160 Funny Yo Daddy Jokes That Will Make You Laugh

It takes a certain type of wit to appreciate good, solid yo daddy jokes in 2022. And by “good,” we clearly mean “terrible.” That are ridiculously horrible. People are left scratching their heads because they are so awful.
So awful that if there is some semblance of chuckling, it is the uncomfortable type of giggling. The sort when onlookers are all establishing eye contact and searching for an exit at the same moment.
That’s how you know it’s a very good yo daddy joke. We have some of the greatest yo daddy jokes to share with people who like such unpleasant guilty pleasures in life!
These funny yo daddy jokes might be harsh, mean, disgusting, nasty, foolish, and dark, but they can also be incredibly hilarious, goofy, and entertaining. And one thing is certain: after reading them, you will laugh aloud.
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Table of Contents
Best Yo Daddy Jokes of All Time
If you need to tickle your funny bone, here are some of the best yo daddy jokes of all time that will have you in fits of laughter.
Yo daddy is so weak that ants kick him when he walks by.
Yo daddy is so ghetto, he goes to McDonald’s with my bro Jaquae and pulls out a bunch of coupons that are on the back of the receipts!
Yo daddy is so stank when he walk pass the air freshener it dies.
Yo daddy is so hungry, he looked twice at the dog food.
Yo daddy is so short, they had to make a new measuring unit.
Yo daddy is so ghetto, he uses a fork to eat cereal to save the milk and then drains/filter it to use again!
Yo daddy is so gangsta, the gang Blood broke up and went into hiding.
Yo daddy is so white, people have to wear sunglasses to look at him.
Yo daddy is so black when he went to black friday and he thought everything was free.
Yo daddy is so little, when you went to a restaurant he was asked if he wanted a kid’s menu.
Funny Yo Daddy Jokes
A yo daddy joke is nearly always short and cheesy. Here are some really funny yo daddy jokes to get you going. Have fun.
Yo daddy so black he gets lost in the dark.
Yo daddy is so hair so nappy Moses couldn’t part it.
Yo daddy is so Bald He Looks Like Lady Gaga Body!
Yo daddy is so black! People freak out when the lights go off because he’s no where to be found!
Yo daddy is so small in the downstairs area, if his wife was an ant, she still couldn’t play with that.
Yo daddy is so black, pimples need a flashlight to find their way out!
Yo daddy is so DUMB when your mom suggested doggy style, he went out the back and started to lick his balls!!
Yo daddy is so bald, I used his head to put on makeup.
Yo daddy is so deaf that he heard Justin Bieber singing and asked why a chipmunk keeps talking about love and girls.
Yo daddy is so ashy with his skin that a firefighter ran over to ask if he is okay.
Yo daddy is so dumb he thought a telephone was a phone for the T.V!
Hilarious Yo Daddy Jokes
Everyone enjoys a good chuckle now and again, but when it comes to these hilarious yo daddy jokes that you hear now and then, they can either raise the roof or bring the house down.
Yo daddy so skinny he can hula-hoop through a cheerio!
Yo daddy so dumb he ran into a park car!
Yo daddy so dumb when he jumps the fence the gate was open!
Yo daddy so got damn dumb when somebody told him that it was chilly outside, he came out with a bowl.
Yo daddy’s hair so nappy Moses couldn’t part it.
Yo daddy’s so dumb he went to the bull’s game and said which one am i riding.
Make like your daddy or your baby daddy raising his hand …
and shut Yo mowf
Yo daddy’s teeth are so yellow…
People think he has a bad, BAD aim!
Yo daddy is so hairy that he has afros on his nipples!!
Yo daddy is so dumb, when I rang the doorbell, he went to go check the microwave!
Yo daddy is so Daddy’s di## so small every time yo Mama looks at it, she says, “Damn why me!?”
Mean Yo Daddy Jokes
We have something for everyone, whether you already have a large collection of yo daddy jokes or are seeking for the corniest jokes. With that in mind, let us take a look at some of the mean yo daddy jokes.
Yo daddy dick so small he put it in yo mama, she said is it in yet.
Yo daddy is so cheap! For your birthday he got you something from YOUR closet!
