
153 Hilarious Plant Jokes to Make You Laugh

If you are a nature lover then it is simply the best opportunity for you to dive into our most exotic collection of plant jokes.

You can never deny the joy of sitting outside surrounding with the green Mother Nature and sharing a couple of thigh-slapping laughter on our jokes about plants with your other nature addict companion.

Your love for plants is worth your time here because you are going to be entertained on your most favorite topic, then; you are at the right place to find yourself some world’s most trending and popular plant jokes that will have you knock your stalks off.

So here we have sorted some amazing plant jokes for you which you are bound to love! Read them and memorize them to laugh!

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Best Plant Jokes

If you are a plant loving parent and you want to instill the same love for plants in your kids but kids want fun then you have the best chance to grab some best plant jokes here and combine them with your leafy activities out in the garden and you are good to go.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Iva who?
Iva lot of work to do in the garden today, come out and help me!

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Cash who?
No thanks, I prefer peanuts!

What did the big flower say to the little flower?
What’s up, bud?!

How do succulents confess their feelings?
“Aloe you vera much!”

Why was the gardener so embarrassed?
He wet his plants!

What do you call a cheerleading herb?
An encourage-mint!

How did the gardener know his herbs were fully grown?
It was just about thyme!

What kind of flowers bloom on your face?

Why did the cactus get in trouble at school?
It couldn’t keep its plants to itself!

Why couldn’t the gardener plant any flowers?
He hadn’t botany!

Where do flowers recharge?
At a power plant!

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Leaf who?
Leaf me alone!

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Honeydew who?
Honeydew you want to hear some gardening jokes?

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Turnip who?
Turnip the music, let’s salsa dance!

Why do herbs use Tinder?
For Netflix and dill!

What do you call a garden nursery?
Plant Parenthood!

Why was the cactus so smug?
It was an arrogant prick!

How did the flowers survive so long without water?
They really rose to the occasion!

Hilarious Plant Jokes

Hold a nature themed party at your place and need to write up something to pique the interest of the guests, then you are not wrong to stop here as we are going to present you with some hilarious plant jokes that will make your party a big hit.

What makes some plants better at math than others?
Square roots!

Why wouldn’t the plant date the other?
They didn’t want no shrubs!

What do plants do when they first meet each other?
They in-tree-duce themselves!

What’s the saddest plant?
A weeping widow!

What’s up, buttercup?

What do you call a nervous tree?
A sweaty palm!

How do plants practice self-care?
They try to weed out unnecessary drama!

Why do plants go to therapy?
To get to the root of their problems!

Funny Plant Jokes

Nature is a blessing and if you are nature loving person then you are blessed also. How about sharing your blessing with the people around you through light-hearted talk as well as some funny plant jokes that will make your ideas seep into minds efficiently?

How much room should you give fungi to grow?
As mushroom as possible.

When does a farmer dance?
When he drops the beet.

How are you doing zucchini?
I’m vine, thanks for asking.

What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind?
A maybee.

Why are frogs so happy?
They eat whatever bugs them.

What did one plant say to another?
What’s ta-ma-ta?

How do trees get online?
They just log in.

Plant Jokes One Liners

Being a sapling of green one can never deny the joy of sitting outside and if you have a cup of tea and pair it up with some plant jokes one liners then you are in heaven.

I’m rooting for you! (loving this “I’m So Rooting For You!” mug from Plantspree)

I’ll never leaf you.

Leaf me alone. (as on this monstera plant pun shirt)

Support plant parenthood.

You’re unbeleafable.

You grow girl!

Pot it like it’s hot.

Talk dirt to me.

I think of you everydaisy.

I lilac you.

Wild (flower) about you.

I’m so thorny.

I love it when you call me big poppy.

I love you a lil more each day.

Iris you all the happiness in the world.

If you were a flower, you’d be a damndelion.

We should put our tulips together.

Let’s take a leaf of faith.

Plant a kiss on me.

Clean Plant Jokes

If you want to seed the love for nature in young minds then you must have our collection of clean plant jokes in your gardening class activity to make it more enjoyable for the children.

Let’s give them pumpkin’ to talk about.

“Cut it out!” said the Jack-o-Lantern.

My Jack-o-Lantern is wider than yours. It’s as simple as pumpkin pi.

I’m always smiling, but inside I feel hollow.

Scarecrows are always out garden their patch.

Thank goodness spring is finally here!
The trees are re-leaved.

Can February March?
No, but April May.

What do you mean June is over?

I got into a fight with a snail. It was a real slug-fest.

You know what really bugs me?
Insect puns.

You hear about the squirrel diet?
It’s nuts!

Schwarzenegger retired from TV to kill bugs. Now he’s an ex-terminator.

A magic tractor drove down the road and turned into a field!

I got a job working in a hayfield. After one day I bailed.

Our farm is haunted by chickens. You could say that we have a poultry-geist problem.

I had a job drilling holes for water. It was well boring.

Why shouldn’t you tell a secret on a farm?
Because the corn has ears.

A chicken farmer’s favourite car is a coupe.

The farmer had such a bad headache he had to retire. He was sick of his grains.

The scarecrow get promoted. He was outstanding in his field.

