157 Hilarious Goat Jokes Sure to Make You Laugh

You know they say that laughter is the best medicine, and who better to provide it than goats?
These little four-legged creatures are known for their mischievous and playful nature, and their ability to make us burst out with uncontrollable laughs.
As the famous quote by Oscar Wilde goes, ‘Life is too short to be taken seriously.’
So, we’ve gathered some of the funniest goat jokes that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
From goat puns to silly dirty ones, these jokes are perfect for goat enthusiasts and anyone who’s in need of a good laugh!
So, sit back, relax, and be ready to enjoy the funniest and most hilarious goat jokes of all time.
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Table of Contents
Best Goat Jokes
Check out these greatest of all time goat jokes that are sure to lift everyone’s spirits and spread joy. Be ready to bring a smile to everyone’s face!
What do you call a goat that always wears t-shirts?
A goatee.
Where do goats get haircuts?
At the baa-baa shop.
What did the kid goat want to be when she grew up?
A baaa-lerina.
Why was the goat so embarrassed?
She saw the ranch dressing.
What do you get when you cross a smurf with a goat?
Blue cheese.
What’s a goat’s favorite quote?
No goats, no glory.
What job did the daddy goat get at the donut shop?
A battering ram.
What did the goat say after drinking spoiled milk?
This tastes so baaaaaad.
How does the husband goat lovingly call his wife?
He lovingly calls her baaaaae.
What kind of food does a goat eat when it is on a strict diet?
It only eats goat-meal.
What’s a goat’s favorite cheese?
What do you call a goat that is an expert in mixed martial arts?
The karate kid.
What do goats do on Memorial Day weekend?
Have baaaa-baa-ques.
What did the little goats say when they were caught playing a prank on the sheep?
Sorry, we were just kidding.
What did the little goat say after cheating in the class test?
I shouldn’t have cheated, now I feel baaaaa-d.
Funny Goat Jokes
Feeling blue? Let these funny goat jokes pick you up and spread the laughter around you! Trust us, it’s the best mood booster out there.
Goats can be very funny. No kidding.
Billy forgoat his kid’s birthday.
Our local farmer likes to give his young farm animals bubble bath. Whatever floats his goat.
What did one goat say to another goat in the midst of a quarrel?
He said, “You can tell me whatever you want but then again, whatever goats your boat”.
What did the little goat say to his mother after cheating in the class test?
He said, “I shouldn’t have cheated for the test, now I feel baaaaaaaaa-d”.
What did the goat say to the shopkeeper when he went to buy grass?
He said, “Hey, have you goat any grass?”
What do you call a goat that is an expert in mixed martial arts and jujitsu?
You refer to him as the Karate Kid!
What do hairless goats want the most in their life?
They always want mohair!
What do you call a goat that only lives off from the diet of office supplies?
You can say that the goat indeed does have a staple diet!
How did the elder goat advise the newly father goat to treat his child?
The elder goat said, “No matter what happens, learn to be patient with them as they are just kids”.
What did the receptionist goat of the university say to the young goat who has come for his admission?
She said, “Are you sure you have applied for the right department? Hoof have you spoken to about this?”
What happened when the goat wanted to ask for a holiday from his boss?
As his boss spoke continuously throughout the meeting, he could not goat a word in edgewise!
What did the father goat tell his son, who was running late for school?
He said, “Listen, kid, you are late, so you better goat moving now”.
The farmer kept trying to talk me into buying from him, not realizing he had me from the goat-go.
Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I’m a goat. How long has this been going on? Since I was a kid.
Hilarious Goat Jokes
Need of a good chuckle? Look no further than these side-splitting goat jokes! Guaranteed to have everyone around you in fits of laughter. Don’t miss out on the fun – give these goat jokes a go!
What is the best way to behave around little baby goats?
Like a kid.
Why are French goats better musicians than American goats?
They’re born with French horns.
Why is it extremely difficult to have a proper conversation with a goat?
Because no matter what, they will butt in!
What is the best way to define a goat that lip syncs?
You can call it a Billy Vanili.
During an election, who do the goats cast their votes in favor of?
Goats always vote for Billy Clinton!
What do you call a goat who is in charge of an entire university?
You have to call him Billy Dean!
What is a hot topic of stories among all mountain climbers?
