154 Hilarious Wednesday Jokes for a Midweek Boost

Wednesday, also known as ‘hump day, can sometimes feel like a challenging hurdle to overcome amid a busy week.
However, as Maya Angelou wisely said, ‘If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.’
So, why not infuse some humor and brightness into your Wednesday?
Our collection of Wednesday jokes will provide you with a midweek boost.
We have the collection, from light-hearted quips for kids to hump day jokes that resonate with the workplace or school!
Let the fun begin!
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Table of Contents
Best Wednesday Jokes
Are you ready for a midweek dose of laughter with the best Wednesday jokes that will improve your mood and make you happy?
If all our national holidays were observed on Wednesday, we could wind up with nine-day weekends.
What comes after Taco Tuesday?
Wipe-it Wednesday.
What day creates the most renewable energy?
Why isn’t Wednesday the saddest day of the week?
Because 3 days later is a sadder day.
Why do Wednesdays feel unhappy?
Because they are as close to the weekend as they are to Mondays.
How do you know that weddings on a Wednesday are sad?
When you see the cake is in tiers too.
What do you call Wednesdays at the gym for pirates?
Peg day.
Why was the couple getting married today?
Because it’s Weds-Day.
What does a taxidermist do on Wednesdays?
Nothing special, just the usual stuff.
How do you keep the dreams alive on Wednesdays?
By hitting the snooze button.
On Wednesdays, we wear pink.
Mean Girls
Wednesdays are like Mondays in the middle of the week!
Elephants love Wednesday, and so will you.
If I love you Wednesday, What is that to you?
I do not love you Thursday – so much is true.
Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health, and Wednesday the best day.
Thursday for crosses, Friday for losses, and Saturday with no luck at all.
The kind of Wednesday morning you wish it were any other day.
Never schedule a board meeting on Wednesday because it kills two weekends.
When people refer to ‘Back in the Day,’ it was a Wednesday. Just a little fun fact for you.
On Wednesday, when the sky is blue, and I have nothing else to do, I sometimes wonder if it’s true, That who is what and what is who.
On Wednesdays, if I stand on my tiptoes, I can see the weekend.
Wacky Wednesday!
Be yourself; there is no one better than you!
TGIW – Thank God It’s Wednesday!
The best of the week is yet to come.
Fly like a bird on Wednesdays!
My resting Wednesday face.
The “W” in Wednesday stands for wine.
Funny Wednesday Jokes
Are you searching for some humor to spice up your Wednesday? Our jokes would bring a smile to your face and lighten the midweek mood!
Why couldn’t I get an appointment at the library for Wednesday?
They were all booked up.
Riddle: How can a cowboy leave home on Wednesday, stay away for 4 nights, and then return on Wednesday?
Answer: Wednesday is the name of his horse.
Seems like the day the songbirds around my home sing the most is on Wrensday…
Why did Thomas the Tank Engine stop working on Wednesday?
He ran out of steam…
What did the Iceberg say to the Romaine on Wednesday?
Lettuce celebrate!
Nothing messes up your Friday like realizing it’s Wednesday…
When does Wednesday start with a “T”?
When it’s Today or Tomorrow.
What day of the week do chickens lay the most eggs?
What day of the week do polar bears clean their home?
The only way I can get through a Wednesday is by avoiding people who call it “Hump Day.”
What type of bread did the bakery put on sale every Wednesday?
How do you make a Cowboys fan laugh tomorrow?
Tell them a joke yesterday.
What do you call a camel with no hump on a Wednesday?
Wednesday and Thursday were named after the Norse Gods Odin and Thor. And if you enjoy facts about Norse gods, then today is your Loki day!
Why did the employee get fired from the calendar factory?
They took a day off.
I rang work and said, “I can’t come in today; I have a wee cough.” The boss said, “You have a wee cough?” I said, “Wow, thanks, boss; see you next Wednesday!”
Why did the employee get a camel in the office building? Because the boss said, “Bring in the hump day.”
My new boyfriend works as a sanitation worker. The trouble is, I can’t remember if I’m supposed to take him out Tuesday or Wednesday.
