99 Hilarious Sleep Puns That’ll Make You Laugh about Your Exhaustion

If you can’t sleep, we have a great solution for you: sleep puns. Many of your kids’ summer break activities are likely to be different from what they were previously in our post-lockdown ‘new normal.’
Sleeplessness is really common these days and during that time everyone’s looking for something interesting to kill the time. Sleep puns won’t help you sleep, but they will make you giggle at your weariness.
Even though, as parents, we know that sleep is no funny matter, the kids will undoubtedly appreciate this collection of sleep puns. Do share these with them before bedtime and they will surely love these a lot. So without any further ado, let us take you through the sleep puns we have compiled for you.
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Table of Contents
Best Sleep Puns
Let us first go through some of the best sleep puns. These sleep puns will have you and your children laughing all the way to bed.
1. What do you call a snoozing dinosaur? A dino-snore!
2. What did Bruce Wayne’s Mum hang over his bed? A bat mobile!
3. Why did the man keep running around his bed? To catch up on his sleep!
4. What’s the sleepiest food? PiZZZZZZa!
5. Why do dragons sleep in the day time? So they can fight knights!
6. What do scuba divers always wear in bed? A snore-kel!
7. How do you put a baby astronaut to sleep? You rocket!
8. What do you get when you cross a rooster with a duck? A bird that wakes up at the quack of dawn!
9. What do you call a sleeping woodcutter? A slumber-jack!
10. What do you call a snoozing dinosaur’s sleepy friend? A stega-snore-us!
11. What did they call Susan B. Anthony when she was sleeping on the job? Snoozin’ B. Anthony!
12. There was a kidnapping at school today. It’s okay though, he woke up.
13. The male pig puts everyone to sleep. You could say he’s quite the boar.
Funny Sleep Puns
What could be better than bedtime stories? Of course, they are puns about bedtime! Our selection of funny sleep puns will have you laughing before you hit the bed!
1. Why did the meatballs tell the spaghetti to close its eyes and go to sleep? It was pasta bedtime!
2. Where do fish sleep? On the river bed!
3. What do you call a really sleepy egg? Egg-zosted!
4. Which bit of art equipment makes you tired? A craYAWN!
5. What’s it called when your feet go to sleep and won’t wake up? Coma-toes!
6. How is it possible to go without sleep for seven days and not be tired? You sleep at night!
7. What did the Mummy cow say to the baby cow? It’s pasture bedtime!
8. What did the Mummy broom say to the baby broom? It’s time to go to sweep!
9. What do you call a sleeping bull? A bull dozer!
10. Why did the nurse tiptoe past the medicine cupboard? She didn’t want to wake up the sleeping pills!
11. You know you’re getting older when happy hour is a nap.
12. Where do fish sleep? On the river bed.
13. My partner asked why I put a watch on the bed before going to sleep. I told her I wanted to wake up on time.
Hilarious Sleep Puns
Having trouble getting a good night’s sleep? These hilarious sleep puns may not cure insomnia, but they definitely beat counting sheep.
1. Why do worms hate getting up in the morning? Because the early bird catches the worm!
2. Which animal sleeps with its shoes on? A horse!
3. What should you do if you find a dinosaur sleeping in your bed? Find somewhere else to sleep!
4. What does a Mummy cow read to a baby cow before bed? Dairy tales!
5. What’s another word for a sleeping bag? A nap-sack!
6. Why did the little girl take her bike to bed? Because she didn’t want to walk in her sleep!
7. Why did the little boy hide sugar under his pillow at night? So he would have sweet dreams!
8. Where do burgers sleep? On a bed of lettuce!
9. Why did the little boy take a ruler to bed with him? To see how long he slept!
10. Which part of the car is the sleepiest? The wheels, because they’re always tired!
11. What’s it called when your feet go to sleep and won’t wake up? Coma-toes.
12. Why did the meatballs tell the spaghetti to close its eyes and go to sleep? It was pasta bedtime.
13. What do you get when you eat cookies in bed? Crummy sleep.
Sleep Puns One Liners
We’re all exhausted these days, so it’s something we can all relate to. That means you have a plethora of chances to complain about how little sleep you receive. Instead of engaging in the same dull talks, try some sleep one-liners to spice things up. Here is a list of puns related to sleep for you.
1. Did you hear about the kidnapping yesterday? It’s OK though, he woke up!
2. Did you hear about the girl who was dreaming that she was eating a giant marshmallow? She woke up and her pillow was gone!
3. I got paid for being part of a study at a sleep clinic last night… it was my dream job!
4. Did you hear about the man who kept hearing a mouse squeaking at night? He got up and tried to oil it!
5. “Doctor, I can’t get to sleep at night.” “Lie on the edge of the bed – you’ll soon drop off!”
6. Did you hear about the boy who slept with his head underneath his pillow? When he woke up, the tooth fairy had taken all his teeth!
7. Did you hear about the parents who called their baby ‘coffee?’ It kept them up all night!
8. Did you hear about the lady who always goes to sleep on a chandelier? She’s a light sleeper!
9. “Doctor, how can I stop my sleepwalking?” “Easy, just put drawing pins on the bedroom floor.”
10. Couldn’t sleep, so went to a counsellor for advice. He said, “sleep on the edge of the bed, you’ll soon drop off”.
11. Why did mom always tiptoe past the medicine cabinet? She didn’t want to wake up the sleeping pills.
12. What did the mommy broom say to the baby broom? It’s time to go to sweep.
13. How did the sheep get to sleep? She counted her friends.
Short Sleep Puns
Let’s look at some short sleep puns now. We guarantee that no matter how tired you are, you will never grow weary of these sleep puns.
