151 Hilarious Pumpkin Jokes to Make Halloween More Fun

These pumpkin jokes are hilarious if assuming you’re searching for some happy Halloween fun!
Pumpkin quips are glorious inscription motivation while you’re sharing your Halloween and jack-o-light photographs via virtual entertainment. You can likewise involve them in instant online correspondence and messages!
It’s simple to make jokes about pumpkin if you know a few fun pumpkin facts. They include pumpkin, from the Greek word ‘pepon,’ which means ‘large melon.’ It has approximately 500 seeds and is grown on every continent except Antarctica.
Consistently, the United States produces over 1.5 billion pounds of pumpkin. The heaviest pumpkin on the planet weighs 2,624 pounds!
You can now get a hint to make your own as well, as this article contains a plethora of pumpkin jokes.
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Table of Contents
Best Pumpkin Jokes
The best pumpkin jokes are considered necessary for the best Halloween party. What, for example, did the squash say to the cucumber when he saw the pumpkin carver? Oh, Gourd!
How do you repair a broken jack o’ lantern?
Use a pumpkin patch.
What do you say when you encounter a big pumpkin with sharp teeth?
See you later!
What did the pumpkin say to the pumpkin carver?
“Cut it out.”
What does a pumpkin pie say after a big meal?
That was filling!
What do you call a fat jack-o-lantern?
A plumpkin.
What did the pumpkin say to the pie baker?
“Use apples, instead.”
How do you mend a broken Jack-o-lantern?
With a pumpkin patch!
What is orange and flies?
Super Pumpkin!
Why did the pumpkin cross the road?
It fell off the wagon!
When is a pumpkin not a pumpkin?
When you drop it; then it’s squash!
When asked how he was, what did the pumpkin reply?
I’m vine, thank you.
When asked how he was feeling, what did the pumpkin say?
“I’m vine, thanks!”
What did the gardener say when all of his squash went missing?
Something pumpkin is going on here!
Who is the leader of all pumpkins?
The pumpking!
Funny Pumpkin Jokes
Across the whole of Halloween week, you can be the pun-king (or queen!) with funny pumpkin puns. For instance, why is the Jack-o-lantern constantly forgetting things? Because he was empty-headed!
What’s the problem with eating too much pumpkin pie this time of year?
You’ll get autumn’y ache.
What kind of romance do pumpkins enjoy?
A mushy romance.
What kind of animal loves pumpkins?
Why was the jack-o-lantern afraid to cross the road?
It had no guts!
Why do pumpkins sit by people’s doorsteps?
Because they have no hands to knock on the door!
How did winter squash pay for things?
With pumpkin bread!
What is orange and goes choo choo?
A pumpkin train-ing!
What do pumpkins eat at the cinema?
Pulp corn!
Where do pumpkins hold meetings?
The gourdroom.
What did one Pumpkin say to the other?
“Happy Hollowing!”
What did Cinderella say when her carriage turned into a pumpkin?
“Oh my gord!”
What’s black, white, orange, and waddles?
A penguin carrying a pumpkin.
A pumpkin says to a jack-o’-lantern, “All we ever do is sit around on the stoop. Don’t you want to mix it up, try something different?”
The jack-o’-lantern replies, “I don’t have the guts.”
What’s the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie?
Your teeth.
Why did everyone think the jack-o-lantern was evil?
It had a wicked candle inside it.
Hilarious Pumpkin Jokes
Pumpkins will be everywhere, whether you carve them or bake them into pies. What’s the best thing to put in your pumpkin pie? It is one example of hilarious pumpkin jokes. Your teeth!
How does a pumpkin listen to Halloween music?
On vine-yl.
What’s the pumpkin’s favorite Western?
The Gourd, The Bad, and The Ugly.
Why was the jack-o’-lantern so forgetful?
Because he’s empty-headed.
What did the queasy pumpkin say?
“I don’t feel so gourd.”
Why are jack-o-lanterns so smart?
A candle makes them bright.
Why was the gourd so gossip-y?
To give ’em pumpkin’ to talk about.
Why was the jack-o’-lantern afraid?
It had no guts.
Why was Cinderella bad at football?
Because she had a pumpkin for a coach.
Why did the pumpkin take a detour?
To avoid a seedy part of town.
What does a carved pumpkin celebrate?
What did George Strait say to the pumpkin?
I’m Here for a Gourd Time.
What did the pumpkin say to its carver?
Cut it out!
How did the jack-o’-lantern quit smoking?
The pumpkin patch.
