugh your way through the downpour?

If you have any jokes about rain that can make a plant laugh or if these jokes made you feel like dancing in the rain, please drop them in the comments section.

May your laughter be contagious and your clothes waterproof!

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