162 Hilarious Banana Jokes to Get you Laughing Out Loud

Banana jokes are as lovely and delightful as they are. Bananas are perhaps the funniest fruit, therefore it’s not surprising that there are so many puns, jokes, and one-liners with bananas to make you laugh out loud.
Is there a fruit more tempting than a banana? There’s simply something so joyful about that brilliant yellow skin, even if we don’t eat it!
Maybe it develops in the form of a grin because of that? Nature undoubtedly had a plan when it made the banana seem so incredibly delicious. Because of their high potassium content, bananas are the ideal snack or supplement for breakfast.
However, Bananas are also a little funny, right? the title. the form. the resemblance to monkeys It’s all very cheerful. The jokes about bananas, though, are much funnier.
We selected a ton of funny banana jokes exclusively for you. Eat them up down here!
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Table of Contents
Best Banana Jokes
One of the best banana jokes for your entertainment might be “What do you name a bunch of bananas that hang out with monkeys? A group of fools.” Like this one? We got some more for you!
Why did the banana go out with the prune?
Because he couldn’t find a date.
Why did the banana have to go to the hair salon?
Because she had split ends.
What is the easiest way to make a banana split?
Cut it in half.
What’s the best thing to put in a banana cream pie?
Your teeth!
Why did the banana go to the doctor?
Because he wasn’t peeling well.
If a crocodile makes shoes, what does a banana make?
What do you call a charismatic banana?
A banana smoothie!
What do you call solid gold bananas?
A bunch of money.
A little girl said: “I know how to spell ‘banana’…”
“… I just don’t know when to stop.”
“I am going bananas!”
That’s what I say to my bananas before I leave the house.
You need to be extra nice to bananas, you know why?
You don’t want to hurt their peelings.
Why was the banana so upset?
Someone mistook him for a plantain!
What was Beethoven’s favorite fruit?
Why didn’t the banana student go to school?
He told his parents that he wasn’t peeling well.
Funny Banana Jokes
There are a lot of funny banana jokes to make you laugh. One of the best is, that I discovered today that compared to monkeys, humans consume more bananas. However, I don’t recall the last time I consumed a monkey.
How can you easily spot an optimist?
An older person buying green bananas.
What happens when you tell a banana a really funny joke?
They break out into side-splitting laughter!
Why did the banana fail his driving test?
He kept peeling out.
What do you do when you see a blue banana?
Try to cheer it up.
One man to another: “Excuse me, you have a banana in your ear!”
The other says: “I can’t hear you, I have a banana in my ear!”
Why couldn’t the police catch the banana?
Because he split!
What do you call bananas who are friends with monkeys?
A bunch of idiots.
Time flies like an arrow
Fruit flies like a banana.
Did you know that banana peel is supposed to be put under the controlled substance act?
It can give you bad trips.
What’s yellow and goes 30 miles per hour?
A banana in a washing machine (Ewwwww!)
What is the hippest kind of fruit?
A bae-nae-nae.
Why do monkeys like bananas so much?
Because they are very apeeling.
Why did the man lose his job in a fruit packing firm?
He kept throwing the bent bananas away.
What did the green banana think about the ripe banana?
He was green with envy.
What do you call the period of time between slipping on a banana and landing on your butt?
A bananosecond.
Why didn’t the banana cross the road?
Because he was yellow.
Hilarious Banana Jokes
Have you heard the tale of the prosecutor banana? He was found guilty but erred on the appeal. This is one of the strange and hilarious banana jokes for your entertainment.
Did you hear about the unlucky man who bought some bananas?
They were empty.
What did the orange say to the green banana?
You don’t look like you’re peeling well.
A hot dog and a banana had a race. Who won?
The wiener.
Knock Knock
Who’s there!
Banana! Banana who?
Banana split some ice cream?
Why don’t bananas snore?
Because they don’t want to wake up the rest of the bunch.
Why did the banana farmer lose his job?
Because he kept throwing away the bent bananas.
What is a ghost’s favorite fruit?
A boo-nana.
What is yellow on the inside and green on the outside?
A banana dressed up as a cucumber.
What do bananas wear on their feet?
A pair of slippers.
What did the banana do when he saw a monkey coming?
He split.
What happened to the banana who got a sunburn?
He peeled.
What do you call a banana eating a banana?
How did the Mother Banana spoil the Baby Banana?
She left him out in the sun too long.
Why was the banana so sick he had to go to the hospital?
He had yellow mellow fever.
What do a banana and a helicopter have in common?
Neither of them is a police officer.
Why did the banana get so many Valentine’s Day gifts?
Because it was SO sweet.
What’s worse than a monkey eating bananas?
A monkey going bananas.
Why do bananas use sunblock?
Because otherwise, they’d peel.
Today I learned humans eat more bananas than monkeys.
Weird. I can’t remember ever eating a monkey.
Top Banana Jokes
One of the finest and top banana jokes might be, why do bananas not snore when sleeping? Because they do not want to awaken the remainder of the group.
What do fruit use to buy things?