If yo mamma wasn’t so expensive…
… I could’ve been yo daddy.
Yo daddy is so cheap and ghetto he brought a knife from his kitchen to a gun fight!!!
Yo daddy is so CHEAP! Dang it better to count how many of his DVD’s aren’t bootleg! o wait there all bootleg!!!
Dirty Yo Daddy Jokes
But what distinguishes a yo daddy joke from a typical pun? A yo daddy joke is distinguished by the fact that it is completely uncool and dirty. Speaking of which, here are some dirty yo daddy jokes for you.
Yo daddy is so greasy his freckles slipped off.
Yo daddy is so nasty, a skunk smelled his butt and passed out
Yo daddy is so hair is so nappy Moses couldn’t part it
Yo daddy is so dirty that he was banned from a sewage facility because of sanitation worries!
Yo daddy is so nasty! He doesn’t brush his teeth! People gotta be saying” Woo be gone your breathe is too strong! WAIT come back! you need a tic tac! No not one you need a whole ton!”
Yo daddy is so Nasty, He 2O with 7 Kids Oo DIRTY!
Yo daddy is so dirt he got roaches riding around his private part on dirt bikes
Yo daddy is so dirty that you can’t tell where the dirt stops and where it begins.
Yo daddy is so greasy he got a job at the cinema – buttering popcorn with his leg hair…
Yo daddy is so gasy, they thought someone was setting off nuclear bombs.
Yo Daddy Jokes for Adults
Let us now go through some yo daddy jokes for adults. Not only are these jokes certain to lighten up a room, but they’re also guaranteed to make people laugh.
Yo daddy is so bald that I used his head as a mirror!
Yo daddy is so nasty that I when I talked to him on the phone, he gave me an ear infection.
Yo daddy is so bald he took a shower and got brainwashed!
Yo daddy is so smells so that bad he made onion cry!
Yo daddy is so head so big he had to get baptized in the Pacific Ocean.
Yo daddy is so Dumb he got drowned in the bathtub
Yo daddy is so dumb he tried to drown fish
Yo daddy so short he made Kevin Hart look tall!
Yo daddy so short that when he smokes weed, he can’t get high!
Yo daddy dick so lil if your mom was an ant, she still couldn’t play with it.
Yo daddy is so dumb that he brought 10 pounds of cheese to chuckee cheese
Yo daddy is so short that if he did a backflip off the side of the side walk, he could commit suicide
Yo daddy is so lazy he has a remote control for his remote control
Yo daddy is so dumb he sold his car for gas money!
Yo mama so dumb when yo father said let’s hit the Road she actually hit the road.
Yo daddy is so like cement, it takes him two days to get hard!
Yo daddy is so hot, I could grill some chicken on him.
Yo daddy is so wide that you can do cartwheels off his back!
Your dad didn’t marry Yo mom. He was pulled into her orbit.
Yo daddy is so spicy, I could sprinkle him on some steak and eat him up.
Yo Daddy Jokes about Being So Stupid
A corny joke is the best way to relieve stress or establish a relaxed, humorous environment, and these sardonic and hilarious yo daddy so stupid jokes are wonderful icebreakers for people of all ages.
Yo daddy is so stupid that when your mom said it was chilly outside, he ran out the door with a spoon.
Yo daddy is so stupid he brought a SPOON to the SUPERBOWL!
Yo daddy is so stupid that he got locked in a grocery store and starved!
Yo daddy is so stupid I told him if he guess how many dollars are in my pocket I will give him both of them he said three.
Yo daddy is so stupid that when he saw the “Under 17 not admitted” sign at a movie theatre, he went home and got 16 friends.
Yo daddy is so stupid that he sold her car for gas money!
Yo daddy so stupid he ordered a cheeseburger without cheese!
Yo daddy is so stupid, when he was watching the X games he said, “That’s not fair. What about all the other letters? Don’t they get their own game?”
Yo daddy is so stupid that you have to dig for his IQ!
Yo daddy so stupid he got locked in a mattress store and slept on the floor.
Yo daddy is so stupid that his girl asked “tell me something about me baby” and he replied you kiss better then all your friends
Yo daddy is so stupid that he tripped over a cordless phone
Yo daddy so stupid he locked himself in the bathroom and peed himself!
