
155 Hilarious Game Jokes Only Gamers Will Understand

We bet that all the gamer dads out there are going to fall in love with our game jokes. 

Nowadays, due to hectic life routines, the dads are out of their gaming practice and we know that every one of us has been a gaming maniac at one stage in our life. 

Therefore, it is best to spend your time cracking some heartfelt gaming jokes that have your kids bursting out with laughter. 

So, how about that we entertain you with some jokes about games that will not only lead you down your memory lane but also make you relive the best moments of your life. 

So, join us in this super fun trip of game jokes that will rock your and your family’s world with laughter. 

We have compiled some of the world’s most famous jokes that will have you laughing to tears by just reading them. So, let’s get to it.

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Best Game Jokes

Hey, gamers out there, you must have been tired of sitting in front of the gaming console for a long time and now you want to relax a bit. The most effective way to relax is by going through our bunch of highly giggly best game jokes.

What do people and video games have in common?
Everyone always argues over which generation was the best.

What video game system do police officers play in their cars?
Wii U, Wii U, Wii U…

Video games never made me angry or want to hurt people.
Working in customer service already did that.

My roommate was playing a video game last night and smashed his keyboard when he died.
He definitely lost “control.”

What did the gaming reporter say about the new Minecraft updates?
“They’re groundbreaking!”

And what did the movie critic say about the Minecraft movie?
“It’s a block buster.”

Gamers don’t take hot showers…
They take steamy ones.

Why can’t PC gamers use Uber?
Too many incompatible drivers.

Why does Donkey Kong wear a tie?
He’s got monkey business to do later.

My girl and I were in love, but we just couldn’t be together.
We weren’t on the same level.

What does the gamer use to make bread?

Why is French Mario so good at predicting the future?
He uses his L’ouija board.

I hate how people react when they play games and get told they “can’t go any further.”
It’s like they think it’s the end of the world.

Did you know that, in most video games, it’s better to lose your health during the summer and winter seasons?
That way you don’t have to worry about fall damage.

My girlfriend told me our relationship was over because I was spending too much time playing games.
I think it may have been my Destiny 2 breakup with her.

Why did the gamer play so many video games after his breakup?
He needed to console himself.

Why can’t you blindfold a Pokemon?
It’ll Pikachu.

Funny Game Jokes

It’s the best deal for any gamer dad to introduce their kids to the gaming world. The best way is to do this by cracking some of our funny game jokes with your kids to boost their interest. So, let’s start. 

Why are garbage men the best gaming teammates?
They’re used to carrying trash.

What is the favorite gaming console of the French?

The PC gamer was denied entry to a night club. It was exclusive.

My gamer friend baked me a loaf of bread the other day, and it tasted a bit weird. I asked what he’s used, and he told me it was Nintendough.

I wanted to make a Nintendo joke, but it was Wii too hard for Mii to think of one.

I broke up with my console. Now it’s my ex-box. It wasn’t anything personal, I just felt like it was time for a switch.

I like to play Playstation after I have a fight with my brother. It helps to console me.

I asked a French man if he played video games. He said Wii.

I can’t be bothered completing Sega games backwards. It takes Ages.

If I don’t play games for a week, I start to become really upset. I need to console myself.

My friend tried to make a new online platform to meet new gamer friends, but he didn’t know what he was doing. It was a sorry site.

Pirate gamers love to play games in ArrRGB.

My gamer boyfriend broke up with me, and I was really gutted. He told me I just didn’t meet his Xboxtations.

PC gamers can’t use Uber. There are too many incompatible drivers.

Mike Tyson hates people who play Playstation. It’s may be because he’s an Xboxer.

I walked in on my Xbox crying the other day. I didn’t know what to do, but I tried to console it.

The console gamer got a terrible headache when he went to the art museum. There were too many frames.

I’m thinking about making an app that suddenly closes whatever you’re playing and opens up a completely different one. I think it’s going to be a game changer.

What did Mario say when he broke up with Princess Peach?
“It’s not you; it’s a me, Mario!”

I broke up with my old console.
Nothing was wrong with my Xbox, but it was time for a Switch.

What do gamers and musicians have in common?
Their fans are super noisy.

Video games are great — they let you try your craziest fantasies.
For example, on The Sims, you can have a job and a house.

My life was ruined by my obsession with video games.
Fortunately, I had another two lives.

