151 Hilarious Potato Jokes to Make You Laugh

One veggie that we all could eat anywhere and anytime, is a potato for sure! And no wonder why, we all love potato jokes too.
This versatile vegetable can be fried, cooked, baked, or used in salad. Its multiple usages make it flexible to be a subject for a lot of hilarious yet quite silly jokes about potatoes. Moreover, this round object is known to give adequate nutrients along with a good dose of laughter for human survival.
Potatoes are not simply the most diverse vegetable on the planet; they also make hilarious potato jokes! If you’re looking for potato jokes, puns, and gags that will have your pals peeling with laughter, look no further.
Now, keep your eyes peeled because we are about to begin roasting our very own potatoes that are meant to sprout joy.
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Table of Contents
Best Potato Jokes
Are you seeking the best potato jokes? If so, then you don’t have to skim any more, because we have got you covered below. Have a look and enjoy your time.
Why do potatoes make such bad gardeners?
Because they have Red Thumbs, not Green Thumbs!
How did the potato propose to his girlfriend?
He put a ring on her Fingerling!
Which disease is the biggest killer of potatoes?
Who is the most powerful potato?
Darth Tater.
Why was the potato taken to a psychiatric hospital?
It was starch raving mad.
I met a girl that owned three french-fry factories.
I was impressed, but to her, it was just small potatoes.
Why shouldn’t you give a zombie mashed potatoes?
Because they’re already a little grave-y.
What do you call a yam with a broom?
A sweep potato.
What do you call a stolen yam?
A hot potato.
Why did the potato cross the road?
He saw a fork up ahead.
What’s a potato’s favorite horror movie?
The Silence of the Yams.
Did you hear about what the potato said to her boyfriend after their big argument?
“We can’t keep hashing over the same topic. I think I am losing my peelings for you.”
How do you know if a potato has eaten something bad?
They will have smelly carb-on dioxide
What is the best pasta to offer a potato?
How does a potato win at Street Fighter?
By mashing the kick button.
I yam always very happy…
to eat sweet potatoes.
What do you say to a baked potato that’s angry?
Anything you like, just butter it up
What’s a potato’s favorite TV show?
Starch Trek.
Funny Potato Jokes
You might have read a lot of potato jokes but not all of them were funny, right? Well, then get yourself hooked to this page because we guarantee you that these funny potato jokes are the hilarious jokes you have read so far.
What do you call a potato that’s reluctant to jump into boiling water?
A hesi-tater.
What do you call a person who spends a lot of time sitting and staring at potatoes?
A medi-tator.
What do you call a potato at a football game?
A spec-tater.
What do you call a fake potato?
An imi-tater.
What do you call a potato that’s always looking for a fight?
An agi-tater.
What do you call a spinning potato?
A rotate-o.
What do you call a chip that makes fun of you?
A tater-taunt.
How do you know a potato is in a bad mood?
When they’re acting salty.
All potato puns are…
pomme de terrible.
Why did the potato salad blush?
Because it saw the salad dressing.
What do you call a lazy spud?
A couch potato.
What do you call a lethargic baby kangaroo?
A pouch potato.
What do you call a good-looking French fry?
A hot potato.
What do you call potatoes with right angles?
Square roots.
Who is a potato’s favorite author?
Edgar Allen Poe-tato.
Why do potatoes make good detectives?
Because they keep their eyes peeled.
What do you use to carry potatoes?
A tater tote.
Hilarious Potato Jokes
If you are a crazy potato lover, you can’t miss these hilarious potato jokes. Get your hands on these now and don’t hesitate to share them with your fellow potato lovers too!
What did the father potato say to his daughter before her football game?
I’m rooting for you.
What do you call a first aid vehicle made out of potatoes?
A yambulance.
What’s a potato’s least favorite dance?
The Mash Potato.
Why did I win the potato-hiding contest?
Because my carbo-hide-rate was so good.
Why does everyone love sweet potatoes?
They’re yammy.
What’s a potato’s favorite song to dance to at a Halloween party?
The “Monster Mash.”
What’s the difference between pea soup and mashed potatoes?
Anyone can mash potatoes, but no one can pea soup.
What is a potato’s life philosophy?
I think, therefore I yam.
“How was your day?” The steak asked the gloomy potato.
The potato replied, “It was tater-ible.”
What did the sweet potato say to the regular potato?
“I yam what I yam”.
What do you call a baby potato?
Small fry.
A potato gave a gift to his girlfriend.
She said, “Aww, why are you so sweet?”
He said, “It’s just the way I yam.”
What do you get after a potato rainstorm?
Why does everyone love cooking with potatoes?
They’re very a-peeling.
Why didn’t the potato want his daughter to marry the news reporter?
Because he was a commen-tater.
Why did the French fry win the race?