Why is Superman’s power useless on Wednesday evenings?
Because he goes to his weekly Bitcoin meeting, and it’s his crypto night.
Three elderly ladies are seated at a bus stop. The first one mentions that it is windy outside. The second one corrects her by saying it’s Thursday, not Wednesday. The third person adds, “Yeah, I’m thirsty too; should we get something to drink?”
Hilarious Wednesday Jokes
Check out our jokes designed to unleash contagious laughter and turn your Wednesday into a memorable day! Have a lot of fun!
How does NASA organize a Wednesday party?
They planet.
I ate my last piece of Swiss cheese on Wednesday, and today it’s raining.
Ain’t no sunshine when cheese gone.
The police arrested the tongue twister world champion on Wednesday.
Authorities say that they’ll be giving him a tough sentence.
How do you know weddings on a Wednesday are sad?
When you see the cake is in tiers, too.
Why are Saturdays stronger than Wednesdays?
Because Wednesday is a weak day!
Boss: This is the third time you’ve been late for work this week. Do you know what that means?
Employee: That it’s only Wednesday!
Guess how I slept last Wednesday night?
With my eyes closed.
When is a clock’s favorite time on Wednesday?
6:30, hands down!
Did you hear about the two antennas that married last Wednesday?
The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was incredible.
How do you know the clock is still hungry on a Wednesday?
It goes back four seconds.
Did you hear about Wednesday’s inferiority complex?
But it isn’t a very good one.
On Wednesday, a man knocked on my door and asked for a small donation toward the local swimming pool.
I gave him a glass of water.
What day is the greenest and creates the most alternative energy?
Winds-Day! (See what we did there?)
I was diagnosed with color blindness on Wednesday…
It came totally out of the orange.
What do you call a week without a Wednesday?
Humphrey (Hump Free).
What’s wrong with Tiger Woods?
He thinks every day is Hump Day.
What day creates the most alternative energy?
When’s the last time Christina Ricci was cute?
What nursery rhyme do you tell the kids on Wednesday?
Humpty Dumpty.
What kind of bread do you eat on Wednesday?
Why don’t they have Drivers Ed on Wednesday in the Middle East?
It wears out the camel.
What do camels sing on karaoke night?
My hump, my hump, my hump (ha), my lovely lady lumps (Check it out).
What does a good lover and Hump Day have in common?
They never come early.
Why do most Americans spend Wednesday in the office?
Because “White Men Can’t Hump”.
What nursery rhyme do blondes hear every Wednesday?
Humpme Dumpme.
How do you rape a camel?
One hump at a time.
Why was Saturday stronger than Wednesday?
Because Wednesday is a week day.
Do you like Wednesday’s because we can go hump back at my place.
Keep calm it’s already Wednesday.
Knock Knock Wednesday Jokes
Hey there! These knock knock jokes about Wednesday are sure to bring a smile to your face and add a touch of humor to your midweek routine!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Wednesday who?
Wednesday morning – time to wake up!
Wednesday Jokes One Liners
Are you looking for quick laughs? Look no further! Our best collection of Wednesday jokes one-liners packs extra humor and wit!
A week ago Wednesday was National Procrastination Day. Time to celebrate.
A monks favorite day of the week is zens-day.
I asked the farmers to attend a meeting on Wednesday morning. But I doubt any will turnip.
Today is Wednesday which means tomorrow is pre-Friday which means the next day is Friday, so it’s basically Friday.
Monday: Greg, Tuesday: Ian, Wednesday: Greg, Thursday: Ian, Friday: Greg, Saturday: Ian, Sunday: Greg – This is the Greg-or-Ian calendar.
Keep calm it’s already Wednesday.
Here is a fact: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF.
I bought a second-hand time machine next Wednesday. They don’t make them like they’re going to anymore.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Ahh, those were the days.
Me and my childhood crush are getting married next week. Me on Wednesday and she on Saturday.
What was the camel’s favorite day of the week?
Wednesday – because it’s Hump Day!
What does it mean when you wake up on Wednesday morning?
That you made it though another Tuesday!
If they want Wednesday to be more relaxing, they should rename it to ZENsday.
