100 Best Mystery Riddles to Test Your Mental Sharpness

Mystery riddles are the best mental exercise. Mysteries are originally riddles. They are real-life riddles. Detectives solve such small pieces of riddles every day. Through these small mystery riddles, they come up with bigger solutions.
If you are a person who loves to solve mysteries then, mystery riddles are the best for you. They are not only fun and engaging but these riddles also help you to enhance your mental sharpness.
You can make a list of mystery riddles with answers and play those with your friends, family, and colleagues. These riddles work as a source of entertainment and mental practice. These will help you refresh your mind and will also work as a laughter medicine for you.
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Table of Contents
Best Mystery Riddles
Mysteries are never bad. Mystery riddles can never be boring. All of them work as the best mystery riddles. And this is the best part about mystery riddles that are always interesting and fun.
1. A man is found hanging in a room four feet off the floor. There is nothing else in the room except for a large puddle of water below him. The police do not see anything the man would have climb on to hang himself. Did he commit suicide and, if so, how did he do it?
Answer: He stood on a block of ice and put the noose around his neck. Once the ice melted, he was hung, and all that was left was a puddle of water on the floor.
2. Nicole went to the police to report that someone had stolen her vintage ring. When the police got to her house they notice that the window was broken, there was a total mess inside, and there were dirty footprints on the carpet. But, there were no other signs of a break-in. The next day, the police arrested Nicole for fraud. Why?
Answer: As soon as the police got to the “crime scene,” they knew that Nicole has most likely staged the break-in. The glass from the broken window was all outside of the house, meaning that it had been broken from the inside.
3. A man was writing a letter during a lightning storm in his cabin and died suddenly. How did he die?
Answer: The cabin was on a ship.
4. Alexander is stranded on an island covered in forest. One day, when the wind is blowing from the west, lightning strikes the west end of the island and sets fire to the forest. The fire is very violent, burning everything in its path, and without intervention the fire will burn the whole island, killing the man in the process. There are cliffs around the island, so he cannot jump off. How can the Alexander survive the fire? (There are no buckets or any other means to put out the fire).
Answer: Alexander picks up a piece of wood and lights it from the fire on the west end of the island. He then quickly carries it near the east end of the island and starts a new fire. The wind will cause that fire to burn out the eastern end and he can then shelter in the burnt area. Alexander survives the fire, but dies of starvation, with all the food in the forest burnt….lolzzz.
5. When you add a number to me, the number stays the answer. But when you multiply a number to me, I am always the answer. What number am I?
Answer: Zero.
6. Jack tells Jill, “This isn’t the $5 bill you left on the the table. I found it between pages 15 and 16 of Harry Potter.” Jill retorts, “You’re lying and I can prove it.” How did Jill know?
Answer: Harry Potter, like all other books, has odd-numbered pages on the right. Therefore, pages 15 and 16 are the front and back of a single page, and nothing could have been found between them.
7. On a certain day, John celebrated his birthday. Two days later, his older twin brother Jacob celebrated his birthday. Is this even possible? How can it be?
Answer: When the mother of Jacob and John went into labor, she was travelling in a boat. Jacob, the elder one was born on 1st of March. Just after his birth, the boat crossed the international time zone and John was born on 28th of February. Now, if it is a leap year, the younger brother will celebrate his birthday two days before the elder one.
8. A circle of stones, never in rows. Stacked one on the other, mystery it sows. What is it?
Answer: Stonehenge.
9. One morning an airline president is leaving on a business trip and finds he left some paperwork at his office. He runs into his office to get it and the night watchman stops him and says, “Sir, don’t get on the plane. I had a dream last night that the plane would crash and everyone would die!” The man takes his word and cancels his trip. Sure enough, the plane crashes and everyone dies. The next morning the man gives the watchman a $1,000 reward for saving his life and then fires him. Why did he fire the watchman that saved his life?
Answer: He was fired for sleeping on his job.
10. One night, a woman was sitting inside a house with no light; she did not even have a lamp or candle, nothing at all. Yet how was she reading?
Answer: This woman was reading Braille as she’s blind.
Funny Mystery Riddles
Mystery and funny? This may sound awkward but this can happen. To discover this fun in mysteries you can read some funny mystery riddles from here.