Banana bread.
What is the key to opening a banana?
A mon-key.
How can you tell the difference between a monster and a banana?
Try picking it up. If you can’t, it’s either a monster or a giant banana.
How does a banana answer the phone?
They’re not going to grow bananas any longer.
Apparently, they’re long enough already.
What happens when two bananas break up?
A banana split.
Where do bananas go shopping for clothes?
Banana Republic.
What is yellow and goes bzzzzzz?
An electric banana.
What is a sheep’s favorite fruit?
A baaaa-nana.
What kinds of jokes do bananas like to tell?
Side-splitting ones.
What did one banana say to the other banana that she just met?
Yellow, nice to meet you.
What is the easiest way to make a banana split?
Show it out the door.
When will the trail mix have enough money to buy a map?
After the banana chips in.
What’s yellow and always points north?
A magnetic banana.
What did the banana say to the monkey?
Nothing, bananas can’t talk!
Why did they cancel the ice cream social?
The banana split with the ice cream.
Why did the kid keep falling off his bike?
It had a banana seat.
Banana Jokes One Liners
Why was the banana admitted to the hospital? Because it was not peeling properly! This fits well into the category of banana jokes one liners for your entertainment.
Friend of mine is in an 80s tribute band who wear yellow metal plates. Banana Armour.
What sort of key opens a banana?
A monkey.
I felt safe when I saw a banana skin on the path the other day. I was wearing a Slipknot tee shirt.
Why are bananas never lonely?
Because they hang around in bunches.
I took a banana to the doctor yesterday. It wasn’t peeling well.
I used to have a banana fancy dress costume, but it split.
A friend keeps having nightmares about half eaten bananas. We suspect it’s a mid-Fyffe crisis.
A friend of mine is so unlucky that the last banana he bought was empty.
What is yellow and writes?
A ball point banana.
Clean Banana Jokes
People are similar to bananas. They will perish if you remove their skin and consume them. This fits well in the category of clean banana jokes.
What’s yellow and used to write letters?
A ball-point banana.
How is a banana peel on the floor like music?
If you don’t C sharp you’ll B flat.
Someone who eats bananas must like them a whole bunch.
What fruit teases you a lot?
A ba-na-na-na-na-na
Where do bananas like to go swimming?
In a cereal bowl.
Where do bananas go to learn?
Sundae school.
In what position was the banana during the Tour de France?
He was riding with the peel-oton.
How do monkeys get downstairs?
They slide down the banana-ster.
Which former politician loves bananas?
Al Gore-illa.
Why couldn’t the banana yell high?
Because it could only yel-low.
What did the apple say to the green banana?
You don’t look like you’re feeling so good.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Orange who?
Want to hear a potassium joke?
What do you call two bananas?
A pair of slippers.
Why was the plantain sent to the principal’s office?
It went bananas during class.
Dirty Banana Jokes
What do you name a banana that attracts all the women? a banana smoothie. This is one of the dirty banana jokes that will make you giggle for your amusement.
What did the banana say to the vibrator?
“What are you shaking for? They’re gonna eat me!”
What do you call an overripe Japanese banana?
Mushy Mushy.
My safe word is banana. After sex I told my wife “orange you glad I didn’t say banana!” She left me, but it was worth it.
She is so horny that when she goes to eat a banana she puts her hair in a ponytail.
Bananas are similar to a lot of old men. They can’t get hard.
I was about to write a joke about shoving a banana up my ass… But it seemed too banal.
A German girl married a Spanish man & went to Spain.
She can’t speak Spanish.
Each time she wants to buy chicken legs, she would lift her skirt& show her thighs to enable the seller understand her. This went on for some time.
One day she wanted to buy banana. So She took her husband to the shop. Because her husband speaks Spanish very well.
A banana and a vibrator are lying on a night stand. Says the banana: why are you shaking? First time, eh?
A girl realized that she had grown hair between her legs. She got worried and asked her mom about that hair.
Her mom calmly said, “That part where the hair has grown is called your monkey. Be proud that your monkey has grown hair.”
The girl smiled. At dinner, she told her sister, “My monkey has grown hair.”
Her sister smiled and said, “That’s nothing; mine is already eating bananas.”
A old nun was telling a new nun what it will be like being a nun in South America.
She was telling her about all the fresh fruit that they have.
Then she said farther down south they have bananas this big |………| The new nun responded Father who?
How do you eat a banana?
Peel back the foreskin.
Banana Jokes for Adults
Why did so many people give the banana Valentine’s Day gifts? Because it tasted so good. This is one of the best banana jokes for adults.
What do you call a banana who’s a great conversationalist?
A banana smoothie.
What genre of books do banana peels prefer to read?
Why can’t bananas stay quiet when they’re in a lot of pain?
They only know how to bellow.
What exercise equipment do bananas use the most?
A peeloton bike.
Why was the banana so popular?
Everyone thought he was really sweet.
What store is always filled with bananas on black Friday?
Banana Republic.
Why was the monkey so happy after he ate the banana?
