128 Best Thanksgiving Riddles to Have Fun with Your Family

Thanksgiving riddles is the best part after enjoying an amazing thanksgiving dinner. The best time of the year is this when you get to spend time and enjoy the delicious dinner with your loved ones.
Riddles about Thanksgiving is the best way to bond with your friends and family over a dinner to have an enjoyable time.
Thanksgiving riddles can become funny, brain teasing, clever and witty. It depends on the sense of humor of the people in the room and wit of the riddle teller. Thanksgiving riddles are sometimes tricky so you need to open your mind to understand the humor.
The following Thanksgiving riddles with answer will be your go to list of riddles when your stomach is stuffed with the delicious turkey and you just want to laugh the rest of night.
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Table of Contents
Best Thanksgiving Riddles
Are you looking for the best Thanksgiving riddles? We have some of the most enjoyable riddles about Thanksgiving for you and your family’s enjoyment. Have a good time eating the mouthwatering dinner and brain-teasing riddles.
1. You see this festive event along the street on this very special day, from Felix to Mickey to Dora and Bugs Bunny, all of the people will make way. What is it?
Answer: The Thanksgiving Day Parade.
2. It’s a flower, but it doesn’t bloom; it sounds like a month and floats over water. What is it?
Answer: Mayflower.
3. I am a 12-letter word, 2 compound words, and people celebrate me in the fall. What am I?
Answer: Thanksgiving.
4. We came across the oceans wearing black and white, and the kind of music we listen to is Plymouth rock. Who are we?
Answer: The Pilgrims.
5. It is time for Thanksgiving, I don’t know if you’d heard. This means it’s time to gobble. This very tasty bird. What is it?
Answer: Turkey.
6. What can never be eaten at Thanksgiving dinner?
Answer: Thanksgiving breakfast and lunch.
7. The annual tradition each and every Thanksgiving Day is watching the great team sport the Lions and Cowboys play. What is it?”
Answer: A football.
8. For dinner at Thanksgiving. This food is something you’ll need. It is normally yellow and the kernels are maizes seed. What is it?
Answer: Corn.
9. I am the last Thursday in November. A favorite holiday you will always remember turkey, stuffing and pies galore. You will stuff your face yet still crave more. What am I?
Answer: Thanksgiving day.
10. What female should be asked to say the Thanksgiving blessing?
Answer: Grace.
11. What did Han Solo say to Luke Skywalker on Thanksgiving?
Answer: May the forks be with you.
12. What did the turkeys sing on Thanksgiving Day?
Answer: God save the kin.
13. What is Dracula’s all-time favorite holiday?
Answer: Fangsgiving.
Funny Thanksgiving Riddles
When you want to ply games, you need to make sure that everyone in the room is having the same level of fun. These funny Thanksgiving riddles will make you laugh hard. The Thanksgiving brain teasers will make you mind think hard and your heart laugh harder.
1. What do you get when a turkey lays an egg on top of a barn?
Answer: An eggroll.
2. If it took three people four hours to roast a turkey, how long would it take four people to roast the same turkey?
Answer: None, the turkey is already cooked.
3. What does an English turkey say to another English turkey on Thanksgiving morning?
Answer: “To be or not to be roasted, that is the question.”
4. What did the farmer say to the green pumpkin in his garden?
Answer: “Why orange you orange?”
5. What do the Pilgrims, Indians, and Puritans have in common?
Answer: The letter “I”.
6. Can you tell which side of the turkey has more feathers?
Answer: Yes, the outside.
7. When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?
Answer: In the dictionary.
8. After Thanksgiving dinner, where did the pilgrims put their trash?
Answer: In the Mayflower Compact-Tor.
9. Why do you go to relative’s house on Thanksgiving?
Answer: Because the house won’t come to you.
10. What does a baseball player put under his plate at Thanksgiving dinner?
Answer: A Place-MITT.
11. What would you call a pet squash?
Answer: Call it anything you want- it won’t hear you!
12. Why do pilgrims’ pants always fall down?
Answer: Because they wear their buckles on their hats!
Clever Thanksgiving Riddles
What is the point of riddles without challenging the mind to think a little harder? These clever Thanksgiving riddles will force your mind and challenge your wit. The cleverer you are, the more fun you will have.
1. It is a kitchen appliance but it is not trying to boast. In November at Thanksgiving, your delicious turkey is what it roasts. What is it?
Answer: An oven.