1. A man eats dinner, goes up to his bedroom, turns off the lights, and goes to sleep. In the morning, he wakes up and looks outside. Horrified at what he sees, he hurls himself out his window to his death. Why does he do this?
Answer: The man was a lighthouse operator. He wasn’t supposed to turn off his lights. When he wakes up in the morning, he sees a giant ship that has crashed into the land, causing much catastrophe. Unable to go on, he decides to take his own life.
2. The woman watched a guy being murdered. She cries but does nothing to save him. Why?
Answer: She is watching a TV series!
3. A man kept crossing the border every day with bags of sand. Cops suspected the man was smuggling illegal goods into the country. The detective couldn’t find anything upon checking the bags, yet he got arrested; why?
Answer: The man was smuggling motorbikes.
4. A man rode into a hotel on Friday. He stayed for three days and rode out on Friday again. How is it possible?
Answer: He rode on his horse named Friday.
5. If Mr. Pink lives in a pink house, Mr. Blue lives in a blue house, then who lives in the white house?
Answer: The President of the USA.
6. Why was the detective’s wife furious when he arrived home at 9:30 when he said he’d arrive home at 9:30?
Answer: Because she thought it would be 9:30 PM, and he turned up at 9:30 AM!
7. A Panda Bear walked into a restaurant. He sat down at a table and ordered some food. When he was finished eating, he took out a gun and shot his waiter. He then left the restaurant. After the police caught up with him, they asked him why he had killed the waiter. He replied, “Look me up in the dictionary.” What did the dictionary say?
Answer: When they looked up the word “Panda” in the dictionary, it stated, “Panda: Eats shoots and leaves.”
8. You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a single person on board. How is that possible?
Answer: All the people on the boat are married.
9. How can you drop a raw egg from a height onto a concrete floor without cracking it?
Answer: Concrete floors are very hard to crack.
10. What can you catch, but not throw?
Answer: A Cold.
Mystery Riddles with Answers
Even if you are the big brainy guy, you might find it difficult to answer some of the mystery riddles. It is completely normal to not be able to find the right solutions for some mysteries. To keep yourself safe from such embarrassment, here are some mystery riddles with answers that you can pick.
1. A man was found dead with a cassette recorder in one hand and a gun in his other hand. When the police came in, they immediately pressed the play button on the cassette. They heard the man say, “I have nothing else to live for. I can’t go on.” Then there was the sound of a gunshot. After listening to the cassette tape, the police knew that it was not a suicide, but a homicide. How did they know?
Answer: If the man shot himself while he was recording, how did he rewind the cassette tape so that the play button worked immediately?
2. Jack is placed in a cell with a dirt floor and only one window positioned so high no one could reach it. The cell is empty except for a shovel. It’s dry and hot in there, but Jack won’t get any food or drink anytime soon. He has only 2 days to break out of the jail. If not – he’ll die. Digging a tunnel is not an option because it’ll take more than 2 days. How should Jack escape the cell?
Answer: Jack should use the shovel to make a pile of dirt under the window, climb on it, and escape from his cell.
3. What is it that can run but never walk, has a mouth but can never talk, has a head but can never weep, has a bed but can never sleep?
Answer: A River.
4. A man is approaching a broad and barren land. He has a package with him. If somehow, he is unable to open the package before reaching the land, he will die. Can you guess what is present in the package?
Answer: The package contains a parachute and he has doing air diving.
5. I look like a city wall from far. Up close I look like a row of houses. I do not stay in one place but travel thousands of miles. What I am?
Answer: A train.
6. Speaking of rivers, a man calls his dog from the opposite side of the river. The dog crosses the river without getting wet, and without using a bridge or boat. How?
Answer: The river was frozen.
7. A plane crashed between the border of France and Belgium. Where were the survivors buried?
Answer: They weren’t. Survivors don’t need to be buried.
8. What do you throw out when you want to use it but take in when you don’t want to use it?
Answer: An anchor.
9. Two girls are born on the same day at the same time to the same mother, yet the two are not twins. How is it possible?
Answer: They are triplets. They have a third sister.
10. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
Answer: Nothing.