Why didn’t Pugsley’s sister ever compete in races?
Because Tuesday always came before Wednesday. (Wednesday is Pugley’s sister from the Addam’s Family)
What day of the week creates the most clean energy?
What can really ruin your Friday?
Finding out it’s only Wednesday.
What is the best day of the week to write a story?
Why did Wednesday start going to the gym?
He was a weak day.
What’s the worst part about Friday afternoons?
Realizing it’s just Wednesday.
What day of the week does Barbie make her boyfriend his favorite dinner?
Short Wednesday Jokes
Are you short on time but in need of some laughter? Our collection of short Wednesday jokes delivers big-on humor in a compact package!
What do cows do on Wednesday nights?
Go to the mooooovies.
What’s the worst sound on Wednesday morning?
Alarm clocks.
When doesn’t Wednesday start with a “W”?
When it’s yesterday, today or tomorrow.
What did the executioner say on Wednesday morning?
It’s time to beheaded to work.
What is large on Sunday and Saturday, small on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, and disappears on Monday?
The letter S.
What is the other name of Wednesday?
Day 3 of the hostage situation.
How do you make time go fast on Wednesday?
Throw a clock.
When did the King have his jousting contests?
On Wednesday Knight.
Why did the zombie stay at home from school on Wednesday?
He was feeling rotten.
What do procrastinators do on Wednesdays?
They decide that they are going to stop procrastinating next Wednesday.
What are Wednesdays like?
They are just Mondays in the mid-week.
Wednesday: Days of Wine and Wonder!
Hump Day vibes.
Wednesday = Pre-Pre-Friday.
Why did the woman cry on a Wednesday evening?
Because she thought it was a whine Wednesday.
Stepping into Wednesday like I’m a pro. (Yet, I have no idea what I’m doing…)
What does it mean when you wake up on Wednesday?
You’ve made it through another Monday and Tuesday.
Siri, skip to Friday immediately.
It’s Wednesday – get out there and be your awesome self!
Halfway there on Hump Day!
Why didn’t the French chef realize it was Pancake Wednesday?
It crepe’d up on him.
Wednesdays are the new Fridays!
Where do sharks go on Wednesday?
Happy Hump Day. When life gives you LIMES, rearrange the letters…SMILE.
Why couldn’t the pony sing a song on Wednesday?
It was a little horse.
Wednesdays: Live every day like it’s Taco Tuesday!
How does Yoda get through Wednesday?
By saying, “Half over the week is now!”
It’s Friday! Sorry, just been practicing for two days now.
Wednesday’s child is full of woe.
Wednesday Jokes for Kids
Do you want to brighten up your little ones’ midweek? Our collection of Wednesday jokes for kids is here to deliver laughter and smiles!
What did the nervous vampire ask every night?
When’s day?
How long does it take from Sunday to Wednesday?
What’s Thanos’ favourite holiday?
Ash Wednesday.
What is the bright side of Wednesday?
It happens only once a week.
Why didn’t the skeleton laugh at Wednesday jokes?
He didn’t find them humerus.
Whoop! Whoop! It’s another wonderful Wednesday!
Wednesday is Latin for “It’s almost Friday!”
In a world full of Mondays, be a Wednesday!
A truck of Vicks Vaprub overturned on the highway Wednesday night.
Surprisingly, there was no congestion for eight hours.
My son became a magician on Wednesday.
You see, he turned my car into a tree!
Did you hear about the kidnapping at school on Wednesday?
It’s ok; he woke up.
My wife went into labor on Wednesday, and I’ve been reading her some funny jokes, but she hasn’t laughed once.
It must be the delivery.
Why do furnaces hum on Wednesdays?
They don’t know the words.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, these Wednesday jokes offer a wide range of humor to brighten your midweek.
Be it quick punchlines, family-friendly jokes, workplace humor, or a bit of cheekiness, we have them all!
So, embrace the joy of laughter, share these hump day jokes with friends and colleagues, and let Wednesday lift your spirits.
Remember, laughter is contagious, so spread the joy and make every hump day filled with laughter.
Don’t forget to share your favorite Wednesday joke or how these jokes brightened up your day!