1. Did you hear about the little girl who was sent to prison for not going to sleep last night? She was charged with resisting arrest!
2. Do you think Jeff Bezos sleeps naked? Or with pajamazon?
3. What dinosaur makes the most noise when he is asleep? Tyrannosnorus.
4. Why do dragons often sleep during the day? So they can fight knights.
5. I am so good at sleeping.
6. I can do it with my eyes closed.
7. Why do clowns wear loud socks? To stop their feet from falling asleep.
8. Taller people sleep longer in bed.
9. Woke up the other day with a puzzled look on my face. Had fallen asleep on my crossword.
10. I was offered a day job at a mattress factory, but I told them I had to sleep on it!
11. When you dream in color, is it a pigment of your imagination?
12. I went to a gig last night and the band’s guitarist passed out on stage. He must have rocked himself to sleep.
Dog Sleep Puns
Dogs look really cute while sleeping. They are really photogenic in this state as well. If you have captured some pictures of your sleeping dog, here are some dog sleeping puns that will make these pictures even more interesting.
1. My roommate knows I have sleep trouble and want to adopt a dog…. He told me the only dog I need is a sleep lab.
2. Dachshunds always nap in the shade because they don’t like being hot dogs.
3. My dog loves taking naps, because they’re like time machines to their next meal.
4. My daughter was looking at her sleeping pet dog, Max, and asked, “Daddy, do dogs have dreams?” “Of course they do, sweetheart,” I replied, “When Max was a puppy he wanted to grow up to play shortstop for the New York Yankees!”
5. What do you call a programme where you watch some very skilled dogs sleeping? Snore patrol.
6. My dog prefers sleeping in the shade because she doesn’t like being a hot dog.
7. I didn’t sleep at all last night, fur real.
8. I fur-bid my dog to sleep on my bed…I don’t want to clean up any more fur!
10. In my neighbor’s home, their huge dog frequently sleeps at the landing at the top of their tall staircase causing a possible tripping hazard. Good advice to them…. Persons in their household should watch their steps, particularly early risers.
11. I named the dog that sleeps in my car “Rug”. He’s a car-pet.
Sleep Puns Captions
The nicest sensation has to be falling asleep as soon as you get into bed! But these beauty sleep puns are much better. Check out these amazing sleep puns captions before you go to bed and you’ll have a great time.
1. Why do keyboards never sleep? Because they have two shifts.
2. I would love to be paid to sleep. It would be my dream job.
3. If there is a king and queen-size mattress, where does the prince sleep? On the heir mattress.
4. A sumo wrestler once came to visit and ended up sleeping on my couch for a month.
5. What do you call making up for lost sleep? Melatonement.
6. The urge to sing “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” is just a whim away, a whim away, a whim away, a whim away.
7. What do you call a sleeping cow? A bulldozer.
8. What does the gingerbread man sleep on? Cookie sheets.
9. I couldn’t figure out why I haven’t been sleeping all night. And then it dawned on me.
10. Scientists have finally discovered exactly how much sleep a human needs. “Just five minutes more.”
11. I accidentally went to bed with my contact lenses last night. My dreams have never been clearer.
12. I have a condition that makes me eat when I can’t sleep. It’s called insom-nom-nom-nom-nia.
Sleep Puns for Instagram
Let us now go through some sleep puns for Instagram. These puns can only go one of two ways. The first is that your wit and humorous abilities will be appreciated by the audience. The second is that they’ll roll their eyes and never again tell you how weary they are.
1. If you notice cows sleeping in a field, does that mean it’s pasture bedtime?
2. Where do books sleep? Under their covers.
3. How do you get an alien baby to sleep? You rocket.
4. I like to sleep with a bedside lamp on. My boyfriend says it’s weird. I don’t know why, it makes a great hat.
5. I know someone who was habitually late until his doctor recommended sleeping in a herb garden. Sounds odd, I know, but now he wakes up on thyme.
6. My little cousin was showing off that he sleeps in a race car bed. Jokes on him, I sleep in a real car.
7. Chuck Norris sleeps with the light on. Not because he is afraid of the darkness, but because the darkness is afraid of him.
8. The patient said to the anesthesiologist, “Can I put myself to sleep?” Anesthesiologist: “Knock yourself out!”
9. Just bought a sleeping bag for $30. No idea how to wake it up though.
10. What do you call it when a kid is fighting going to sleep? Resisting a rest.
11. Is your iPad making you fall asleep? There’s a nap for that.
12. Learning to sleep upside down is often hard for baby bats. But they soon get the hang of it.
Final Thoughts on Sleep Puns
Sleep is among life’s greatest joys, so why not invent some sleep puns that would be wonderful nighttime entertainment? Funny sleep puns are for everyone, whether you are a sleepyhead or you are unable to sleep.
For those of us who enjoy sleeping, each day begins with anticipation of the night when we may return to bed. After a long and tiring day, sleep is possibly the finest form of relaxation.
But do you know what makes the relaxing even more enjoyable? Some clever and amusing sleep puns! Shouldn’t there be a proverb like, “A sleepy pun a night keeps you tight”?
Some individuals suffer nightmares, while others have odd dreams. Whatever type of sleeper you are, if you have amusing sleep puns at your disposal, you will soon be laughing yourself to sleep. So make good use of them.