Short Mystery Riddles
We always think of mysteries as long story riddles or lengthy paragraphs. But short mystery riddles exist and are fun to solve. Take a look at these short mystery riddles with answers and enjoy how interesting short mysteries can be.
1. If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it?
Answer: A Secret.
2. I only live when there is light; however, I die if light shines on me. Identify me?
Answer: Shadow.
3. Something Extraordinary happened on May 6Th 1978 at 12:34 am what was that?
Answer: At that moment, the time, and day could be written as ’12:34 5/6/78′.
4. A man is 20 years old but had five birthdays. How is it possible?
Answer: The man was born in a leap year.
5. Your bike crashed into the dark forest and suddenly you saw and deadly panther and jaguar. You got just one bullet. What is your escape strategy?
Answer: You must shoot the panther and drive off in the Jaguar (because it’s a car.
6. How can you make the following equation true by drawing only one straight line: 5+5+5=550?
Answer: Draw a line on the first plus sign. This turns it into a 4! The equation then becomes true: 545+5=550.
7. Mouthless but I will tell you a name that is not mine, I will show you the years I have seen but I have no eyes, memory I have but I have no mind.
Answer: Gravestone.
8. What question can you never answer yes to?
Answer: Are you asleep yet?
9. The person who makes it has no need of it; the person who buys it has no use for it. The person who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?
Answer: A Coffin.
10. The 22nd and 24th presidents of the United States of America had the same parents but were not brothers. How can this be possible?
Answer: They were the same man—Grover Cleveland.
Tricky Mystery Riddles
We all love to challenge our friends, family, or anyone we are close to. What can be better than challenging them to give answers for such tricky mystery riddles like the ones mentioned here? Go try and have fun!
1. Cops found a dead man lying in the snow. They saw the tracks of a footprint pair in between two parallel lines a few feet away from the dead body. Who should be on the cops’ radar?
Answer: A person in a wheelchair.
2. A serial killer kidnapped five different people and sat them down each with two pills in their hand and a glass of water. He told them each to take one pill but warned them that one was poisonous and the other was harmless. Whichever pill the victim didn’t take, the serial killer would take. Every victim somehow chose the poisonous pill and died. How did the serial killer get them all to take the poisonous pill?
Answer: Neither of the pills was poisonous. The poison was in the water that all the victims used to swallow their pill.
3. When you are running in a race and pass the person in second place, what place are you in?
Answer: Second place.
4. A woman shot her husband, then held him underwater for about five minutes. Both of them go out and eat a wonderful dinner together in a while. How is this possible?
Answer: The woman shot her husband using a camera and later developed the photo.
5. During a secret mission, an agent gave the following code to the higher authorities AIM DUE OAT TIE MOD. However the information is in one word only and the rest are fake. To assist the authorities in understanding better, he also sent them a clue. If I tell you any one character of the code, you can easily find out the number of vowels in the code word. Can you find out the code word?
Answer: The code word is TIE. Suppose if you are told a character of MOD, then you can identify if the number of vowels is one or two. Suppose that the character you are told of is M, then you can associate two words with it i.e. AIM (that has two vowels) and MOD (that has 1 vowel). You can say the same regarding other characters O and D as well. Thus all those words that comprises of M, O or D in them can be ruled out. This points us to TIE. If you check with the characters of TIE, you will agree that it stands true for each of the characters of the word. Thus this is the code word.
6. I grow but I am not alive. I need air but water kills me. I start at one place and reach many places but I have no legs. What am I?
Answer: Fire.
7. A truck driver went in the opposite direction of the traffic on a one-way street. The police officer saw the driver but did not stop him. Why?
Answer: The truck driver was walking!
8. Ava had a fight with her husband and decided to play a trick on him. She cooked lunch and hide it somewhere in the house. She wrote him a note saying that he had only one chance to guess where the lunch was. There are four notes and only one of them is true. The note on the fridge says: it’s either in the oven or in the washer. Microwave note says: Your lunch is not here. Washing machine note says: it’s either in the fridge or in the microwave. Dishwasher note says: Your lunch is here. Where is his lunch hidden?
Answer: It’s in the microwave.
9. The day before yesterday I was 21, and next year I will be 24. When is my birthday?
Answer: December 31; today is January 1.