Why doesn’t Mario like to use the internet?
He’s afraid of the Browsers.

How do you know when a party is for a gamer?
There are tons of streamers.

Hilarious Game Jokes

If you are watching a game with your friends then it is best to hit some hilarious game jokes every now and then to keep the atmosphere lively. We have a compilation of outstanding jokes that will make your day.

I know a friend who keeps stealing board games…
He’s such a risk taker.

What was 2020’s most popular board game?

If Reddit was a video game, it’d be really broken and unbalanced
Because everyone would be OP

What’s does a penis and a video game have in common?
The more you play with it, the harder it gets.

What’s Bernie Sanders’ favorite video game?
Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

What is the favorite video game console of the french?
It’s the “oui” (wii)

Yesterday, I robbed the oversized board game store.
It was a huge Risk that I was willing to take.

What’s a furry’s favourite board game?
Trivial Fursuit.

What are the main differences between weed, alcohol, pizza, vagina, an inexpensive car, candy, porn, video games, pointless arguments on the internet and a healthy workout routine?
Well it’s simple really. People that browse r/jokes can acquire weed, alcohol, pizza, an inexpensive car, candy, video games, and pointless arguments on the internet !

I found out my wife has been playing board games with another man.
Turns out she’s monopolyamorous.

The police told me they’d throw me in jail the next time they caught me stealing board games
But that’s a Risk I’m willing to take.

What is Canada’s national board game?

TIL the movie Starship Troopers was never adapted into a successful video game because…

Hey, have you heard of the person who got dumped over playing too much video games?
That’s such a trivial thing to Fallout 4.

I took my friend’s board game without him noticing.
He doesn’t have a Clue.

Video Game Jokes

Video games have never been out of fashion, and so is the case with the joke telling. Let’s get together both and sit back and enjoys some nerve-racking video game jokes that we have here for you. 

I broke up with my video game console, now it’s my ex-box
Nothing personal, it was just time for a switch

I’m working on a video game where you go back in time and kill Adam and Eve
it’s going to be the first ever First Person Shooter.

Asked my French friend if he played any video games
He said “wii”

What’s prince zukos favorite video game?

Why is great to have garbage men as my video game teammates?
They are used to carrying trash.

I’m planning on making an application that randomly closes the video game you are playing and opens a different one…
It’s going to be a game changer….

My friend can’t decide what video game system to get for Christmas …
… Nobody can console him.

I tried to teach my pet dog how to play video games…
But his pause kept stopping him.

Do you ever play the game Minecraft?
I heard people who play Minecraft can’t think outside the box.

I recently broke up with my video game console…
Now it’s my ex-box.

It was nothing personal, it was just time for a Switch.

My friend asked me why my cats are so good at video games?
So I told him it’s because they have nine lives!

Is your Nintendo Wii U running fast? Yes?
Well, you better go and catch it!.

I so upset when I accidentally bought a broken Nintendo console…
So I had to get a Wiifund.

Game Jokes One Liners

If you are getting bored and have nothing to do then let’s have a quick round of laughs around the house. You can easily do it with help of our list of gaming jokes and one-liners that will prove a hit. 

Pokemon love reading.
Their favourite book is “The Great Ghastly.”

I told a Pokemon some of my favourite gamer jokes, but he didn’t like them.
He said he was unaMewsed.

I tried to go left when I was playing Super Mario.
It was wrong on every level.

I saw a poster for Donkey Kong the other day which made no sense.
For real, I DK what it meant.

Wouldn’t it be so nice if Sonic added an E to the end of his name?

I tried to get some Pikachus to get on a bus the other day.
It was tough, in the end I had to poke em on.

Playing Tetris has taught me an extremely valuable life lesson.
If you fit in, you’re going to disappear.

Does anyone know what happened to the Tetris movie?
Every piece was in place but it just disappeared.

Donkey Kong always wears a tie because he has important monkey business he needs to attend to.

Did you know that William Shakespeare was the first ever gamer?
He owned a Midsommer Night’s Dreamcast.

A greedy person’s favourite video game is Space Invaders.

Mario has a rule that he never looks things up online.
He’s scared of Browsers.

French Mario is good at telling fortunes.
He uses his L’ouija board to see the future.

I’d definitely recommend for any gamer to pre-book tickets for the new Sonic movie that’s coming out.
Tickets are going fast.

