160 Hilarious Owl Jokes for a Hooting Good Time

Laughter is the best medicine, and what better way to lighten up the mood other than with some owl jokes?
As the legendary Shakespeare once said, ‘With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.’
These funny feathered creatures have been a staple in our culture and folklore for ages, thanks to their impeccable hunting skills, eerily silent flight, and iconic ‘hoo-hoo’ call.
But did you know that owls are also a popular source of comedy?
From their quirky expressions to their fluffy appearances, these wise birds have become a comedic sensation on the internet, inspiring countless memes, puns and jokes.
In this article, we’ve compiled some of the funniest owl jokes that will have you hooting with laughter.
So, without further ado, let’s dive into these hilarious owl jokes for a hooting good time!
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Table of Contents
Best Owl Jokes
We’ve got here a bunch of best owl jokes that’ll have you hooting with delight. These jokes are perfect to have up your sleeve for when you’re bored and need to lighten the mood.
Why did the owl invite his friends over for dinner?
He wanted to have a hootenanny.
What do you call an owl that plays the trumpet?
A hooten-tooten.
How do you know when an owl is upset?
It gets a little talon-ted.
What do you call an owl who is a master of disguise?
A hoo-dunit.
Why did the owl go to the doctor?
Because it had a fever of 102 degrees
What do you call an owl that’s really good at math?
A calcu-hoot-er.
What do you call an owl that’s an expert gardener?
A hoo-ticulturist.
What do you call an owl that’s a big fan of jazz music?
A hooten-swinger.
Why do owls like to stay up late?
Because that’s when the party animals come out.
What do you call an owl that loves to dance?
A hooten-tap.
How does an owl keep its feathers clean?
It uses a feather duster.
What do you call an owl with a headache?
A bird that needs an aspirin.
Why don’t owls go to church?
They prefer to worship the stars.
What do you call an owl who is really good at telling jokes?
A hooten-any comedian.
Why did the owl go to space?
To visit its cousin, the moon.
What do you call an owl who loves to read?
A book-hoo.
Why did the owl join a band?
It wanted to be a hooten-rock star.
What do you call an owl who loves to bake?
A hoo-pastry chef.
Why did the owl start a blog?
To share its wisdom with the world.
What do you call an owl with a big ego?
A bird that’s a bit of a hoot-nanny.
Why do owls make good detectives?
They have a keen eye for detail.
Funny Owl Jokes
Get your feathers ruffled with these funny owl jokes! We’ve gathered the best collection to keep you entertained on those boring days. Share them with your flock and let the laughter take flight!
What is an Owls favourite Beatles song?
Owl you need is love.
What is an Owls favourite TV show?
Doctor Hoo.
What did the vet say to the bird who couldn’t stop hooting?
“I think you have a bad case of irritable owl syndrome”.
What did the owl say to the standup comedian?
Owl bet you’re a hoot buddy.
What did mother Owl say to her baby to calm it down?
Everything is going to be Owl right.
What did the owl say when he flew into a large wall used to contain water?
Well owl be damned.
Did you hear about the genius scientist owl who made amazing inventions?
Owlbert Einstein.
Did you hear about the owl that picked a fight with every other bird he met?
He was owl up in their grill.
What did the math’s teacher say to the owl as he left class for the day?
“Make sure you do your owl-gebra homework”.
What did the owl say to his buddy when he saw him fall out of his tree?
I’m talon everyone about this.
What did the owl say when he accidentally walked in on his buddy using the toilet?
Well, this is very Owl-kward
What did the owl say when he was a guest on wheel of fortune?
I’d like to buy a v-owel please.
Want to hear some more owl jokes and puns?
Owl see what I can do to help you there.
Why are owls terrible at baseball?
Too much f-owl play.
What was the owl’s favorite Jimi Hendrix song?
Owl along the watchtower
What did the lady owl say to her husband when he told her an owl joke?
I think you’re a hoot, whoo could replace you?
What did the owl say when they were playing Texas hold’em poker?
I’m owl in.
What song do owls like to hear at the club?
Hoo let the dog’s owl-t.
Hilarious Owl Jokes
Here we’ve got a collection of hilarious owl jokes that are certain to bring a smile to your face. Keep these gems in your back pocket for the next time you need to liven up a dull moment and share a laugh with your near ones.
What is an owl’s favorite alcoholic drink?
Hoot beer.
Where do owls buy their clothes?
In the owlet malls.
What do you call an owl with an attitude?
A scowl.
An owl was wrongfully accused of a crime. What did it say to the judge?
I’m talon you – it wasn’t me.
What is a well-educated owl’s favorite word?
What do you call an owl escapologist?
What is an owl’s favorite machine in the gym?
The stare-master.
What happens to an owl with a bad personal hygiene?
It starts smelling fowl.
What is every owl’s favorite board game?