Because it was fast food.
Why do potatoes always get bullied?
Because they’re so easy to roast
How were spuds punished in the Medieval days?
They were decap-potatoed.
What do you get if you cross a country singer with a potato?
Johnny Mash!
What do Indonesian potatoes each for dinner?
Mashi Goreng
Did you hear about the potato who was obsessed with Twitter?
He loved using hashtags!
Mashed Potato Jokes
Potato is one of the few vegetables that can be eaten in a lot of forms, but obviously, mashed potatoes are everyone’s favorite! Therefore, if you are also among them, looking for mashed potato jokes, the given list is all for you.
What do you get when you put potatoes on the kitchen floor?
Mashed potatoes.
Why shouldn’t you give a zombie mashed potatoes?
Because they’re already a little grave-y.
What do you get when you put an elephant and a load of potatoes together?
Mashed potatoes!
What’s the difference between pea soup and mashed potato?
Anyone can mash potatoes, but no one can pee soup.
What’s a potato’s favorite song to dance to at a Halloween party?
The ‘Monster Mash’.
What does a potato say on a sunny morning?
What a mashing day!
What do you get when you cross a tater with a race car?
Crashed potato.
Potato Jokes One Liners
The potato was the first vegetable that was grown in outer space! Cool, right? But do you know, what’s cooler? Some potato jokes one liners. Keep reading if you want to have a fun time.
How do you know if a potato loves hot showers?
He’ll be soft inside.
Did you hear about the potato who was eager to learn about his ancestors?
He wanted to get in touch with his roots.
Why are hot potatoes so easy to bribe?
Because they love to be buttered up!
Why was the potato salad so embarrassed at dinner time?
Because it saw the salad dressing.
What did the police potato say to his partner during a stake-out?
“Keep your eyes peeled or we might miss something!”
How do you know if a potato has been through a lot?
He’ll probably have a chip on his shoulder.
Why do potatoes like going on dates during the oven?
Because it always gets a bit hot and steamy!
What do potatoes do during marriage counselling?
They hash it out.
Why do potatoes often miss work deadlines?
They don’t deal well when it’s close to crunch time.
What is a potatoes favourite romantic comedy?
Spuddenly 30.
What is a potato’s favourite game?
A sack race!
I took my jacket potato to the dentist yesterday. It needed a filling.
Looking for potato puns?
You can always count on me to chip in.
I love cooking with potatoes. I find them very a-peeling.
What did the angry potato say during an argument?
You better be careful or I’ll mash you!
How do you know if a potato has no money?
He won’t chip in for dinner.
Before the potato became slim and slender, where could you find her?
On the couch.
Saw some crisps strolling down the road and offered them a lift. “No thanks”, they said, “we’re Walkers”.
Knock Knock Potato Jokes
Running out of some potato knock knock jokes? Scroll down below because we have got all the potato knock knock jokes right here. Make sure to crack one of these on the dinner table and watch everyone burst into laughter.
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Edgar who?
Edgar Allan Poe-tato.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Tomato who?
You say to-may-to, I say po-tot-o.
Potato Jokes for Adults
Potatoes are one of our favorite foods, and we are sure they’re one of yours as well. For this reason, we have penned down a few hysterical potato jokes for adults that will double the fun while eating potatoes in a meal.
What did the potato say to his friend?
Nothing. Potatoes can’t talk.
What do you call a potato who loves sky diving?
What is a potato’s favourite childhood book?
Green eggs and yam!
Who is a potato’s favourite movie star?
Channing Po-tatum.
Why are potatoes so flirtatious?
Because they’re garden hose.
What did the potato say during his wedding speech?
My love for you sprouts every day!
How do you insult a potato?
Tell them to get forked.
Why was the potato so stressed out?
Because he knew he was in hot water!
How do potatoes kiss?
They mash each other!
Two Amish women are digging potatoes in a field.
The first turns to the other, hefts two large taters, and says “These potatoes remind me of my Jacob”.
The second replies “They’re that big?”
“No,” the first says. “They’re that dirty.”
Why were all the French fries swooning over the potato?
He was a total spud.
What do you call a potato who works as an EMT?
A resuscitater.
What did the bank robber French fry say to the potato cop?
“Just fry and stop me!”
How do you know if a potato has good manners?
They’ll peel-lity open the door for you!
What do you call a potato from Mexico?
The potato living next door is obsessed with becoming a successful entrepreneur. He is got at least five different starch-up businesses already!
What did the potato say when he was sentenced to jail?
“I want to a-peel!”
Where do potatoes go when they pass away?
Into the grave-y.
When the police officer saw the yam peeling out on the parking lot, he pulled it over.
Why do potatoes make such great salesmen for Soda Streams?
Because they love carb-onated water!
I’ve been learning a lot about potatoes and their zodiacs lately.
