
81 Best Heart Puns That’ll Surely Pump You Up

We welcome you to one of the most lovely and humorous collections of heart puns on the internet. You may keep it, throw it away, obey it, reject it, or flaunt it on your sleeve.

It might be cold, hot, full, hefty, sturdy, broken, or bleeding. You may either pour it out or talk directly from it. We’re talking about the heart, of course. ‎

As you can see, there are many English idioms that feature this crucial organ, which is revered both physiologically and poetically. It even has its own well-known emblem connected with romantic love.

Then there are the heart puns. Because the term heart is so often used, it was very simple to come up with the following collection of witty heart-related puns. ‎

If you despise puns, your heart may be sinking right now. You should be ecstatic if you enjoy heart puns. Let’s get started. ‎

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Best Heart Puns

Your heart is a critical organ that is ideal for comedy. Read the best heart puns that will make your heart race with laughter. We hope you would find these heart play on words amusing.

1. To be a good musician, you have to have a good heart: that way, you always have the beat.

2. Many people tell me to follow my heart. But how am I supposed to understand, ‘lub-dub, lub-dub’?

3. Why did the pianist have to be rushed into surgery after his latest performance? He played his heart out!

4. I read the heart-icle this morning.

5. What do we call a heart that is able to tell people what the god wants to tell them? It is called a prop-heart!

6. Why is England considered backward? There are no heart banks but they have a Liverpool.

7. I’m having a p-heart-y and you’re all invited!

8. If a cardiologist robs a bank, and the police catch him, you are technically allowed to call it cardiac arrest.

9. Did I tell you about the time my friend had a heart attack while driving his Caddy? We call it his Cadillac Escalade cardiac escapade.

10. The other day I saw two birds who were in love: they were tweet hearts.

Funny Heart Puns

Every day is a day of love, so make your loved ones laugh more and live better lives with these funny heart puns. They may also be a terrific way to unwind after a long day at work or school. ‎

1. My friend got me half a bouquet and a box of 20 chocolates with only ten of them left: it really was a half-hearted effort!

2. Wear your heart on your sleeve. Just don’t get it dirty.

3. Why did the cardiologist comedian only tell heart jokes? Because they aren’t corn- orary!

4. Don’t touch the heart. I mean art!

5. A friend failed his medical exam when he X-rayed his lower torso. He didn’t put his heart into it.

6. A friend told me he was making a hearty beef stew. Turned out it was offal.

7. Why didn’t the skeleton feel like patching up his broken ribcage? His heart wasn’t in it!

8. What is the most important exercise for being a paramedic? The dead lift.

9. How men view marriage? It starts with two hearts and after 20 years you wish you had a club and spade.

10. Have you heard of the workout where you drink rum and then do jogging?

It’s called Ba-cardio

Hilarious Heart Puns

The heart is well-known for pumping blood to various regions of our body, making it a critical organ that aids in life. However, the heart is also recognized for emotions like as happiness, joy, and grief. So why not utilize the heart itself to make some puns and produce those wonderful emotions? Here are some hilarious heart puns for you.

1. I always used to get heartburn when I ate some birthday cake: it turns out, you’re supposed to take the candles off first!

2. What happened to the patient who refused to get a much-needed transplant? He had a change of heart!

3. A teenager asked his guidance counselor for help deciding what he should study. The counselor told him to follow his heart. “Okay,” said the teen, “but what does boom boom, boom boom” mean?

4. Do not give your heart on Valentine’s Day to a pastry chef because he will dessert you!

5. “I told you Doc!! I’ve got fatigue and my heart keeps skipping a beat! Why do you keep calling me a liar?? Doctor: “Sir, I’ll say it again, that’s A Fib!”

6. A cardiologist was taken into custody after it was found he was using recordings of sick patients in his music. He was arrested for his sick beats.

7. My friend and I were playing golf. He hit the flagpole on the shot and said “that gave me a heart attack!” I told him “actually that was a stroke”.

8. I bought new work clothes from Car-heart.

9. What do you call someone who loves dark beer? Stout hearted!

10. I learned how to jumpst- heart a car.

Heart Puns One Liners

Let us now go through a list of list of puns related to heart. Make your pals laugh their hearts out with these heart one liners, and their hearts will be even healthier as a result. ‎

1. It’s easy to figure out when you want to become a cardiologist, you just have to follow your heart.

2. The air purifier cleans the p-heart- icles.

3. The cardiologist is always in a great mood, he’s pumped about everything.

4. Aorta give you a piece of my mind.

5. Don’t lie to a cardiologist, they can always spot a fib.

6. Every time I see my vegetable girlfriend, my heart just beet faster.

7. I’m going to the dep- heart- ment store.

8. You know, the heart’s the hungriest organ. It has the heartiest appetite.

9. I have so mushroom in my heart for you.

10. My love for you is as strong as an oxheart!

Cute Heart Puns

One of the most well-known symbols of love is the heart. It’s a sweet form to offer to your loved ones on Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Eve, and other special events throughout the year. Here are some cute heart puns that you may attach with your present to your special one.