He was happy that he had a fruitful day.
Why was the banana such a good ballet dancer?
She really knew how to do a good split.
If farmer A sells apples, farmer B sells bananas, what does farmer C sell?
What did the monkey say when his father asked him if he liked eating bananas?
I like them a bunch!
What did the banana quiz contestant say when the presenter asked him if he was sure about one of his answers?
I know I’m right; I can peel it in my soul.
What did a green banana’s father say when he expressed his wish to marry a yellow banana?
You should go for it because she is the ripe one.
What did the ghost call his son when he was dressed up as a banana for Halloween?
What is the chemical formula for a banana?
BaNa 2.
What do you call a banana who can’t decide between coffee or tea?
Banana split.
Why couldn’t the whipped cream find the banana?
Because it split.
Why didn’t the banana cross the road?
It can’t walk — it’s a banana, silly!
What do you call a banana that likes to dance?
A banana shake.
What did the mommy banana say to the baby banana?
“You give me all the peels.”
Banana Jokes for Kids
One of the best banana jokes for kids that would make them enjoy might be “How do monkeys stay safe when they walk down the stairs? They hold on to the banana-ister.”
Why do bananas never get lonely?
Because they hang out in bunches.
What did the banana say to the banana bully?
You hurt my peelings.
Why are Bananas so Popular?
Because they have a Peel for Everyone!
What did the orange say to his colleagues, a group of bananas, when they helped him fix his portfolio?
I really needed this, thanks a bunch!
What does a banana call her grandmother affectionately?
What did the motivating apple say to the banana who was making good life changes?
I’m really proud of you, you’re taking a step in the ripe direction.
What did the banana say to the ice-cream when they were planning on stealing from a pantry?
All the profits will be split equally among us.
What happened when a majority of the fruits on the Banana split committee decided that the Banana was a good mascot for their brand?
They came to a split decision.
What footwear do bananas wear while walking around town?
Why did the banana decide to go to a salon after work?
She had to get her split ends fixed.
What caused the banana to visit the barbershop?
Because the ends were split!
What happened when the banana team won the Fruit Championship?
All the fans went bananas.
What type of shoes do bananas wear?
Why was the banana’s mother upset when he played in the sun?
She thought that he was growing up too fast.
How did the monkey get hurt at school?
He accidentally tripped on the stairs and didn’t catch the banana-ster on time.
What did the thief use to open the banana safe?
He used a mon-key.
Why was the orange jealous of the banana?
He was a part of the popular bunch.
What day of the week do bananas love the most?
What did the banana dessert do when it was caught red-handed stealing from a grocery store?
It split.
Why didn’t the banana CEO listen to anyone else except his board of directors?
He was the top banana.
Why was the banana hospitalized after he went to the doctor?
They realized that he had yellow fever.
What is the first thing that bananas say when they call someone?
Why was everyone so upset with the banana for ruining the party?
He split with the strawberry right in the middle.
Banana Jokes and Puns
On the table are a banana and a vibrator. Banana queries vibrator: “Hey, Sonny, what’s with all the shaking? This is your first time, is it?” This fits well into the genre of banana jokes and puns.
How do you catch King Kong?
Hang upside down and act like a giant banana.
Bananas go out in a yellow submarine.
Beethoven’s favorite fruit is Banana..an.
I peel it in my heart.
Woohoo! This cover creates some peel inside me.
After hearing your joke, I’m peeling better now.
She is the ripe one for you.
You’re ripe; I should go for it.
She is quite peal-ing in front of others.
Bananas don’t snore because they don’t want to disturb another bunch.
What did the banana say to the judge?
“I’m going to win this case on a-peel!”
If a man has six apples in one hand and eight bananas in the other, what has he got?
Massive hands.
How do you spell banana split?
What is the favorite snack of the Super Mario Brothers?
What is it called when someone dressed as a banana eats a banana?
Why didn’t the man like invisible bananas?
He couldn’t see the appeal.
What’s invisible and smells like bananas?
Monkey farts.
What do you get when you cross an elephant with a banana?
|elephant| |banana| sin(θ).
Final Thoughts on Banana Jokes
Bananas are perhaps the funniest fruit, therefore it’s not surprising that there are so many puns, jokes, and one-liners with bananas to make you laugh out loud.
People love bananas because they are tasty and good for you, so they love to make banana jokes to amuse themselves and their loved ones.
Bananas are a great source of fiber and vitamin C. It makes your heart work better and helps your digestive system. Since it makes the heart work better, making banana jokes makes us feel better and happier. Bananas can help you control your blood sugar and keep you in shape.
Eating bananas is just as good for you as laughing at their jokes. Stress leads to sugar, and both laughing at jokes about bananas and eating bananas get rid of the sugar. The average number of calories in a banana is 100, and it is a very filling fruit.
It is also loaded with antioxidants, which help prevent cardiovascular and degenerative disorders. When we make jokes about something we like to eat, our bodies stay healthy, and our minds stay fresh. It improves renal function and minimizes exercise-induced muscular cramps and discomfort.