10. A king condemns a murderer to death. He is given a choice of three rooms for execution. The first room is full of scorching fire, the second one has assassins with arrows, and the third room has hungry lions, who have not eaten for years. Which one should he choose to save his life?
Answer: The lions in the third room would have been dead since they did not get food for years.
Hard Mystery Riddles
You can challenge the smart dude in your group to answer these hard riddles. Don’t worry, here are some hard mystery riddles with answers so you don’t need to search for answers. Go ask your friends and test their actual sharpness.
1. A couple went to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Unfortunately, the husband returned home alone because his wife had died in a horrible boating accident. The police contacted the travel agent he booked the trip with and arrested him for murdering his wife. How did they know he did it?
Answer: The travel agent revealed that he had only booked a one-way ticket for his wife.
2. Man killed his wife, and even though people watched him do so, no one could accuse him of the murder of his wife. Why?
Answer: The man’s job was of an executioner, and his wife received the death penalty.
3. You have drawn a line. How can you make the line longer without touching it?
Answer: You draw a shorter line next to it, and it becomes the longer line.
4. One woman was not punished by the court despite her sister claiming and showing ample proof that she murdered her husband. Why was the woman not jailed?
Answer: Both women were Siamese twins.
5. It was a dark stormy night and a couple were in a car racing madly through a foreign city. The car broke down and the husband had to go get help from someone who spoke his language. He was afraid to leave his wife alone in the car so he pulled up the windows and locked the car before leaving. When he came back, the car was in the same state as he had left it but his wife was dead, there was blood on the floor and there was a stranger in the car. What happened?
Answer: The wife was about to have a baby. They were driving to the hospital. The baby was born, and the wife didn’t survive the birth.
6. A man hijacks an aeroplane transporting both passengers (8 of them) and valuable cargo. After taking the cargo, the man demands nine parachutes, puts one of them on, and jumps, leaving the other eight behind. Why did he want eight?
Answer: If the officials thought he was jumping with a hostage, they would never risk giving him a faulty parachute.
7. I am one of the lightest things on earth, but even the strongest person cannot hold me for more than five minutes. What am I?
Answer: Breath.
8. What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?
Answer: A promise.
9. What three numbers, none of which is zero, give the same result whether they’re added or multiplied?
Answer: One, two and three.
10. What can you hold in your right hand, but never in your left hand?
Answer: Your left elbow.
Murder Mystery Riddles
For me, murder mystery riddles are the most interesting of all. These are full of suspense and unexpected solutions. That’s why it is always pretty engaging to solve murder mystery riddles.
1. On the first day of the school a young girl was found murdered. Police suspect four male teachers and question them. They were asked what they were doing at 8:00 am. Mr. Walter: I was driving to school and I was late. Mr. Thomas: I was checking English exam papers. Mr. Benjamin: I was reading the newspaper. Mr. Calvin: I was with my wife in my office. The police arrested the killer. How did the police find the murderer?
Answer: Mr. Thomas as he cannot be checking exam papers on the first day of school.
2. A girl is at the funeral of her mother. She meets a nice guy that she didn’t know who also was at the funeral and they hit it off. She was busy at the funeral and didn’t have time to ask him for his number before he left. She tried really hard to track him down, but no one knew who he was or how to contact him. A few days later her sister dies and the police suspect it to be a murder. Who killed her sister?
Answer: She killed her sister. She was hoping that if someone else in her family died, the man she met at her mother’s funeral would show up again.
3. A man was found dead while on his work trip to California. The suspects were Mars, Mason, Barry, Lisa, and Alex. On the calendar, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 were written in blood. How to decode the numbers to find the killer?
Answer: The numbers are those of the months whose first letters spell out ‘Mason’.
4. A guy was away from her wife for six months. When he returned back home, he gave a surprise to his wife who had no idea he was coming. To capture how happy she was, he clicked her picture that very moment. After a few days, the guy killed his wife. When the prosecutor asked him the reason, he said that his wife was cheating on him and this he killed her. On being asked for proof, he gave him this photo. Can you find out what the husband found out in this picture that made him believe his wife was cheating on him?
