
100 Funny Water Puns That Are Flowing with Humor

Water puns are a great way to express yourself creatively. After all, there’s a lot of it everywhere, with everything from seas and oceans to lakes and rivers to get your water puns and jokes from. ‎

Even if you don’t create a comedy out of it, water can be a lot of fun. On hot days, everyone enjoys splashing about in a paddle or poolside or spraying their pals with a pump! And nothing beats a swim in the sea or fooling about in a canoe on the river when we’re on vacation. ‎

Then there’s the mind-boggling notion that water makes up 60 percent of our bodies and that every living creature on the planet depends on it for survival. In fact, researchers seek for water in space to look for clues of life there. ‎

Now that you’ve mastered all of your water statistics, it’s time to learn some amusing water puns to go along with them. You could get thirsty after laughing at all of them, so have a bottle of water nearby to quench your thirst! ‎

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Best Water Puns

It’s time to get right into the pool with this water play on words that your pals will adore — there won’t be a parched eye in the house! Here are some of those best water puns for you.

1. I considered making a new brand of bottled water, but the market was too saturated.

2.What keeps a dock floating above water? Pier pressure.

3.Who is the world’s greatest underwater spy? – Pond. James Pond.

4. Water you waiting for?

5. How do you make a water bed bouncy? Use spring water.

6.Why do sharks only swim in salt water? Because pepper makes them sneeze.

7.What do you get if you cross a rabbit with a water hose? Hare spray.

8. What did one bottled water say to the other? Water you doing tonight?

9. I just heard a joke about a waterfall. It was a pour joke.

10.Why do male dogs float on water? Because they’re good buoys.

11. What happens when you get water on a table? It becomes a pool table.

12. What runs but never walks? Water!

13. What do you get when you pour boiling water down a rabbit hole? Hot cross bunnies.

Funny Water Puns

Water is a lot of fun. On a hot summer day, people can enjoy a lot bathing in a pool or spending their day at a beach. If you want to enjoy some more, here are some funny water puns for you.

1.I just opened my water bill and electricity bill at the same time. I was shocked.

2. What do you call it when a guy throws his laptop into the ocean? Adele, Rollin’ in the Deep.

3. My friend can’t afford to pay his water bill. I sent him a card saying “Get well, soon”.

4. There are two reasons why you should never drink toilet water.

5. So long boiled water. You’ll be mist.

6. Number one. And number two.

7. I thought about splashing out on a water bed.

8. What did one ocean say to another? Nothing, it just waved.

9. Knock knock. Who’s there? Water. Water who? Water way to open the door.

10. Why does the river have problems remembering things? Because she is becoming sea nile.

11.H20 is water, but what is H204? It’s for swimming and drinking, of course.

12.Why did the ocean break up with the pond? She thought he was too shallow.

13.What do you call the small tributaries of the main river in Cairo? – Juveniles

Hilarious Water Puns

Because water is ubiquitous, so are water puns. In case you didn’t know, water is an excellent source material for hilarious water puns. However, there is enough of water all around us, from seas to oceans, rivers to lakes. This is why we have such a large number of puns. ‎

1. What did the bottled water tell the spy? The names bond, Hydrogen bond.

2. When does it start to rain money? When there is change in the weather.

3. Why does water never laugh at jokes? It isn’t a fan of dry humor.

4. Why are oceans so meticulous? They like to be pacific.

5. How do you know if an ant is a boy or a girl? If you toss it in the water and it sinks, it’s a girl. If the ant floats, it’s a buoyant.

6. What is the king’s favorite type of precipitation? Hail, of course!

7. How do you make holy water? Make sure to boil the hell out of it.

8. What is another king’s favorite type of precipitation? Reign!

9. The weatherman said it might get a bit drizzly outside. You can expect a Lil’ Wayne.

10. My friend couldn’t pay his water bill anymore. I sent him a Get Well Soon card.

11. What did Snoop Dog need to get an umbrella? Fo’ Drizzle.

12. Why do sharks only swim in salt water? Because pepper always makes them sneeze.

13. Why did the student study hydrology? – Because she had a great thirst for knowledge.

Water Puns One Liners

Let us now go over another list of puns related to water. If you throw a few of these water one-liners into a discussion, it’s a sure indicator you’re going to garner a lot of chuckles.

1. Why is tea so therapeutic? – Because boiling the water raises your self of steam.

2. What did the sink say to the water faucet? You’re a real drip.

3. What can you do if you are the ocean? Watever you want.

4. Why does the river never get lost? She always finds the right pathwave.

5. Did you ever hear the joke about the three holes in the ground? Well, well, well.

6. What do you call dangerous amounts of precipitation? A rain of terror.

7. What did the beaver say after she slipped in water? Dam it.

8. What is worse than when it is raining buckets? Hailing taxis.

9. What do you call two days of rain in a row in Seattle? The weekend.

10. What do you call a tooth in a glass full of water? A one molar solution.

11. What do you call a wet teddy bear? A drizzly bear.

12. What goes up when rain starts to come down? Umbrellas.

Clever Water Puns

Making a pun is all about wordplay, or, to put it another way, making humor out of two unrelated things. But leave that for later, because here are some clever water puns for you to enjoy.

