144 Best Romance Jokes to Delight Your Special One

Cheesy puns and one-liners might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but certain romance jokes make us giggle. We do urge that you just use them to make your existing spouse laugh; we offer no guarantees about their success while flirting with someone new.
I’m only kidding! You can tell these jokes to anybody you choose. Laughter, as they say, is the best medicine. It pulls people together and can even forge greater ties with individuals we don’t even know.
Romance jokes may lighten up sad circumstances, make awkward situations more comfortable, and make life in general more enjoyable. Jokes are cracked in various ways or prepared in various formats with the intention of making your audience laugh. Corny love jokes are no exception.
This compilation of one-line puns and jokes is so amazing it could be excellent. Corny love jokes are always excellent for a laugh, whether you’re meeting a romantic potential for the first time, going on a 2nd or 3rd date, or have been together for years. So let’s get started.
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Table of Contents
Best Romance Jokes
Love is tolerant, compassionate, and can be rather amusing. Make your significant other feel extra special by telling them some original love jokes. Here are some of the best romance jokes that we have picked for you.
Why shouldn’t you date someone with a lazy eye disease? Because they’ll start seeing someone else.
What did one boat say to the other?
Are you up for a little row-mance?
How did the telephone propose to its girlfriend?
He gave her a ring.
The brain is the most impressive organ in our whole body. From the day you are born, it works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, right up until you fall in love.
You are like dandruff because I just cannot get you out of my head no matter how hard I try.
Why do men like to fall in love at first sight?
Because doing so saves them a lot of money.
Love is like having to pass gas. If you force, then you are going to make a mess.
A couple are on a date at a fancy restaurant. The woman tells the man to say something to her that will get her heart racing. He says, “I forgot my wallet.”
Love is telling someone to go to hell and worrying about them getting there safely.
What did the squirrel say to his lover?
“I’m nuts about you!”
Do you like vegetables because I love you from my head tomatoes.
Can I borrow a kiss from you?
I promise you that I will give it back.
You are in my heart, my mind, and in my entire body. In fact, my doctor says that you must be a parasite!
Making Love is like math.
Add a bed, Subtract the clothes, Divide the legs, and pray you don’t Multiply!
Which song do sunflowers listen to when their girlfriend goes to work?
“Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone.”
Funny Romance Jokes
They claim that laughing is the soul of romance, thus funny romance jokes must be the foundation of a good marriage. Here are some jokes for you to enjoy.
Do you know why boyfriends are like cars?
Because they drive you crazy!
What happened when the two vampires went on a blind date?
It was love at first bite.
What do you call it when two nachos fall for each other?
A relation-dip.
Why is it difficult to impress the police?
Because they don’t like anyone who steals hearts.
What did the calculator say to the pencil?
“You can always count on me!”
What did the hopeless romantic baker say to his dough?
I knead you!
What do you call two raindrops who have fallen for each other?
Love is when I walk to the other side of the classroom to sharpen my pen just so I can see her. And then I realize that I am holding a pen.
The voice of love seemed to call me, and then I realized that it was a wrong number.
My boyfriend Hans and I met online. After dating a long time, I introduced him to my uncle, who was fascinated by the fact that we met over the Internet. He asked Hans what kind of line he had used to pick me up. Ever the geek, Hans naively replied, “I just used a modem.”
What happens when two ropes fall head over heels for each other?
They tie the knot.
Let’s commit the perfect crime together. I’ll steal your heart and you can steal mine.
Are you familiar with that tingly feeling that you get in your body when you start to develop feelings for someone?
That feeling is actually all of your common sense leaving your body.
Q. What does the ghost call his true love?
A. My ghoul-friend.
Hilarious Romance Jokes
Those who grew up in the pre-meme era, when the only messages you could deliver to an attractive classmate were folded cards or chalky candy hearts, understand the significance of a sweet love joke or a seductive knock-knock joke. Here are some hilarious romance jokes for you to enjoy.
What is common between good boyfriends and parking spaces?
Both are already taken.
Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?
Yes, it is February 14th.
A man invited a woman over to his home for a seven-course meal. “That’s lovely,” she said. “What are we going to have?” He said, “A hot dog and a six-pack of beer.
Relationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?
I love you with all my butt. I would say my heart, but it is just not as big.
What did the light bulb say to the switch?
“You turn me on.
Love is a lot like peeing in your pants. Only you can feel the warm sensation from such an experience.
Did you hear about the porcupine who was near-sighted? He fell in love with a pincushion.
What did Mr. Broom say to his wife? “You absolutely swept me off my feet!”
A T-Rex told his girlfriend, “I love you this much,” as he stretched out his arms. To which the girlfriend replied, “that’s not very much at all!
I was in the shop looking for a jacket to buy my girlfriend as a present. I couldn’t decide which one to get, so I asked the salesman, “If you were buying a jacket for your girlfriend, which one would you get? He said, “A bulletproof one. I’m married.”
Why do you think the lettuce fell in love with the sandwich?
Because he was a hopeless romain-tic!
This man was really lonely, so he posted an ad on a popular website. The ad said, simply: “Wife wanted.” He was surprised the next morning to find he had over a hundred replies in his inbox. Unfortunately, they all said the same thing: “You can have mine.”
Being in love is a lot like central heating in your home. You turn it on just before your guests come over and pretend that your house is always like this.
It is very important to have a woman who can cook, clean, and take care of the kids. And it is just as important to have a woman who can keep you happy in bed. And most of all, it is important that these two women never meet.
A guy takes his girlfriend to his bedroom, drops his pants, and says, “Meet my little brother.” The girlfriend picks up her purse on the way out and says, “Call me when he grows up.”
Corny Romance Jokes
As crucial as being smart is for any corny love joke, a little chemistry is also required. These corny romance jokes are sure to make you laugh and make you mushy.
How do you make a crush notice you if they don’t believe in love at first sight?
You pass by them again.
What did the lung say to his girlfriend?
“You take my breath away!”
What did the mobile phone say to the Wi-Fi router?
“I think I feel a special connection between us.”
What would the earth say to the sun if they started dating?
“My entire world revolves around you.”
What do the French say when they have to propose?
They say, “Eiffel for you!”
How do atoms know that they are falling in love?
They feel a strong force between each other.
Q. Why shouldn’t you fall in love with a pastry chef?
A. He’ll dessert you.
What do you call it when two birds start dating?
What is it like to date a dentist?
They’ll always make you smile.
My girlfriend just told me that she didn’t care what she got for Christmas, as long as it had diamonds in it.
Looks like somebody’s getting a pack of cards.
I just saw two zombies on a date.
And they say romance is dead.
Confucius says “Love one another. If it doesn’t work, just interchange the last two words.”
What did the snake say to his girlfriend?
“Give me a little hiss.”
Romance Jokes One Liners
Most individuals understand the benefits of a nice cheesy love joke or a seductive knock-knock joke. While these romance jokes one liners are unlikely to be used as a pick-up line, they can make for amusing banter and goofy chat.
What do you say to a date you find in Prague?
I must be a snowflake because I’ve fallen for you.
Are you a banana?
Because I find you a peeling.
Romantic love is a mental illness, but it is a pleasurable one.
Even if there wasn’t gravity on earth, I’d still fall for you.
You are like my asthma. You just take my breath away.
I think you might be suffering from a lack of vitamin me.
We’re not socks. But I think we’d make a great pair.
You are like my dentures. I cannot smile without you.
LOVE stands for Loss Of Valuable Energy.
You cannot buy love, but you can still pay heavily for it.
If kisses were snowflakes, I’d send you a blizzard.
Love is not having to hold in your gas anymore.
Sorry if this is extra cheesy, but you have a pizza my heart.
Cute Romance Jokes
Some of the finest love tales have begun with a few cute romance jokes, and you never know what may cause someone to fall in love. So here are a few of jokes for you.
My name is Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?
What did the patient with the broken leg say to their doctor?
Hey doc, I have a crutch on you.
Forget about the butterflies. When I am with you, I feel the whole zoo.
What did the keyboard say to the computer?
You are just my type!
What did one volcano say to the other volcano?
I lava you.
What did the cat say to her girlfriend?