Answer: If you look closely towards the right portion of the image where the girl has put her phone on charging, you will notice a man hiding behind the bed. An eye is clearly visible along with a slight part of his face.
5. A person is found murdered in his office. When the crime scene is investigated, the police finds out that there is a calendar on which the victim has written a few numbers with his blood. The numbers are 4, 11, 11 and 4. There are four suspects of the murder, Paul, Nina, Anna and Lee. Can you find out who is the murderer?
Answer: Anna.The numbers written on the calendar actually represents the months in the calendar whose initial letter represents the name of the killer.
4 April (A), 11 November (N), 11 November (N), 4 April (A). Thus the killer is Anna.
6. Raj and Rahul were friends and their house was in a snowy region. Raj called the police and informed them about his friend’s death. Raj said he went to meet Rahul and knocked at the door but nobody opened the door. He cleaned the moisture of the window glass to look into the house. He saw Rahul lying on the floor in the pull of blood. Police arrested the murderer right away. How?
Answer: Raj wouldn’t be able to unfreeze the window glass because it’s usually icy on the inside.
7. 100 people are standing in a circle. The person standing at number 1 is having a sword. He kills the person next to him with the sword and then gives the sword to the third person. This process is carried out till there is just one person left. Which number survives at the last?
Answer: 73rd person will survive at last. If the number of players is the power of 2, the last person to survive will be the one who started it. But since the number here is not the power of 2, we will take the greatest power of 2 that is less than the number of players (100) which is 64. So when starting with 100 players – we need to kill 36 of them to get down to a power of 2 (64). Since we kill every other person starting at player 2 the last person we need to die is player 72, they will be killed by player 71 and the first person in the effective power of 2 game, who will win is player 73.
8. A rich man was killed at his villa. His spouse found the body and called the police. The detective arrived in just half an hour. It was extremely hot and dry weather, and the Butler offered him (Detective) iced tea. After a cup of tea, the detective questioned the family and staff. Wife Said: I was reading a book when I heard a thud. Gardner said: I was cutting the roses. it has not rained for a month; they are dying. Butler said: I was chopping the ice. The owner of the house was killed with a blunt object but the weapon was never found. The detective wiped the water off his shoes and arrested the butler. Why?
Answer: Because the butler killed the owner with a large block of ice. The ice then melted.
9. A railroad tycoon is found murdered on a Sunday morning. His wife calls the police, who question the wife and the servants. The police collect the following alibis: the wife was in bed, the butler was polishing the silverware, the gardener was trimming trees, the maid was getting the mail, and the cook was preparing breakfast. The police arrest the murderer on the spot. Who did it, and how did the police know?
Answer: The maid: there is no mail on Sundays.
10. A man murders his wife with a knife in their car. Nobody is around to see this. He throws her out of the car being careful not to leave any fingerprints on her body. Next he throws the knife off of a cliff into a gorge where it will never be found and he goes home. An hour later the police call him and tell him that his wife has been murdered and he needs to come to the scene of the crime immediately. As soon as he arrives, he is arrested. Why?
Answer: He never ask the cop where the scene of the crime was so they knew that he had murdered his wife.
Death Mystery Riddles
For your creepy friends, here is a list of death mystery riddles with answers. You can try asking them these death riddles to get the creep out of them.
1. A lonely old man lived in his house in the suburb of a city. He never left the house for long. It was a midsummer Friday when the mailman walked by and called out for the man. There was no answer. The mailman looked into the window and saw him in a pool of blood. When the policeman arrived, he found Tuesday’s newspaper, 2 bottles of warm milk, and 1 bottle of cold milk.
Answer: It was obviously the mailman. He knew that no one in this house would read a newspaper on Wednesday or Thursday.
2. A man was shot to death while in his car. There were no powder marks on his clothing, which indicated that the killer was outside the car. However all the windows were up and the doors locked. After a close inspection was made, the only bullet hole discovered was on the victim’s body. How was he murdered?
Answer: It was a convertible car.