What did the pumpkins say at happy hour?
“Let’s get smashed.”
What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?
How do you cure someone with a pumpkin spice addiction?
Apply the pumpkin patch.
We got our seasonal bulk in at work today and got Pumpkin Spice Motor Oil.
It’s for autumnmobiles.
Knock Knock Pumpkin Jokes
For more giggles and laughter, knock-knock pumpkin jokes should be included in this autumn season. Knock, knock. Is anyone here? Pumpkin. Who is Pumpkin? My favorite is pumpkin-nickel bread!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Pumpkin who?
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Pumpkin who?
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Pumpkin who?
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn’t say pumpkin again?
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Pumpkin who?
Pumpkin-nickel bread is my favorite!
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Pumpkin who?
Things that go pumpkin the night!
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad it’s almost Halloween?
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Jack. Jack who?
Jack o’ lantern!
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Pie. Pie who?
Pie really love you.
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Pumpkin spice.
Pumpkin spice who?
Time to pumpkin spice up the night!
Pumpkin Jokes One Liners
You can’t let jokes take up the majority of your party time. Choose pumpkin jokes one-liners. For example, why was the jack-o-lantern scared to cross the street? It lacked guts.
What do you call an autumnal pop star?
Pumpkin Spice!
What day of the week do pumpkins dread the most?
Who did the pumpkin run away from?
Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother!
What did the pumpkin say at the end of Halloween?
Good-pie everyone!
What is black, white, orange and waddles?
A penguin carrying a pumpkin!
How are pumpkins like cats?
You’ll find them by the door when you get home!
Why was Cinderella not very good at tennis?
Because her coach was a pumpkin!
Why are pumpkins so bad at tests?
Because they’ve had their brains scooped out!
What did the orange pumpkin say to the green pumpkin?
Why orange you orange?
Why did the witch paint her toenails orange?
So she could hide in the pumpkin patch!
What did the pumpkin say when he was asked how he was feeling?
I’m vine, thanks for asking!
What’s cooking, gourd looking?
Be of gourd cheer.
Patch you later!
Don’t go(urd) breaking my heart.
Let the gourd times roll!
You are the pumpkin of my pie.
Gourd vibes only.
Say hollow to my little friend!
Let’s pumpkin spice things up!
Sorry I’m latte — I had to pick up my pumpkin spice.
I know a latte pumpkin spice puns.
Unless it’s pumpkin spice, I don’t give a frappe
Me + PSL = Squashgoals.
Life is gourd when it’s pumpkin spice season!
I only drink pumpkin spice — just call me a basic witch.
Pumpkin Spice and everything nice.
Blood type: Pumpkin Spice.
Why do I add baking soda to my pumpkin spice lattes?
To make them even more basic.
Clean Pumpkin Jokes
Clean pumpkin jokes are preferable because Halloween parties comprise people of all ages. For example, what caused the pumpkin to turn red? Because it started to notice the salad dressing.
Which English pop singer is most popular during the Thanksgiving holiday?
Pumpkin Spice.
Why is trick or treating with identical twin witches so challenging?
You can never tell which witch is which.
What type of pants do ghosts wear?
Boo jeans.
Why don’t mummies go on vacations?
They are too afraid to unwind.
Which Halloween creature got the best grades in Math?
Count Dracula.
What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit?
A neck-tarine.
What kind of music do mummies like best?
Wrap music, duh.
What rides do ghosts like best at the haunted carnival?
The scary go-round and the roller ghost-er.
Why don’t skeletons eat Halloween candy?
They just don’t have the stomach for it.
Which Halloween creature is the best dancer?
The Boogie Man.
What do birds say on Halloween?
“Trick or Tweet!”
Why don’t skeletons ever go trick or treating?
They have no body to go with.
What’s a pumpkin’s favorite genre?
Pulp fiction.
How did the jack-o’-lantern win the science prize?
A light went on in his head!
What band do all pumpkins despise?
The Smashing Pumpkins.
Halloween Pumpkin Jokes
Dirty pumpkin jokes are required to spice up the Halloween party. To avoid embarrassment, make sure there are no children present. For instance, where do pumpkins make love? “In in the gourdroom.”
What did the pumpkin say to the pie maker?
“Wouldn’t you rather use apples?”
Why do pumpkins do poorly in school?
Because eventually they end up with all their brains scooped out.
What’s the best thing to put in a piece of pumpkin pie?
Your teeth!
What do you call the family and relatives of gourds?
What did Cinderella say when her carriage suddenly turned into a pumpkin?