I put up an electric fence around my field last weekend. My neighbour is dead against it.

You’re looking sharp.

I’m ready to take it from “cacti” to “cactus.”

I’m glad I pricked you.

Hope your birthday is on point.

Pretty fly for a cacti.

You prickle my fancy.

I’ll never desert you.

You’re stuck with me.

Cactus makes perfect.

I’m so glad we pricked each other.

We make a prickly pear.

Let’s stick together.

Plant Jokes about Flowers

As a plant lover nothing is a better valentine’s day gift for you in this world than a bunch of flowers accompanied by a note of silly flowers jokes. So get into it.

What did the sunflower say to her BFF when she reached 5 feet tall?
“You grow, girl!”

What did the rose text her best bud?
“I’m all dressed up and have nowhere to grow!”

What’s the fiercest type of flower?
A dandelion!

You can poppy-n anytime!

What did the husband say when his wife told him he bought the wrong flowers?
“Oopsie daisy!”

It’s just one of rose things….

What in carnation?

How do roses kiss?
They plant one on the other’s cheek.

Mum’s the word!

He’s just a one-trick peony.

Iris you all the happiness in the world.

What did the boy plant say to his girlfriend?
“I’ll never leaf you.”

Put the petal to the metal.

She has a violet streak.

How do you grow a flower that glows in the dark?
With a light bulb.

OK, Bloomer!

If I had a trillium dollars.

What happens when a flower blushes?
It turns rosy.

I lilac you.

What part of a flower has the most friends?
The bud.

Plant Jokes about Fruits and Vegetables

If you are a vegetarian and your love for green out runs everything else then let’s give you a handful of fruits and vegetables jokes that will make your day.

Why did the banana go to the doctor?
It wasn’t peeling well.

Why did the cabbage win the race?
Because it was ahead!

What kind of vegetable do you get when an elephant walks through your garden?

What did the baby corn say to the mother corn?
Where’s popcorn?

How do you fix a broken tomato?
With tomato paste.

What did the grape say when it was crushed?
Nothing, but it let out a little wine.

Why did the lettuce close its eyes?
Because it saw the salad dressing.

Why did the tomato blush?
Because he saw the salad dressing!

Why do potatoes make the best detectives?
Because they always keep their eyes peeled!

Where do vegetables go to have a few drinks?
The salad bar!

What’s green and goes to summer camp?
A Brussels’ scout!

What do you call an everyday potato?
A commen-tator.

What did the watermelon say to the cantaloupe?
You’re one in a melon

Why did the apricot ask a prune to dinner?
Because he couldn’t find a date.

What does a nosey pepper do?
It gets jalapeño business.

Why did the Golden Delicious go to jail?
Because he was a rotten apple!

Why do melons have fancy weddings?
Because they cantaloupe!

What is small, red and whispers?
A hoarse radish!

Plant Jokes about Trees

Having a friend who is crazy about trees and greenery is really a beautiful life-experience in itself. But let us help you take your friendship to another level by sharing some nerve-racking tree jokes that will have your nemophilist of a friend fall in love with you.

What has no fingers but lots of rings?
A tree.

How do trees get on the Internet?
They log on!

Why do trees hate riddles?
They always get stumped!

Why are trees good at algebra?
They can always find the root of the equation!

Why are trees so good at networking?
They’re constantly branching out!

How can you identify a dogwood tree?
By its bark!

What was wrong with the tree’s car?
It wooden start!

What is a tree’s favourite subject in school?

Why are trees so tall and thin?
They only eat light.

What’s a nervous tree called?
A sweaty palm.

Why do trees have so many friends?
They branch out.

How do trees get on Instagram?
They log in.

How did the tree ask out his crush?
He said, “Wood you be mine?”

What kind of tree can you hold in your hand?
A palm tree!

Did you know I can cut down a tree by looking at it?
It’s true, I saw it with my own eyes!

A snare drum and a cymbal fall out of a tree. *Ba-dum-tsssss*

Plant Jokes and Puns

If are a person who is madly in love with nature and is eco-friendly and also wants to convey message to others also then nothing is better than cracking them up through plant jokes and puns that will quickly sink into their mind and take roots. So let’s dive into the world of mirth.

Let me plant one on ya!

Our friendship is unbeleafable.

I’m very frond of you.

You had me at aloe.

My heart beets for you.

You are a spud muffin!

You are absolutely radishing.

If you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple.

You grow, girl!

You’re my bam-boo.

I’d never leaf you.

You make my heart skip a beet.

Aloe you vera much.

Wood you be mine?

Final Thoughts on Plant Jokes

Plant jokes just spark a joy in us that loving the Mother Nature is in our bones. It is deeper than we can imagine. It is the source of our being that we have forgotten over time in this age of technology.

All we need to do is strengthen our roots through spending time in nature and having other to do so also through jokes about plants more frequent because mirth and laughter can make anything possible.

We here provide the best way to educate and enjoy not only the adults regarding the love for plants and greenery but also the young minds that are our future and we need to preserve this Green Ball (Earth) for their future.

So it is most important to convey your ideas through green campaigns that are highlighted with more plant jokes to make the difference in the world. We hope you enjoyed reading these!

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