1. If you catch a heart thief, you have to place them under cardiac arrest.

2. What’s the best shade of red for a heart? Beat red!

3. What does a dinosaur say to flirt a girl: “You make my heart saur, sweetheart!”

4. When my girlfriend told me she needed time and distance, my heart almost stopped, Fortunately, she was just calculating velocity.

5. You are the only short QT syndrome heart would to have.

6. Why was the cardiologist able to walk to work? Because he lived in the heart of the city!

7. I tried asking my heart surgeon out on a date, I even got flowers! But it was all in vein.

8. What vegetable lives in your heart? Beets.

9. She was so happy to hear her baby’s heart -beet.

10. What did the gardener give his sweetie for Valentine’s Day? A heart beet!

Heart Puns about Love

Here are some examples of love phrases that make use of love heart puns. These heart love puns are ideal for telling your sweetie how much you adore them! ‎

1. This is really cheesy, but you will always have a pizza my heart.

2. Why did the little girl color her Valentines pink rather than red? She was feeling lighthearted!

3. Why is a brief separation so difficult for couples in love? Because they can heartly wait to see each other again.

4. Are you a defibrillator? Because you are sending shocks to my heart.

5. The nurse made my heart skip a beat. It was fine after she plugged the life support back in.

6. I am currently in cardiology. So, if you just wink at me, I will wenchkebach!

7. A hook-up line for locksmiths: “Hey, do you want to check out my keys to see if there is anything to your heart?

8. What did the cardiologist say to his girlfriend, who is a Geology student on Valentine’s Day? You make my heart gush, and thus I lava you.

9. Why did the Couple in love go to Las Vegas to gamble? Because two hearts can’t be beat?

10. Speak to me in the language of love, said the girl. Her boyfriend replied lub-dub, lub-dub.

11. I have a heart -on for you.

Heart Puns about Health

Cardiologists are specialists that specialize in cardiac diseases, which can range from open heart surgery to a simple consultation. We have decided to dedicate this section of heart medical puns to them. Here are some heart health puns that we have assembled.

1. Did you hear about the cardiologist who went to great lengths to win the heart of a hematologist? It was all in vein!

2. How do they select cardiologists in medical school? They look for those who are following their heart?

3. My cardiologist friend keeps sending me x-rays of his chest. A bit weird, I know, but it just shows his heart is in the right place.

4. What did the cardiac surgeon say when he knew that the transplanted organ reached his home instead of the hospital? Home is where the heart is.

5. To prevent a heart attack, take one aspirin every day. Take it out for a run, then take it to the gym, then take it for a bike ride…”

6. Your heart is so cold. You do not care about anything or anyone around. You are so apat- heart- ic!

7. Cardiologists are great friends: they’re caring, and not vein at all!

8. What do you call it when a cardiology student flunks out? Heart failure!

9. Why do cardiologists make great bodybuilders? They get pumped up easily.

10. What do we call a heart that is neither homosexual nor bisexual? – It is heart- erosexual!

Heart Puns for Instagram

A heart pun for your valentine might add a personal touch. There are also broken heart jokes for those who are single or heartbroken. We know we shouldn’t make light of loneliness or lovelessness. But, on the other hand, comedy is necessary for humans. So here are some heart puns for Instagram captions you may enjoy.

1. The best way to kill a French vampire is to stab it in the heart with a baguette, but it’s a painstaking process.

2. The skeleton quit playing sports because its heart wasn’t in it.

3. What was the doctor feeling before entering the operation theatre? Immense stent-tion.

4. What kind of car did the heart surgeon drive to work? A beater!

5. What should you do if your car’s engine is running slow? Get it to do some CARdio.

6. I know it might sound corny, but I really do have a heart of gold!.

7. It gets easier, not heart-er.

8. I aorta tell my wife how much I love her.

9. I am so heart -istic.

10. I wasn’t able to heart -iculate his emotions.

Final Thoughts on Heart Puns

The heart is a critical organ that we all require to survive, but it’s also fantastic for comedy! Your heart is located on the left side of your ribs and expands to the capacity of an adult fist. ‎

It beats around 115,000 times each day to supply oxygen to the rest of the body. It’s not only vital, but it’s also a rich source of heart puns. One such list of heart puns has already been shared with you above. We hope that you liked it.

Funny heart puns and jokes never go out of style. You may use them literally or throw them in when the talk turns to love and relationships (it always does). ‎

In any case, knowing some of these will allow you to elicit a grin, giggle, or grumble from your buddies. So make excellent use of them and have fun with them.

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