Mario broke up with Peach.
He told her, “It’s not you, it’s a me, Mario!”

Try as hard as you can, but I promise, you just can’t blindfold a Pokemon.
It’s always going to Pikachu.

I asked a Nintendo fan to help me change a light bulb.
He wasn’t very helpful, he just kept playing with the switch.

Clean Game Jokes

Gamer dads when beginning a family, it usually becomes difficult for them to keep up their gaming pursuits. So, let us entertain you with some of our clean game jokes that will make you nostalgic. 

I knew a guy who was a terrible gamer.
His name was Ezekiel.

My roommate was playing a video game last night and when he died he completely smashed his keyboard…
yeah, he definitely lost Control.

I think video games like Call of Duty set a terrible example for children.
There’s no lag when you shoot someone in real life.

What is Donald Trump’s favorite video game?
*Papers, Please*

If your mother was a video game she would be rated E
Because she has a great personality and I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to be friends with her.

I met my gamer boyfriend while we were playing online.
It was love at first site.

A botanist was playing Minecraft, and had to become a math teacher.
He needed to calculate the cubic root.

I tried to go to a bar in Minecraft.
The bartender wouldn’t let me order a drink, he said they don’t serve miners.

Once you play online for over 10 hours, you are taken to a webpage of video game puns.
It’s a site for sore eyes.

Knock Knock Game Jokes

Playing games is a very interesting hobby but if you team it up with some knock-knock jokes for games then it will be an even more thrilling experience. So let’s begin with our collection of game jokes.

Knock Knock
Who’s There?
Wii who?
It’s time for a wii-match.

Knock Knock
Who’s There?
Pikachu who?
Just let me take a pick at chu.

Knock Knock
Who’s There?
Tekken who?
Tell me why are you taking forever to answer the door.

Game Jokes for Adults

All the gaming adults out there can relate to the idea of telling jokes about their favourite pass time. Hence, believing so, we have also come up with some game jokes for adults that will have you rolling on the floor with laughter.

I always use incognito mode when looking at porn and video game walkthroughs.
I don’t want my wife to think I’m a cheater.

Ever heard about the guy who had a fetish for broken buttons on video game controllers?
He got off to a bad start.

What does a communist say after they rage quit a video game?
I don’t know either, but they’ll probably be uninStalin the game.

Caught a young boy stealing a video game from a video shop.
I said, “Little fella, if I was your dad, I wouldn’t be best pleased.”
“Why’s that, fuck face? Never witnessed a crime before?” he blurted out, surprisingly.
I said, “It’s not that. You’re just not very handsome.”

Video games are cool because they let you experience fantasies.
For example, in the Sims, you have a job and a house

If you had to give up video games or blow jobs for the rest of your life what would you choose?
Yea guys I’d pick blow jobs too, they hurt my jaw

Death Stranding is not a video game…
it’s a Hideo game

I hate when people blame video games for mass shooting
Like what am I gonna do shoot up the school with a copy of doom

Why did the pirate not like the old video game with a liberal-leaning political message?
It was hard to port

One day TV is broadcasting about a gun shot in campus and the experts analyze that it is linked to the murder’s massive time in playing violence video game.
Mum: No sense, my son is always playing dating sims and he still unable to find a girlfriend.

Grandpa tells his grandson, “All you kids do these days is play video games.”
“When I was your age”, he continued, “my buddies and I went to Paris; we went to the Moulin Rouge and I fucked a dancer on stage, we didn’t pay for our drinks all night and when the bartender complained we pissed on him”
The grandson thinks his grandfather is right. He goes to Paris and the Moulin Rouge with his friends. He comes back three days later with a broken arm and covered in bruises.
The grandfather asks “What the hell happened to you?”
The grandson says “I did just like you did. I went to the Moulin Rouge with my friends; I tried to fuck a dancer on stage and piss on the bartender – but they beat the shit out of me and stole all the cash in my wallet!”
The grandfather asks “Well who the hell did you go with boy?”
The grandson says “My friends from school, who did you go with?”
The grandfather says “Well… the 2nd SS Panzer Division”

What is Will Smith’s favorite mobile video game?
Slap Kings.

What video game would Adolf Hitler play?
Mein Kraft.

What do people and video game consoles have in common?
No one can agree on which generation is the best.