They’re really into starch-signs
I watched the news about the stoned potato who crashed his car.
He was completely baked.
If you had to take a potato out on a coffee date where would you take them?
I’d recommend visiting Starch-bucks
Why are potatoes so good at shooting firearms?
They know how to handle their carb-ines.
Why do potatoes make such good comedians?
Because they are tater-ly hilarious!
Did you hear about the group of bossy spuds?
They were such dic-taters.
What do you call a potato who likes to chat about sports all day long?
A commen-tator.
The young potato down the street was recently charged with excessive lying in court.
He was always such a potat-tle tale at school!
Why do spuds make good keyboard warriors?
Because potaters gon’ tate.
Potato Jokes for Kids
Whether it’s a wonderfully soft baked potato or some crispy cubed cheesy Parmentiers, almost all kids have one favorite potato meal in a day. Thus, if you want to keep them interested in the food, you might need the help of some potato jokes for kids. Check them out.
Why wouldn’t the reporter leave the mashed potatoes alone?
He desperately wanted a scoop.
Why can’t a farmer keep secrets on her farm?
Because the corn has ears, the potatoes have eyes and the beans stalk.
Why didn’t the mother potato want her daughter to marry the famous newscaster?
Because he was a common-tater.
What do you call a french dog that loves potatoes?
A pomme de terrier.
What do you get if you cross a dinosaur with a potato?
A rap-tater.
What do you call baby potatoes?
Tater tots.
Did you hear about the spud who was always relaxed and zen?
She is a medi-tater.
What do you call a potato in costume?
An imi-tater.
What do you call an angry potato?
What kind of potato would Kim Jong Un be?
A dic-tater.
What do you call a potato that gets things done?
A facilitate.
Mr. Potato Head’s wife is upset.
She claims he won’t tater anywhere.
What do you call a passenger train made out of sweet potatoes?
A Yamtrack.
What do potatoes eat for breakfast?
Pota-toast with jelly.
What instrument does a spud play?
A “tuber.”
How did the burger propose to the fry?
With an onion ring?
Why did the sea monster eat twelve ships that were carrying potatoes?
Because nobody can eat just one potato ship!
How did the Irish potato become bilingual?
He became a French Fry.
Russia decided to launch a satellite full of potatoes into orbit to see what would happen.
It’s called the SPUDnic.
What is the difference between a hot potato and a flying pig?
One’s a heated yam, and one’s a yeeted ham.
A guy goes into a store and asks if they sell Potato Clocks.
The assistant says “Sorry sir, we don’t. We have battery clocks, electrical clocks, wind up clocks. In fact, I’ve never heard of a potato clock.”
The man says…
“Neither have I, but I start my new job at nine tomorrow and my wife said I should get a potato clock.”
Why didn’t the potato chips believe anything the sandwich said?
Because the sandwich was full of baloney.
Potato Jokes and Puns
Do you wish to share some amusing potato jokes with your friends? You’ve arrived at the correct location. We have a couple of potato jokes and puns for every type of spud-lover, whether you enjoy a platter of chips or the ideal mash.
Did you hear about that potato that had its head chopped off?
It was decap-potatoed.
What do you call a potato that’s afraid to go into hot water?
A hes-i-tater.
What do you call potatoes that have gone over to the dark side?
Vader Tots.
Why did the pie cross the road?
She was meat a potato.
Why did the sea monster eat twelve boats carrying sacks of potatoes?
Because nobody can eat just one potato ship.
What do you call a spud that always keeps its cool?
A medi-tater.
What do you call a monkey who makes potato chips?
A Chipmunk.
Why was the potato actor so happy?
He got a lead role in Plants vs. Zombies.
A woman goes into a shop and asks if they sell potato clocks.
The assistant says “Sorry, we don’t. We have alarm clocks, wall clocks, wind-up clocks… But I’ve never even heard of a potato clock.”
The woman says, “neither have I, but I start my new job at nine tomorrow morning so my husband said I should get a potato clock.”
Final Thoughts on Potato Jokes
When we talk about vegetables, the only veggie that pops up in our mind is undoubtedly, Potato. Besides their extreme deliciousness, and being a potential source of starch they are also a great source of potato jokes as well.
Potatoes are strange and fascinating vegetables. From the way they sound to the way they grow and appear, they are ideal fodder for jokes and puns. Some of our favorite spudder-inducing, tot-es hilarious potato jokes and puns can be found here.
Furthermore, you might not be aware of, that; consuming a lot of potatoes in a single meal can provide unnecessary carbohydrates. This is why, we have brought an ideal way to burn those carbs, through jokes about potatoes.
So, without any further delay, share these potato puns with your friends and family. Also, if you have heard any new good potato jokes in a while, comment down because we would love to read them!
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