Yo daddy is so stupid that when he read on his job application to not write below the dotted line he put “OK”.
Yo daddy is so stupid that he thinks Fleetwood Mac is a new hamburger at McDonalds!
Yo daddy is so stupid that he told everyone that he was “illegitimate” because he couldn’t read.
Yo daddy so stupid he put two quarters in his ear and thought he was listening to the rapper 50 cent!
Yo daddy is so stupid that I told her I was reading a book by Homer and he asked if I had anything written by Bart.
Yo daddy is so stupid that he tried to commit suicide by jumping out of the basement window.
Yo daddy so stupid he thought that chuck norris was a girl.
Yo daddy is so stupid that I saw him jumping up and down, asked what he was doing, and he said he drank a bottle of medicine and forgot to shake it.
Yo daddy so stupid when he heard he was going to have a baby, he started pushing!
Yo daddy is so stupid that when he locked his keys in the car, it took him all day to get Yo family out.
Yo daddy so stupid when he saw a shooting on television, he called the police!
Yo daddy is so stupid that he went to the store to buy a color TV and asked what colors they had.
Yo daddy is so stupid, when he heard the name Greyson, he said, “Why is their son grey? I guess they couldn’t decide if they wanted him white or black, so they chose in between.”
Yo daddy is so stupid he stuck two batteries up his butt and said energize, Actually do work!
Yo Daddy Jokes about Being So Poor
You feel curiously impelled to say things about another person’s lack of wealth that no mature adult would ever speak aloud. What type of monster would do anything like that? Well, the one who has a good time. Here are some yo daddy so poor jokes for you.
Yo daddy is so poor that he got a shot gun for a horn!
Yo daddy is so poor and desperate, he married a dumpster
Yo daddy is so poor and ghetto that he leaves the tags on his suit to use for the night and then return it tomorrow saying something like “O! It didn’t fit!”
yo daddy so poor that one day i seen him walking down the street with a can and i said what are you doing and he said moving.
Yo daddy so poor he found five cents on the ground and said, “Ooh, it’s my pay check!”
Yo daddy is so POOR instead of drawing a horse he drew a goat on is “polo” shirt this dude wears uspa!
Yo daddy is so poor that your family ate Cornflakes with a fork to save milk!
Yo daddy is so poor he goes to KFC and licks people’s fingers
Yo daddy is so poor, that when I needed a penny at the cash register, I asked him for one, and he said, “You know how hard I worked to find that? You can’t have my life savings!”
Yo daddy is so poor, when I saw him rolling some trash cans around in an alley, I asked him what he was doing, he said “Remodeling.”
Yo daddy is so poor, he watches TV on an Etch-A-Sketch.
Yo daddy is so poor that he got about a million coupons and they expired!
Yo daddy is so Poor he doesn’t wear USPA but wears USGA
Yo daddy is so poor, I lit a match in his house and the roaches started singing “Clap your hands, stomp your feet, praise the Lord ’because we got heat!
Yo Daddy Jokes about Being So Ugly
So, Yo daddy so ugly jokes aren’t only for the world’s outgoing, uncaring folks. Instead, they’re for everyone who appreciates cringe-worthy moments followed by someone in our life pleading with us to stop talking. So have a good time!
Yo daddy is so ugly that when he went to a beautician it took 12 hours… to get a quote!
Yo daddy is so old his memory is in black & white.
Yo daddy so ugly he gives Freddy Krueger nightmares!
Yo daddy so ugly that Sonic runs fast because of him!
Yo daddy is so old his birth certificate says expired on it!!
Yo daddy is so old I found a fossil of his hair when I went to the Death Valley in search of dinosaurs
Yo daddy is so ugly that he looked out the window and got arrested for mooning.
Yo daddy so ugly the goldfish crackers don’t smile back!
Yo daddy is so ugly when your mom kicked him out of the house the police arrested him for littering.
Yo daddy is so old, he has to stick his di## in the freezer to get hard!
Yo daddy so ugly when he uploaded his picture to Facebook, he broke it!