2. Pious and devout, I wear black and white clothes and funny hats. I am not a nun nor a priest, but I was an adventurer. Who am I?
Answer: Pilgrim.
3. If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for?
Answer: Their age.
4. I don’t know Math, but mathematicians love me at the Thanksgiving dinner. What am I?
Answer: A pumpkin pi.
5. I have eyes but I can’t see, I have skin but I can’t feel anything. I can be sweet but I’m not a piece of candy. I can be baked but I’m not a cake. I can be peeled but I’m not a carrot
Answer: Potato.
6. What do grateful, thankful, wonderful and joyful have all in common?
Answer: They are all stuffed.
7. What did the pumpkin say to the turkey on Thanksgiving?
Answer: You’re lucky you’re only eaten on one holiday! This is my second one in a month!
8. Black and white clothes and funny hats were what they wore when living way back in the 1600s. At the first Thanksgiving, who are they?
Answer: The Pilgrims.
9. What happened to the turkey whose feathers were all pointing the wrong way?
Answer: He was tickled to death.
10. What kind of vegetables would you like for Thanksgiving dinner?
Answer: Beets me!
11. What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient children?
Answer: If your father could see you now, he’d turn over in his gravy!
12. What is a Turkey’s least favorite day of the year?
Answer: The last Thursday in November. Thanksgiving!
13. Where do turkeys go if they want to dance?
Answer: The Butter Ball.
What Am I Thanksgiving Riddles
Thanksgiving what am I riddles are the easiest but the most enjoyable riddles for a relaxing dinner night with friends and family. The best part is when everyone fails to guess the easiest object and then all of them laugh about it.
1. Most people eat me, and that is no surprise. I taste great as chips and also as fries. What am I?
Answer: A potato.
2. I can be hot or cold and made with fruit, vegetable, or meat. But either way, on a Thanksgiving table, I will be a treat. What am I?
Answer: A pie.
3. I am orange but not citrus. I am most popular during fall. What am I?
Answer: Pumpkin.
4. I am red but not a strawberry; I can be jelly at times but also crushed into juice. What am I?
Answer: Cranberry.
5. I get stuffed and I get dressed on Thanksgiving. What am I?
Answer: The Thanksgiving host.
6. I am a kitchen appliance. But I am not trying to boast. In November at Thanksgiving your delicious turkey is what I roast. What am I?
Answer: Oven.
7. I am everywhere at Thanksgiving ready to be tried, I wanna get away but I got dressed and now I can’t fly. What am I?
Answer: Turkey.
8. I am the smallest unit of measurement in the pilgrim cookbook. What am I?
Answer: Pil -gram.
9. I am always in the middle of the table every Thanksgiving. What am I?
Answer: The letter B.
10. We sailed across from Europe so we’d have the freedom to worship our God. Once we’d overcome many obstacles, we finally reached dry land at Cape Cod. Who are we?
Answer: The pilgrims.
Thanksgiving Riddles about Turkey
A Thanksgiving without turkey riddles? It is impossible to not include turkey in the riddles because of its essential part in the dinner. These best riddles will make you laugh and have a fun time with family.
1. There’s lots of this at Thanksgiving but you don’t want it to be wasted because its meat’s really juicy, just so long as it has been basted. What is it?
Answer: Turkey.
2. What are you going to get if you breed a turkey with an octopus?
Answer: Eight feather dusters.
3. What did the stock boy tell the woman when she asked, “Do these turkeys get any bigger?”
Answer: “No, ma’am. They’re dead.”
4. What happened when the turkey got into a fight?
Answer: He got the stuffing knocked out of him.
5. What has feathers, is the star of a November feast and goes up and down?
Answer: A turkey in an elevator.
6. If you get a turkey when you cross a key with a fowl, what will you get when you cross a turkey with fire?
Answer: A roasted turkey.
7. If roses are red, violets are blue, what is stuffed, brown and blue?
Answer: Turkey holding its breath.
8. What do you get when you cross a turkey with a centipede?
Answer: Centipede.
9. What do you get when you have Broom Hilda on the beach with a turkey?
Answer: Turkey sand-witch.
10. Why do Turkeys gobble, gobble?
Answer: They never learned good table manners!
11. If you’re carving the turkey with an electric cutter, what kind of battery does it need when it runs out of power?
Answer: None because it is electric powered.
12. What’s has feathers, a bowed head and kneels?
Answer: A turkey praying to not be eaten.