Guess Who?
What is an owl’s favorite subject at school?
What is the most common form of violence amongst owls?
Fly-by hooting.
Why did the owl invite its friends over?
Because it didn’t want to be owl by itself.
What do owls call their own beaks?
Who nose.
What do you call an owl who is always studying?
A hoo-perlearner.
Why do owls love to go to the movies?
Because they always get the best seats in the house.
What do you call an owl that loves to knit?
A hoo-knitter.
Why did the owl go to art school?
It wanted to learn how to hoot-doodle.
What do you call an owl who loves to write poetry?
A hooten-bard.
Why don’t owls ever get lost?
They always know which way is due north.
What do you call an owl with a British accent?
A hooten-pip, pip, cheerio!
Knock Knock Owl Jokes
Get ready for these knock knock owl jokes that will have you in stitches! We’ve curated them carefully to ensure maximum hilarity. Don’t miss out on these guaranteed giggles!
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Owl. Owl who?
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Hoo. Hoo who?
You sound like an owl.
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Ty. Ty who?
Ty to be a genus of birds including true barn owls…
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Owls. Owls who?
Yes they do.
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Owl. Owl who?
Owl be seeing you soon.
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Baby owl. Baby owl who?
Baby owl makes my skin soft.
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Ducks. Ducks who?
No, ducks quack – owl’s hoo.
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Owls. Owls who?
Yes, the last time I checked they do.
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Hoo. Hoo who?
You talk like an owl!
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Cargo. Cargo who?
Nope. Owl go who. Cargo beep beep.
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Owl. Owl who?
Owl good things come to those who wait.
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Owl. Owl who?
Owl be glad to meet you if you let me in.
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Owls. Owls who?
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Owl. Owl who?
Owl always love you.
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Owl. Owl who?
Owl be sure to use the bell next time!
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Baby owl. Baby owl who?
Baby owl see you later.
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Owl. Owl who?
Owl aboard.
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Oink Oink! Oink Oink who?
Make up your mind… Are you a pig or an owl?
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Who. Who who?
Sorry I don’t speak to owls!
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Owl. Owl who?
Owl you know unless you open the door?
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Owl. Owl who?
Owl I can say is “Knock, knock”!
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Cow says. Cow says who?
No, owls say who, cows say moo!
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Interrupting owl. Interrup…?
Twit twoo!
Cute Owl Jokes
Looking for some jokes to brighten up a gloomy day? Check out these cute owl jokes that are guaranteed to make you laugh your feathers off!
What do you can an owl who’s been caught in the act?
A spotted owl.
When does an owl go, “Moooooo?”
When it’s learning a new language.
Why don’t owls breed in the rain?
Because it’s too wet to woo.
What does an owl call its beak?
Whoo nose.
Why do owl babies take after their dad?
Like feather, like son.
Why were the two owls bonding in prison?
They were in ca-hoots.
An owl had a sore throat but wasn’t bothered.
He couldn’t give a hoot.
Where are owls that commit crimes sent as punishment?
What do you call an owl that has a really baritone voice?
A gr-owl.
Why did the priest buy an owl?
Because it’s a bird of prey.
Why did the Owl invite his friends over?
He didn’t want to be owl by himself.
Where do owls go to buy their young baby clothes?
To the owlet malls.
What’s an owl’s favorite rock group?
The Hoo.
Why don’t owls study for tests?
They prefer to wing it.
What happened when the baby owl got a sore throat?
He didn’t give a hoot.
Why don’t owls study for tests?
They’d rather wing it.
When does an owl say ‘moo’?
When it’s learning a new language!
Why did the owl invite a bunch of his friends over?
Because he didn’t want to be owl by himself.
What did the barn owl serve at its parties?
Mush ‘Shrew’ ms, ‘Vole’ au vents and ‘Mice’ cream!
What is more amazing than a talking owl?
A spelling bee!
Dumb Owl Jokes
Want to stand out from the pack with some dumb Owl jokes? Look no further! Check out these gems to impress and entertain your friends.
What’s dumb owl’s favourite sports team?
The Owlando Magic!
Why did the dumb owl refuse to play cards?
It didn’t want to give away its hoots.
Why did the dumb owl refuse to eat the mouse?
It was on a strict owl-etary restriction!
Why did the dumb owl cross the road?
To get to the bird feeder on the other side.
What do you call dumb owl that’s really good at basketball?
A hooten-shooter.
Why do dumb owls make terrible weather reporters?
They always call for a light drizzle, but it ends up being a downpour.
What do you call dumb owl who’s a famous actor?
A hooten-celebrity.
Did you hear about the dumb owl that loved quoting Terminator?
Owl be back.
Did you hear about the three dumb owl musketeers?
Owl for one and one for owl.
Did you hear about the dumb owl with the big butt?
She was owl about that bass.