Yo daddy is so old that he knew Cap’n Crunch while he was still a private.
Yo daddy is so old that he called the cops when David and Goliath started to fight.
Yo daddy is so old that he knew Mr. Clean when he had an afro!!
Yo daddy is so old that when he was born, the Dead Sea was just getting sick!
Yo daddy so ugly when people look at him their face burns to ashes.
Yo daddy is so old Jesus signed his yearbook!
Yo daddy’s dick so small, if Yo mama was an ant, she still couldn’t play with it!
Yo daddy so old I slapped him on the back and his nuts fell off!
Yo mama and daddy so ugly when they got married no one came to their wedding.
Yo Daddy Jokes about Being So Fat
It is not considered a polite thing to comment upon someone’s physique especially when that person is fat. But these yo daddy so fat jokes will provide you with a fun way to make fun of your fat friends.
Yo daddy is so fat every time he drinks a milkshake he sings “My milkshake brings all the girls to the yard!”
Yo daddy is so fat that he can swallow two grown men in his belly button.
Yo daddy so fat he jumped in the air and got stuck.
Yo daddy so fat he went to court and the judge said, “Order in the court” and he said, “Can I get a double cheeseburger, extra-large fries and matter fact the whole menu!”
Yo daddy is so fat when he come outside with a purple shirt on, all the kids in the neighborhood say “I love you, you love me were a happy family with a great big hugand a kiss from me 2 you”
Yo daddy is so Fat that that only bed say A B C D E F G GET YOU FACE A** OFF ME!
Yo daddy is so fat everybody just wishes he would just walk his fat a** into ongoing traffic.
Yo daddy is so fat that when he wants to shake someone’s hand, he has to give directions!
Yo daddy is so fat that he went to the movie theatre and sat next to everyone.
Yo daddy is so fat that when he goes to a restaurant, he looks at the menu and says “okay!”
Yo daddy is so fat that I had to take a train and two buses just to get on his good side!
Yo daddy so fat he’s on both sides of the family.
Yo daddy is so FAT that yo momma have to search for his DI## when she want some!
Yo daddy so fat that when he sat down on the couch next to Yo mama, no-one ever saw it or Yo mama again!
Yo daddy is so fat that his senior pictures had to be taken from a helicopter!
Yo daddy is so fat that they use the elastic in his underwear for bungee jumping.
Yo daddy is so fat his parents had to take him to the Pacific Ocean to get him baptized.
Yo daddy is so FAT he craves Mcdonalds ErrrrrrrrrrrDAy!!!!
Yo daddy is so fat that NASA has to orbit a satellite around him!
Yo daddy is so fat you have to roll over twice to get off him.
Yo daddy so fat that when we went in line for the Arizona Diamondbacks, I told him, “We have to wait one hour.” But when we went in line, we were already to the front.
Yo daddy is so fat that when he sits on my face, I can’t hear the stereo
Yo daddy so fat when he farted the president blamed him for global warming.
Yo daddy is so fat that they have to grease the bath tub to get him out!
Yo daddy is so fat that when he wears a “Malcolm X” T-shirt, helicopters try to land on his back!
Yo daddy is so fat that the only pictures you have of him were taken by satellite cameras.
Yo daddy is so fat that he was in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade …. wearing ropes.
Yo daddy is so fat that he was cut from the cast of E.T. because he caused an eclipse when he rode the bike across the moon.
Final Thoughts on Yo Daddy Jokes
Is there a more rewarding type of comedy than a yo daddy joke? No, we don’t think so. Because yo daddy jokes aren’t the same as other jokes. They’re multifaceted and intricate.
They’re humorous because they’re so ridiculously uncool that you can’t decide whether to laugh or wince. Funny yo daddy jokes tread a fine line between wit and stupidity, equal parts corny and amusing.
A fantastic yo daddy joke is nearly always a pun — a punchline that is both absurd and cerebrally obscure. It tests your head and makes you chuckle in bewilderment.
And just because yo daddy jokes are brutally cheesy doesn’t mean they can’t be entertaining. The jokes we told you will make you and everyone else chuckle. Or moaning, which isn’t always a negative reaction to these jokes.