3. It was a man’s birthday. He lay dead in the lounge room of his house. Next to his body was a note, written in pencil. The note read ‘Happy Birthday, Friend’. The victim had a girlfriend and the police suspected her ex boyfriend. They could find no obvious evidence. While searching the ex-boyfriend’s car, the police saw an envelope with the girlfriend’s address written on it. They thought they would get the handwriting checked against the note. The scientist in charge came in early to work the next day; it was 7am. He looked out his window which faced east and stared at the rising sun and it was then that he realised how to prove the ex boyfriend killed the man, even though the girlfriend’s address was not written in the same handwriting. How did he do it?
Answer: The scientist’s office faced East, and the sun was coming in through the window at a very low angle. He saw some very faint shadows on the surface of the envelope. He looked closer. There were the words embossed on the paper. They read “Happy Birthday, Friend.”The ex-boyfriend had forgotten that a pencil leaves an impression on paper beneath the page written on.
4. After undergoing a successful eye operation, A blind girl has just boarded a train to her home. The doctor asked her to open the bandages after 3 hours. On her train journey, she opened the bandages and within a fraction of the time she commits suicide by jumping off the train. Though her operation was successful, Why did she commit suicide?
Answer: When the blind girl opened her bandages, the train was passing through the dark tunnel. She thought she was still blind and hence she committed suicide.
5. A man was found dead out in a field of snow. The only tracks that were left was a set of footprints between two parallel lines. Who should the police be looking for?
Answer: A man in a Wheelchair.
6. What do you bury when it’s alive and dig up when it’s dead?
Answer: A Plant.
7. A man gets his suit torn and he dies after two minutes. He was doing his regular job. What is the possibility?
Answer: It is possible that the man was a deep sea diver. Such divers must wear a pressurized suit to withstand the pressure in the depths of the sea. If it tears down accidentally, the person will die. But for a short period of time, the breathing apparatus can keep him alive.
8. A man watches his friend walk slowly across a room, go through a door at the other end, and slam the heavy steel door behind him. The man knows that his friend is dead. There are no windows in the door or in the walls around it. His friend wasn’t dieing as he walked across the room. The room on the other side of the door was perfectly safe, and there was no one in it. How did the man know that his friend was dead? Also, if the same thing had happened now, the man wouldn’t have died.
Answer: They were diving, wearing the old-fashioned diving suits that have a tube that goes to the surface. The were exploring a sunken submarine. When the man shut the door, it cut the air tube, and he died.
9. A dead body is discovered at the bottom of a five story building. A homicide detective is called in. He goes to the first floor, opens the window, and flips a coin out the window. He goes up to the second floor and does the same thing. He does this on every floor. On the fifth floor he knows it was a murder, not a suicide. How?
Answer: You can’t close a window if you jump.
10. A women buys a new pair of shoes in the morning, and she goes to work that night. She dies at work. How?
Answer: The new pair of shoes she bought were high heels, which made her taller. Since she works at a circus in the knife throwing act, the man who throws knives at her is used to her regular height. So when he starts throwing knives at her, he hits her by accident.
Mystery Riddles for Adults
Adults experience real-life mysteries every day. Yet for fun, the same people love to solve such interesting and engaging mystery riddles for adults. You can try playing these riddles with your friends and colleagues.
1. A man owned a casino and invited some friends. It was a dark stormy night, and they all placed their money on the table right before the lights went out. When the lights came back on, the money was gone. The owner put a rooster in an old rusty tea kettle. He told everyone to get in line and touch the kettle after he turned the lights off, and the rooster will crow when the robber touched it. After everyone touched it, the rooster didn’t crow, so the man told everyone to hold out their hands. After examining all the hands, he pointed out who the robber was. How did he know who stole the money?
Answer: Because the tea kettle was rusty, whoever touched it would have rust on their hands. The robber didn’t touch the kettle, therefore he was the only one whose hands weren’t rusty.
2. First you eat me, then you get eaten. What am I?
Answer: Fishhook.
3. A man who lives on the tenth floor takes the elevator down to the first floor every morning and goes to work. In the evening, when he comes back; on a rainy day, or if there are other people in the elevator, he goes to his floor directly. Otherwise, he goes to the seventh floor and walks up three flights of stairs to his apartment. Can you explain why?
Answer: The man is a of short stature. He can’t reach the upper elevator buttons, but can push is with his umbrella.
4. Drop me from the tallest of buildings and I will survive. Drop me from the smallest of boats and I will be destroyed. What am I?