“You’re purrr-fect for me.”
Did you hear about the love affair between sugar and cream?
It was the icing on the cake.
What do you call two cupids who fall in love?
A match made in heaven.
Are you a mermaid?
Because you’re cute as shell.
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put the letters U and I together.
We must both be subatomic particles because I feel this strong force between the two of us.
What kind of architecture makes people fall in love?
Heart deco.
What do you call two ants sharing a slice of pizza in Italy?
Clean Romance Jokes
It’s always conceivable that a simple joke may help you connect with someone you’re interested in. So here are some clean jokes about love for you.
Why should you never laugh at the choices your girlfriend makes?
Because you’re also one of them.
Why did the soccer player dislike Valentine’s Day?
He hated getting red cards.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Owl, who?
Owl always love you!
When you are in love, it is the most glorious two and a half days of one’s entire life.
Have you ever been fishing before? I only ask because I really think that we should hook up.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Will, who?
Will you marry me?
What is the main difference between love and marriage? Love is blind. Marriage, on the other hand, is the eye opener.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Honeydew, who?
Honeydew you know how much I love you?
Before you decide to make the commitment to marry a person, you should have them use a computer with a very slow internet connection so they can show you who they truly are.
Marriage is an incredible invention, but then again so is the toaster.
One day, a man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in stunningly sexy lingerie. “Tie me up,” she purred, “And you can do anything you want.” So he tied her up and went golfing.
Romance Jokes for Husband and Wife
Let us now take a look at some husband wife romantic jokes. Everyone on the planet values love, so it makes sense to give it a shot. Here are some romantic love jokes that you can share with your significant other.
As the music swelled during a recent wedding reception, my hopelessly romantic husband squeezed my hand, leaned in, and said, “You are better looking than half the women here.”
One day, a husband told his wife that her rear end was getting so big that it was as big as their grill. Later that night, he tried to get intimate with her in bed only for the wife to reply, “do you really think that I am going to fire up this grill for just one little weenie?”
I love you today more than I did yesterday. And that is because you really ticked me off yesterday.
My husband is of the opinion that I am absolutely crazy. But if he is the one who decided to get married to me, then that makes him even crazier than I am.
My wife is definitely a sex object in that every time I ask her for sex, she objects.
You should never be in a big rush to end your marriage with your spouse. You never know if you might need them to finish a sentence.
Love is a condition of temporary insanity. And the only available cure for this sickness is marriage.
When a man marries a woman, it is the highest compliment that he can pay her, and it is usually the last.
If your wife laughs at your funny jokes. It means you either have a good joke or a good wife.
A husband was looking at himself in the mirror and asked his wife, “will you still love me when I am old, fat, and bald?” She replied, “I do.”
I have not spoken to my wife in quite a few years. I just did not want to interrupt her.
A husband and wife were in bed watching tv.
The husband had the remote in hand switching back and forth between the porn and fishing channels.
The wife got pissed off grabbed the remote and kept it on the porn channel and said to hubby “Leave it on the porn channel you already know how to fish.”
An archaeologist is definitely the best husband a woman could ever have. The reason for this is because the older she gets, the more he will be interested in her.
My wife is so sweet, every day she asks me what I want to have for dinner and then tells me to get it packed on the way back home!
What is the ideal marriage? One that is between a spouse that is deaf and a spouse that is blind.
After a quarrel, a husband said to his wife, “You know, I was a fool when I married you.” She replied, “Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn’t notice.”
Wife: “How would you describe me?”
Wife: “What does that mean?”
Husband: “Adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant, fashionable, gorgeous, and hot.”
Wife: “Aw, thank you, but what about IJK?”
Husband: “I’m just kidding!”
A husband and wife are drinking wine at home. The wife says, “I love you.” The husband asks if that is her or the wine talking. She replies, “It’s me talking to the wine.”
You know you’re getting old when your wife says, “Honey, lets run upstairs and make love,” and you answer, “I can’t do both.”
Do you want to know why my husband and I will never ever need a marriage counselor? He majored in communications in college and I majored in theater. So he communicates with me a lot and I always make the effort to pretend to listen.
Make love, not war, and If you want both… Get married.!