Oh my gourd!
Where do pumpkins like to live?
In the seedy part of town.
What did the pumpkin say to the jack-o-lantern?
“Got a light?”
Why did the pumpkin turn red?
Because it saw the salad dressing.
Pumpkin Jokes for Kids
This autumn season, there should be pumpkin jokes for kids as a new addition to the party. For example, what is the circumference to diameter ratio of a pumpkin? Pumpkin Pi.
What do you use to mend a jack-o-lantern?
A pumpkin patch.
Who helps the little pumpkins cross the road to school?
The Crossing Gourd.
What do you get when you divide the circumference of your jack-o-lantern by its diameter?
Pumpkin Pi.
What is the ratio of a pumpkin’s circumference to its diameter?
Pumpkin Pi.
What do you call a pumpkin that works at the beach?
A life-gourd.
What is black, white, orange, and waddles?
A penguin with a pumpkin.
What are gourds afraid of?
Things that go Pumpkin the night.
What do adventurous pumpkins do for fun?
Go bungee gourd jumping.
Why do pumpkins sit on people’s porches?
They have no hands to knock on the door.
Why was Cinderella not very good at softball?
Because her coach was a pumpkin.
What’s orange and faster than a speeding train?
Super Pumpkin.
How did the winter squash pay for things?
It used pumpkin bread.
Why do pumpkins do so bad in school?
Because they had all their brains scooped out.
What did the pumpkin say after thanksgiving?
Good-pie everyone.
When is an orange not an orange?
When it’s a pumpkin.
How are pumpkins like cats?
They’re often waiting on the porch for you when you get home.
What do you call a pretty pumpkin?
What did the orange pumpkin say to the green pumpkin?
You look a little sick.
How do gourds get to so strong?
By pumpkin iron.
What kind of gourd grows on trees?
What do you call an athletic pumpkin?
A jock o’ lantern.
Why were the two pumpkins so close?
They had deep roots.
Pumpkin Jokes and Riddles
When asked in the form of a riddle, jokes can be even more amusing. I’m tall when I’m young, short when I’m old, and I stand inside pumpkins every Halloween. What am I? A candle! One example from the category of pumpkin jokes and riddles.
The bigger it is, the more it feeds. This orange squash has lots of seeds. What am I?
A pumpkin!
I’m made of pumpkin and spice but not everything nice I prefer ghosts and ghouls and anything cruel I can cool you down after the hottest time ever You can figure me out without having to be clever. What am I?
The month of October!
I have seeds but I’m not a watermelon I can be made into a pie but I’m not an apple I can be carved but I’m not roast beef I’m orange but I’m not an orange I’m associated with a patch but I’m not an eye What am I?
A pumpkin!
You might pick up one of these when you go out to a patch carve it, put it in a candle and then light it with a match from October to November You’ll see me in lattes and pies, a treat for your mouth! What am I?
A pumpkin!
Pumpkin Jokes and Puns
Go for the most amusing pumpkin jokes and puns for your party to make it unforgettable. What caused the pumpkin to cross the road? Because it fell off the wagon!
Have a gourd Halloween.
Let’s “carve out” some fun this fall.
Let’s give ’em pumpkin to talk about.
I’ve never met a pumpkin I didn’t like.
Oh my gourd! I love fall.
I only have pies for you.
Orange you pumped for Autumn?
Wow, this pumpkin is totally jacked.
Give ’em pumpkin to talk about.
Squash goals.
Life is gourd.
Gourd big or go home.
Hey gourd-geous!
You’re the pick of the (pumpkin) patch.
I’m ahead of the carve.
You struck a gourd with me.
I’m on the rind 24/7.
Final Thoughts on Pumpkin Jokes
We love each moment of it, from pumpkin exploring to apple picking to appreciating the fall foliage. However, in no time, Santa will be visiting the area, the leaves will have fallen, and we’ll need to trust that our number one season will return.
We trust these pumpkin jokes and pumpkin quips have made you grin.
And keeping in mind that diving into a pumpkin can be untidy, diving into these pumpkin jokes isn’t on the grounds that they are perfect kids about pumpkins.
Incredible for guardians, educators, nursery workers, Halloween darlings, ranchers, and offspring, everything being equal.
These jokes about pumpkins are sure to go over well, whether you’re on a long car ride to the pumpkin patch, handing out candy to eager trick-or-treaters, or rushing to put together the perfect (well, maybe not perfect) Thanksgiving feast.
You might even want to share your amusement with all of your social media friends.