Car rides and plane rides are just like video game loading screens if you think about it.
Most of the time they both take way too long.

Sex is like a video game for me.
I usually just watch gameplay footage of it but never actually play it myself.

If life was a video game…
…Id return it right away

There’s no way video games cause violence.
If they did, school shootings would involve a LOT more tea bagging.

I like my sex life like how I like my video games
Single player.

If a male video game character squats on a downed opponent it’s called “Tea Bagging” when a female character does it it’s called…
“Clam Dipping”

What is Alabama’s most popular video game?
Super Smash Brothers.

Do you hear about the man who died playing an erotic video game?
He had his final fantasy.

If Beyblade’s were a video game the final boss would be
A garbage disposal.

What is a video game art designer’s favorite soft drink?

I Tried to walk out of my job at the Video game company
But in the end I couldn’t get past the boss.

What kind of video games do dogs like?
Anyone with a fetch quest.

Me and my girlfriend split up because she said I thought about video games too much.
It’s such a stupid thing to Fallout 4.

Game Jokes for Kids

Apart from adults, the kids also love playing games of different kinds according to their ages. Therefore, let’s hit on some ground-shaking laughter through these game jokes for kids. 

I hate when people react when they play games and get told they “can’t go any further.” Seriously, it’s like they think it’s the end of the world.

What do online video games and sonnets have in common?
Both end in a GG.

Playing a childhood video game to relive old memories is like hooking up with your EX…
Seems fun at first, but then you remember why you stopped in the first place.

My girlfriend texted me that the relationship cannot continue because I played too much video games.
Looks like it was my Destiny 2 break up with her.

What’s a pirates favorite video game?
No it’s not 2004 and I’ll see myself out.

Heard that Backstreet Boys is getting a video game for them on the PC.
Definitely not going to be released on Xbox and PlayStation though as it is inconsolable.

TIL that in most video games it’s better to lose your health during the summer and winter seasons
Because that way you don’t have to worry about Fall damage

A video game character walks into a health bar…
… and he remarks “that’s the fourth wall I’ve walked into today!”

I played a cool video game with some really hammered dudes,
We were Super Smashed Bros.

Did you hear about the new Christian online video game?
It’s pretty good, but it’s pray2win.

I just got my best score on the new Indian video game “Sitar Hero 3”!!!
I got five stars on “Curry on My Wayward Son”

Gamers and famous musicians have one complaint in common. The fans are way too noisy.

Me and my boyfriend were completely in love, but we just couldn’t be together. We were not on the same level.

Garbage men are the best team mates. They’re used to carrying trash.

I knew a pro gamer who started testing politics simulator games. He was a pro-tester.

I absolutely love the new update on Minecraft. It’s groundbreaking.

Gamers only like one type of fish – Cod.

I didn’t want to play with my friend on Minecraft, so I blocked him.

I started making fun of the official Minecraft twitter account last week. I was gutted when they blocked me.

My best friend fell out with me for talking about games too much. I personally think that was a silly thing to Fallout 4.

Game Jokes and Puns

We all know that the kids are extremely loyal to their games and take them very seriously. So let’s give our kids some good laugh through these game jokes and puns so that they relax a bit.

My gamer friend was eating pasta while he was playing.
He shouted, “Spaghottem boys!”

My mom asked a man if playing video games caused real life health effects.
He said yes, and she asked how he knew. He told her he had a hunch.

You can always find out when a party is for a gamer by the number of streamers.

I went to see the Minecraft movie.
It was a total block buster.

Gamers only like one type of fish – Cod.

I didn’t want to play with my friend on Minecraft, so I blocked him.

Gamers don’t take hot showers.
They like to take steamy ones.

Final Thoughts on Game Jokes

If you think you are losing a game continuously then it’s high time to grab some game jokes and relax yourself a bit. The gaming world has evolved and developed over the years and so has the sense of the players. 

Now the players take it to another level of competition and challenges that adds to the anxiety of the players. 

Don’t worry pals! We have your back. We are here to hand you over a power bank of jokes about games. You and your friends are actually going to be rolling over with laughter! These game jokes are specially selected and made suitable for each audience.

Just take a little break from your gaming pads and dive into the world of unlimited game jokes that will rock your world with uncontrollable laughs. 

It will also refresh your state of mind and buck you up for winning the next level easily. So, don’t wait, just start reading.

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