1. Why did the ocean leave the party early? She was getting really tide.

2. Did you hear about the ocean and sea having a baby? It was a buoy!

3. Why is a river an amazing roommate? He just likes to go with the flow.

4. What is the ocean’s favorite lullaby? Roe, Roe, Roe Your Boat.

5. What did one water bottle ask the other water bottle? Water you doing today?

6. Where do water droplets go to settle arguments? The Supreme Quart.

7. Why do poets always write about the sea? They just can’t fathom her depths.

8. If Smart water were actually smart…Then why did it get bottled?

9. Why did the lake date the river? He heard that she had a bubbly personality.

10. Where do meteorologists like to drink after work? The closest ISOBAR.

11. Why don’t you see an ocean in school? They just can’t wade through all that homework.

12. What do you call it when you get a month’s worth of rain at once? England.

Short Water Puns

When people go on vacation during the summertime, nothing beats swimming in the sea or relaxing on the banks of rivers. While you’re there with your mates, throw in some of these short water puns to spice things up. ‎

1. How did the raindrop ask another raindrop on a date? He asked her “Water you doing tonight?”

2. What do you call it when it rains ducks and geese? Fowl weather.

3. Why was the man using ketchup during the rain? Someone said it was raining cats and hot dogs.

4. What did the fish say when it ran into the wall? Dam.

5. What happens before it starts raining candy? It sprinkles!

6. What do you call a duck that refuses to go in the water? – A chicken!

7. RIP to Boiled Water. You will be sorely mist.

8. What do you call water that is good for you? Well water.

9. Why couldn’t the fish watch YouTube? He couldn’t stream the video.

10. Did you hear the watermelon joke? – It’s pitiful.

11. Is it dangerous to swim on a full stomach? – No, it’s just more fun in water.

Ocean and Water Puns

Did you people know that oceans cover almost 70 percent of the earth’s surface and that glaciers hold approximately the same amount of fresh water as lakes? When you think about it, it’s really incredible stuff. Well, here are some incredible water and ocean puns for you.

1. What did the sea say to the sand? Nothing, it just waved.

2. What is the sea say to the river? You can run, but you can’t tide.

3. Did you hear about the ocean and the sea having a baby? It was a buoy!

4. ‘Tis the sea-sun.

5. What did the beach say to the wave? Long tide, no sea.

6. Why are some fish at the bottom of the ocean? Because they dropped out of school.

7. Why is the ocean always on time? She likes to stay current.

8. What’s the ocean’s favourite lullaby? Roe, roe, roe Your Boat.

9. Are you ready to make waves?

10. How do oceans say goodbye? They wave at each other.

11. Who cleans the floor of the ocean? A mer-maid.

Water Puns Captions

‎Let us now go through some water puns captions. If you have some pictures of yourself that you took while enjoying in a pool or at a riverside, upload them on Instagram using these puns.

1. Why is the letter T like an island? – Because it’s in the middle of water!

2. What eight letters can you find in water from the Arctic Ocean? – H to O

3. What do you call a guy with no arms or legs floating in the water? – Bob

4. What vegetable is forbidden on all ship? – Leeks!

5. Why is it bad to joke about boiling water? – Because it gets all steamy.

6. What did the trout say when it swam into a concrete wall? – Dam!

7. How do you make holy water? – You boil the hell out of it!

8. What type of specialist can carry out operations underwater? – Sturgeon

9. How does Moses make his tea?  – Hebews it.

10. Where do fish wash? – In a river basin!

11. Why do seals swim in salt water? – Because pepper water makes them sneeze!

12. Where do fish keep their money? – In river banks.

Final Thoughts on Water Puns

Thank you for reading through the water puns we gave. Water is everywhere, occupying around 2/3 of the Earth’s surface, but water is also inside us, as well as in all the seas, oceans, glaciers, streams, icecaps, and so on. ‎

We carry water inside us, not just in our tummies, but also in our organs and epidermis, and even in our joints! Water has also been a tremendous source of motivation throughout history.

Many great works were composed when the writer was at sea, looking out into the splayed, blue horizons. ‎People have invented sea shanties, improved technology to appreciate the value of ocean water.

And most importantly, they came up with water puns to maintain a positive attitude and pleasant disposition toward the world’s many water sources. We’ve provided you with a plethora of water puns that will leave you with a grin as big as the Amazon!

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