A guy and his wife are sitting and watching a boxing match on television. The husband sighs and complains, “This is disappointing. It only lasted for 30 seconds!” “Good,” replied his wife. “Now you know how I always feel.”
Romance Jokes for Her
Even if some of your finest stories don’t work out, it’s still preferable to a broken limb. An icebreaker might be something romantic love jokes for her. Accept that they are romantic jokes for girlfriend, and wonderful things may follow.
I said, “I love you so much. I could never live without you.” My girlfriend giggled and asked, “Is that you talking or the beer?” I said, “It’s me talking to the beer…”
I want to spend the rest of my life trying to get out of debt with you.
I like to show my girlfriend who’s the boss in our house. I do this by holding a mirror up to her face.
Man: “Honey, on this Valentine’s Day, I want to tell you something… I’m not rich like Jack. I don’t have a mansion like Russell. I don’t have a Porsche like Martin. But I do love you and I want to marry you.” Woman: “Oh, dear, I love you too! What was that you said about Martin?”
Why did the man accuse his wife of robbery?
She stole his heart.
You can fall from the sky and you can fall from a tree, but the best way for you to fall is to fall in love with me.
Do you have a bandage? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
A girl asked her boyfriend if he would still love her after marriage. He replied, “that depends on what your husband will think.”
Our love will never become cold and hollow unless one day you refuse to swallow.
Hey girl, your smile reminds me of McDonalds, because I’m loving it!
I have never understood why women love cats. Cats are independent, they don’t listen, they don’t come in when you call, they like to stay out all night, and when they’re home they like to be left alone and sleep. In other words, every quality that women hate in a man, they love in a cat.
An intelligent girlfriend is one who makes sure that she makes her boyfriend spend so much that her boyfriend cannot afford another girl in his life.
Romance Jokes in English
If you enjoy cracking romantic jokes in English, it may work out nicely. The idea isn’t necessary to have someone crash at your house tonight. You just want to lighten the mood and make your romantic interest laugh.
What happens when you fall in love with an encyclopedia?
You get in-fact-uated.
What’s the difference between love and marriage? Love is one long, sweet dream and marriage is the alarm clock.
What do you call a movie where two tectonic plates fall for each other, and that ends up being an eye-opener for many people?
The fault in our lines.
What did the lightbulb say to their sweetie?
“I love you a whole watt!
Why is it risky to date a photographer?
Because you might get shot.
Wife: “In my dream, I saw you in a jewelry store and you bought me a diamond ring.”
Husband: “I had the same dream and I saw your dad paying the bill.”
My seatmate on a flight was a woman. Ever the charmer, I asked, “Does the airline charge you extra for sitting next to good-looking men?” “Yes,” she said, “but I wasn’t willing to pay.
What’s a man’s definition of a romantic evening?
Q. What did the little boat say to the yacht?
A. Can I interest you in a little row-mance?
My partner and I met by accident. It all started when he backed his car into mine.
There were two antennas who met on a roof and they fell in love and decided to get married. The ceremony was nothing fancy, but you could tell that they had a very strong connection.
What did the octopus say to its octopus crush?
“I wanna hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand.”
Do you want to know why I plan on no longer using Google anymore? Because after all this time that I have spent searching, I have found the love of my life and it is you.
Love is a form of amnesia where a girl forgets that there are about 1.2 billion other boys out there in the world.
How did the girl get a prince to fall in love with her?
She wore a raspberry beret.
Final Thoughts on Romance Jokes
Is there anything that can bring us together faster than our common love experiences? Love has the power to send you flying and to make you thrash pathetically. But, almost usually, hindsight is amusing.
Do you need to laugh? You now have a wide range of romance jokes at your disposal. These love jokes will make you laugh whether you’re single or in a relationship.
Love is difficult, but it can also be amusing. Reading romantic jokes and laughing is the best way to make a bad day better, which is presumably why they say laughter is the best medicine.
A love joke may suffice since these love jokes remind you of how basic love is. It’s critical to remember how to laugh at yourself, especially when you’re in love. So, try sharing these romance jokes with your own love bug or using them in your next Valentine’s Day card.