What kind of dumb owl is able to do the dishes?
A teatowl.
Dirty Owl Jokes
Looking to catch the eye of that special someone but unsure how to begin? Look no further than these absurdly amusing and irresistibly charming Owl Jokes! Trust us, you can’t miss with these hilarious approaches.
What’s the difference between a blind hunter and a constipated owl?
One shoots but can’t hit while the other hoots but can’t shit
What do you get when you cross a rooster with an owl?
A cock that stays up all night
What do you get when you cross an owl with a bungee chord?
So there I am, alone with my girlfriend. She leans closer and whispers in my ear.
“Tell me something you’ve never told anyone at all.”
After a pause, I whisper back “I think the Owl People are already among us.”
“Holy shit!”
What do you call owl poop?
Owly shit
Me: I’m terrified of owls
Therapist: Who?
Me: *Screams*
What do you call people who observe owls reproducing?
A hornithologist.
Night Owl Jokes
Want to make your loved ones laugh? You don’t have to be a comedian! Just share these night Owl Jokes with them and watch them hoot with laughter.
Why didn’t the night owl go to the funeral?
He wasn’t a mourning person.
What do you call an owl dressed in armor?
A knight owl.
My wife tried to claim she was a night owl.
She was lying though, because when I tried to turn her head through 270 degrees, her neck snapped.
What was the owl’s favorite Lionel Ritchie song?
Owl Night Long.
Why was the owl dressed in shining armor?
It was a knight owl.
Have you heard about the owl sanctuary job?
It’s all night shifts but they’re all a hoot.
What do you call an owl that’s always on the go?
A restless night owl!
You’re a real night owl, but you still brighten up my day.
What do you call an owl who’s a night owl?
A nocturnal hooter.
What’s a defender of the bird realm called?
A night owl.
What’s the perfect job for an owl?
Night guard
Why do owls love to go out every night?
They love to party owl the time.
Owl Jokes for Adults
Ready to impress your buddies and family with some hilarious owl jokes? These adults Owl Jokes will make you feel like a wise old bird and your loved ones will be hooting with laughter!
Why did the owl break up with his girlfriend?
She was too hawk-ward!
What do you get when you cross an owl with a skunk?
A bird that smells a little funny!
What do you call an owl that loves to shop?
A fashion-owl-ista!
What do you call an owl that’s always grumpy?
A fowl mood!
Why did the owl join a gym?
To work on its pec-tal muscles!
What’s an owl’s favourite type of wine?
Why did the owl refuse to take a bath?
It didn’t want to wash its feathers!
What do you call an owl that’s always on the move?
A wander-owl!
Why did the owl go to the bar?
To get a few owl-lcoholic beverages!
What do you get when you cross an owl with a goat?
A bird that says “hoo-mehhh!”
Why did the owl go to the casino?
To play some owl-et games!
What’s an owl’s favourite kind of music?
What do you call an owl that’s a big fan of reality TV?
An owl-TV watcher!
Why did the owl refuse to wear a necktie?
It preferred a hootenanny collar!
What do you get when you cross an owl with a turtle?
A bird that takes its time getting anywhere!
Owl Jokes and Puns
Are you the ultimate owl-enthusiast or do you have a little one who can’t get enough of these cute creatures? Either way, these jokes and puns are guaranteed to bring the fun and make you hoot with laughter.
Peruvian owls are always hunting in pairs…It’s because they’re Inca hoots!
In the spirit of Superb Owl, I am opening a strip club inspired by recent events
Called Oscar’s Lap
what’s the most common form of owl-on-owl violence?
Drive by hooting.
Last night I dreamt I was an owl.
It was a hoot.
The wife and I dressed as Peruvian owls for Halloween.
We were Inca hoots.
A man walks into a tree and says he’s looking for an owl…
Something from the tree replies back, “hoo?”
What do you get when you cross an owl with an oyster?
Pearls of wisdom.
What do you get if you cross an owl with a skunk?
A bird that smells, but doesn’t give a hoot.
Imagine how happy barn owls were….
When people finally started making barns.
I keep on telling my friends that I think one of them might secretly be an owl
but all they respond with is “Who?”
I was talking to a barn owl last night, when I mentioned that I’d just got engaged.
He said, “You twit! To who?”
Final Thoughts
If you’re ready to take off into a flight of punch lines and puns, you’ll love these Owl jokes!
They are the ideal way to put a smile on any one’s face and bring the laughter back into lives.
Whether you want to add some fun to the family dinner or tickle a friend’s funny bone, these Owl jokes will guarantee comfort and joy.
We believe sharing humor is one of the best ways to cultivate joy, show appreciation, and strengthen our loved ones’ emotions.
Now break out those wisecracks and make someone laugh!
Make sure to leave us a short comment in the section below on this post so we can read your favorite joke!