Answer: A piece of paper.
5. A man walked in the house. He was about to hang up his coat when he heard his wife say, “No John! Don’t do it!” There was a shot and the woman was dead. There was a police officer, a doctor, and a lawyer standing next to her. The woman’s husband knew that the police officer did it. But how did the husband know?
Answer: The police officer was a man while the doctor and lawyer were ladies. John is a man’s name. The husband’s name was David. So John was the police officer’s name. David’s wife was saying, “No John! Don’t do it!” to the police officer and the police officer shot her anyway.
6. Mrs. Sophia found out that her husband was cheating on her with one of the staff. There are 3 girls working for them. The maid who has just married to their driver. They have much debt. The Babysitter who is very poor and bring up five kids.The Gardner who is a university student. She is not very serious and loves partying. Who is the lover?
Answer: The Babysitter, where did she get money for this jewelry.
7. A woman was horrified to find a fly in her tea. The waiter took her cup and went into the kitchen and returned with a fresh cup of tea. She shouted, “You brought me the same cup of tea!” How did she know?
Answer: She had already added sugar to her tea.
8. Forwards I am heavy, backward I am not. What am I?
Answer: Ton.
9. A girl has as many brothers as sisters, but each brother has only half as many brothers as sisters. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family?
Answer: Four sisters and three brothers.
10. A chemist was killed in his own lab. The crime scene had no evidence to be found except a piece of paper with the names of chemical substances Nickle, Carbon, Oxygen, Lanthanum, and Sulphur on it. On the day of his murder, he had only 3 visitors; his nephew Nicolas, his wife, Martha, and his friend John. Who was the killer?
Answer: Combine the symbols of the chemical substances to get a name, Ni-C-O-La-S.
Mystery Riddles for Kids
They say mysteries are not meant to be for kids. But I would say, kids’ mysteries are a different kind of thing and it is important to keep kids engaged in these mystery riddles for kids.
1. What needs an answer but doesn’t ask a question?
Answer: Telephone.
2. On a winter morning, a man was found standing in someone’s front yard. This man stood there for several weeks without moving; however, the yard owner didn’t mind at all. Eventually, the man disappeared. Who was he?
Answer: Snowman.
3. What pair has eight legs and stays together but cannot walk together?
Answer: Table and Chair.
4. A king with no queen, sons, or daughters decides to work out a way of choosing his next in line. He gives all the children in the kingdom a single seed and says that whoever has the largest, most beautiful plant will inherit his throne. When the day comes, all the children present gargantuan plants, but he decides to choose a little girl with an empty plant pot as his successor. Why?
Answer: He gave all the children fake seeds which wouldn’t grow – this little girl was the only one who didn’t pretend the seed grew.
5. A beggar’s brother died, but the man who died had not brother. How could this be?
Answer: The beggar was a woman.
6. You may enter, but you may not come in. I have space, but no room. I have keys, but open no lock. What am I?
Answer: A Computer.
7. Two fathers and two sons are in a car, yet there are only three people in the car. How?
Answer: They are a grandfather, father and son.
8. What disappears as soon as you say its name?
Answer: Silence.
9. There is an apple tree. A storm comes, and there are no apples on the tree. There are no apples on the ground either. So what happened to the apples?
Answer: The apple tree had not sprouted any apples yet.
10. The more you work, the more I eat. If you keep me full, I keep you neat. What am I?
Answer: A pencil sharpener.
Final Thoughts on Mystery Riddles
Playing the role of a detective has always been fun for most of us. Because we all think that mysteries are something really fun and interesting. In reality, they are a bit torturing and disturbing.
To put yourself under the name of detective, you do not need to solve actual mysteries. You can also solve mystery riddles to make yourself feel like a detective.
These riddlesare one of the best sources to keep your mind active. You can spend quality time searching for mystery riddles and answers. You can also try making a list of all these mystery riddles with answers to ask your friends, family, or even colleagues. They work as big brain boosters.
You can challenge many people and test their mental sharpness by asking them such riddles. Not only this, but you can also test your mind sharpness by solving these mystery riddles.
So what are you waiting for? Go, add these mystery riddles to your list and make the list even more interesting.