13. Why did mom put the leftover turkey in the fridge instead of throwing it away?
Answer: Because she didn’t want it to go to waist.
Easy Thanksgiving Riddles
These easy Thanksgiving riddles with answers will help you enjoy the night to its fullest. The real fun will start after you ask these riddles to your friends and family. Enjoy the night and laugh as hard as you can.
1. What kind of music did the Pilgrims listen to at the first Thanksgiving feast?
Answer: Plymouth Rock!
2. What is hard, odd shaped and being good fortune on Thanksgiving?
Answer: Wishbone.
3. How did the chicken, the pheasant, turkey, duck and goose get in trouble?
Answer: Because of their foul language.
4. I have legs and can walk; I am a key but can’t open the doors. What am I?
Answer: Turkey.
5. Can a turkey fly higher than an ostrich?
Answer: Yes, because ostriches can’t fly.
6. If apples and figs come from a tree in a farm, where do turkeys come from?
Answer: A poul-tree farm.
7. Why didn’t the Pilgrims tell each other their secrets in the cornfield?”
Answer: Because the corn had ears.
8. Aboard this ship, the pilgrims did go sounds like a month and something you grow. What is that?
Answer: The Mayflower.
9. What football game is played on Thanksgiving?
Answer: The GRAVY Bowl.
10. What do Hippies put what on their Thanksgiving potatoes?
Answer: Groovy.
11. What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving?
Answer: The letter “g”!
12. How can you tell which part of the turkey is the left side?
Answer: The part that was not eaten.
13. Where do you find a turkey with no legs?
Answer: Exactly where you left it.
14. Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive?
Answer: It had 24 carrots.
Hard Thanksgiving Riddles
This category includes all the hard Thanksgiving riddles that you need to challenge your family members and friends. Play with the minds of the people until they are tired with the fun.
1. Grandma and Grandpa had a total of six children. Each of those children grew up and had four children of their own. Those children grew up and had two children each. Everyone will join the Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. How many people will be at the table?
Answer: 80 People.
2. When the Pilgrims walked off their boat into the new world, on what did they stand?
Answer: Their feet.
3. What is big, stuffed, and brown all over?
Answer: A stuffed and roasted turkey.
4. What is the difference between a chicken and a turkey?
Answer: The turkey is stuffed.
5. What two things did the Mayflower bring in November that the Native Americans did not want?
Answer: Pilgrims and Smallpox.
6. Why are so many new cars sold around Thanksgiving time?
Answer: It’s a good time to buy an AUTUMN -mobile.
7. What smells the best at a Thanksgiving dinner?
Answer: Your nose!
8. A person invested his money in feathers. Why?
Answer: He thinks that the stock market is going “down”.
9. How do you make a Pilgrim and turkey float?
Answer: Put 2 scoops of ice cream, a root beer and a pie and turkey in a glass.
10. Why did the farmer run a steamroller over his potato field?
Answer: He wanted mashed potatoes.
11. Many await this day in November with sales on TVs to discount blenders. The day after Thanksgiving is such a delight to find deals and steals while shopping all night!
Answer: Black Friday.
12. How did the Mayflower show that it liked America?
Answer: It hugged the shore.
13. What is the name of the cranberry that isn’t happy?
Answer: Blueberry.
14. What sound does a turkey’s phone make?
Answer: Wing, Wing.
Thanksgiving Riddles with Answers
This category has the best Thanksgiving riddles with answers to help you laugh away all the tiredness after eating all that delicious, mouth -watering food. These riddles will make you laugh until you cry happy tears.
1. It’s eaten at Thanksgiving as part of the main course. It gets added to your plate in the form of a sauce. What is it?
Answer: Cranberry.
2. You reap what you sow because of this, remove the first three letters, and it becomes an object you can wear. What is it?
Answer: harVEST.
3. If a tur -key has a key, and a don -key also has a key, what would you expect a monkey to have?
Answer: A banana.
4. Apples, pears and peaches all come from a tree. Where do turkeys come from?
Answer: Poul-tree.
5. What’s the thing that smells the best at the Thanksgiving table?
Answer: Your nose.
6. What part of the turkey does a drummer love the most?
Answer: The drumsticks.
7. Thirty days of autumn bliss. I hold the holiday you won’t want to miss. The home of cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Which month of the year am I?
Answer: November.
8. What would a British person gain by eating a Thanksgiving meal?
Answer: Pounds.
9. What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter on Thanksgiving Day?
Answer: Quack, Quack!
10. If four women can bake four pumpkin pies in four hours, how many pies can eight women bake in eight hours?
Answer: 16 pies.
11. If you want to picture fall, then my image would be best. I am a horn that is filled with all the season’s harvest. What am I?
Answer: Cornucopia.
12. Why don’t we eat fish on Thanksgiving Day?
Answer: Because Thanksgiving Day never occurs on FryDay.
13. Why was the Plymouth Rock that brave?
Answer: It’s because it was a little bold-er.
Thanksgiving Riddles for Adults
This category includes Thanksgiving riddles for adults which will make you use your mind harder. The category has a lot of riddles so that the adults can have a fun bonding time laughing with each other.
1. What is the main difference between Thanksgiving and April Fools’ Day?
Answer: On one, you are thankful and on the other, you are prankful.
2. What’s the main difference between Thanksgiving and April Fools’ Day?
Answer: On one, you are thankful. On the other, you are prankful.
3. How is it possible that a turkey can end up with 3 legs even though it has only 2 legs?
Answer: Because it had grown another foot.
4. What should you say when your family begs you to stop making Thanksgiving jokes?
Answer: I can’t just stop cold turkey!
5. At Thanksgiving dinner, which hand should you butter your roll with?
Answer: Neither – you should use a knife.
6. Why can’t you take a turkey to church?
Answer: They use fowl language.
7. Which of the Thanksgiving beverages is considered to be sad?
Answer: Apple sigh-der.
8. When did the Pilgrims first say “God bless America?”
Answer: The first time they heard America sneeze!
9. If you call a big turkey a gobbler, what do you call a small one?
Answer: A goblet.
10. How can you tell the difference between a male and female turkey?
Answer: The male has a beer belly.
11. At the Thanksgiving table, which of these is not like the other: Sweet potato, apples, carrots or onions?
Answer: Apples, all remaining are root vegetables.
12. Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize?
Answer: He was out standing in his field.
13. What is a baby turkey called?
Answer: A peeping Tom.
Thanksgiving Riddles for Kids
Thanksgiving riddles for kids, this category is your stop to keep your children busy and entertained by asking them these funny riddles. The kids will love this game and Thanksgiving will become their favorite occasion.
1. It has ears but it cannot hear and it has flakes but it has no hair. What is it?
Answer: Corn.
2. If you like sweet side dishes, I will make you a happy fellow, as I have sweet potatoes as well as sugar and marshmallow. What am I?
Answer: Candied yams.
3. If the turkey says. “Gobble, gobble, gobble,” and a peach says, “Cobbler, cobbler, cobbler,” what would a computer say?
Answer: “Google, google, google!”
4. What do you call it when it’s raining turkey and birds?
Answer: Fowl weather.
5. I am yellow, but not Sun, I have cob, but I am not a web. What am I?
Answer: Corn.
6. Why did Johnny get bad grades after Thanksgiving?
Answer: Because everything is marked down after the holidays!
7. What did the daddy turkey say to the naughty little turkey?
Answer: If your mama could see you now, she’d turn over in her gravy!
8. Why is a turkey on Thanksgiving like a ghost the day after Halloween?
Answer: Because he’s gone today, but yesterday he was a-gobblin.
9. What side dish do you bring for Thanksgiving dinner when you accidentally sat on the sweet potatoes?
Answer: Squash casserole.
10. What do you call an evil turkey?
Answers: A poultry-geist.
11. Pilgrims use me to make cookies. What am I?
Answer: May-flour.
12. What sound does a limping turkey make?
Answer: Wobble, wobble, wobble.
13. Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building?
Answer: Yes, because a building can’t jump at all.
Final Thoughts on Thanksgiving Riddles
Thanksgiving riddles are the best part of the dinner games. The riddles about Thanksgiving will make you laugh and think at the same time.
The mind-challenging Thanksgiving riddles will give you a tough time and a good laugh with your friends and family.
The best part of playing such games is having a quality bonding time with friends and family. The dinner table brings everyone together, people eat delicious food and laugh on silly things which is the essence of Thanksgiving.
The true purpose of Thanksgiving is to have a good time with friends and family by showing them your love and care. The laughter and joy this event gives you is unmatchable to any other occasion.
Thanksgiving riddles and answers are definitely going to be a lot of fun when you play them after dinner. Everyone’s stomachs will be stuffed with the delicious dinner so people will barely think and mostly laugh at the riddles.