Besides a raging campfire, mountain climbers often tell goat stories!
Which classical musician is an absolute favorite artist for all goats?
Goats love classical music, and they are avid fans of Baaaaa-ch.
What do you call a goat who is cool and usually wears denim pants while going out?
You refer to him as Billy Jean King!
What do you call a goat that is extremely lazy?
You simply call him Billy Idle!
While running toward the edge of the cliff, why did the mountain goat fall down over the edge?
Because by mistake he didn’t see the ewe turn!
What do you call a goat that is foolish and always makes immature decisions?
You have to call him a silly billy!
What does a goat call his pals?
Why was the goat farmer so wealthy?
He had a lot of bucks.
What was the classic 80s comedian goat called?
Billy Crystal.
What was the tough goat in the 90s boy band called?
What do you call the best ‘butter’ on the farm?
A goat!
What was the goats name that married Angelina Jolie?
Billy Bob Thorton.
Did you hear about the goat that knew kungfu?
He was a karate kid.
Why is it so hard to have a conversation with a goat?
Because they keep butting in.
What kind of goat is always acting like a fool?
A silly billy.
How do you prevent a goat from charging?
Take away his credit card.
What did Bill Murray say when he met Satan?
I ain’t afraid of no goats.
Who is the most popular country music artist in the goat community?
Billy Ray Cyrus.
You should be nice to goats and show patience, they are just kids.
Knock Knock Goat Jokes
These knock knock goat jokes are the perfect way to add some hilarity to your day and get those around you in the fun. Trust us, you won’t be able to hold back the laughter.
Knock, knock!
Who is there?
Goat who?
Goat to get up to get down.
Knock, knock!
Who is there?
Goat who?
Goat to the door and find out who is knocking!
Knock, knock!
Who is there?
Goat who?
Goat on a limb and open the door.
Knock, Knock!
Who is there?
Goat who?
Goat to believe in magic.
Knock, knock!
Who is there?
Goat who?
Goat to go to play, so come out!
Clean Goat Jokes
These clean and clever quips are sure to bring a lively smile to your face and brighten the day of those around you. Spread laughter and joy with these goat-themed jokes!
What is a napping baby goat called?
A kid-napper.
How did the stag cross the lake?
In a motor goat.
What did the father goat say angrily when the little goat kept disturbing his important work?
The father goat said, “For goat’s sake, stop creating a ruckus”.
What do you call a goat that has a thick beard and always wears t-shirts?
You call him a goatee!
What did one goat investigator say to the other goat while investigating a murder?
He said, “Let’s interrogate the suspects, I’m sure someone’s goat to give something out”.
What did the angry billy goat fans say when they saw their team losing in the soccer game?
One said, “Here we goat again, every day the same old drama”.
What did the goat say in disbelief when he heard that he was not going to get his hard-earned promotion at work?
He shouted angrily at his manager, “You goat to be kidding me”.
What did the goat rapper say when he was asked to feature in a shampoo commercial?
He simply said, “Nope, I ain’t goat any time for such commercials”.
What did the teacher goat say to her class when she asked them a question?
She said, “What happened now? Why are you not answering my question? Did a cat goat your tongue?”
What is the first nursery rhyme that a little goat learns in primary school?
The little goats are taught the rhyme ‘Row, row, row your goat’.
What does a perplexed goat say when he finds that a huge amount of work gets added to a shortened deadline?
He exclaims, “Damn, the trouble just goat more serious”.
What did the little intelligent goat tell his mother when he reached home from school?
He said, “Look, mother, I goat full marks in mathematics”.
What did the kid say when he pranked his parents?
Why was the barn so noisy?
Because all of the goats had horns.
What do you call it when a goat eats office supplies?
That the goat has a staple diet.
Why was the goat eating again?
Because he cud.
Why do goats have bells?
Because their horns don’t work.
What did the goat say to her kid?
It’s pasture bedtime.
Where does an angry goat write down its problems?
On the ram-page.
What did the grandpa ram tell the kids around the camp fire?
Spooky goat stories.
Goat Jokes for Adults
If you’re in the mood for some good laughs, we’ve got a treat for you. Check out these hilarious goat jokes – specifically for adults. Trust us, they’ll leave you and everyone else chuckling.
What’s a goat’s favorite musical?
The goatest showman.
What is a goat’s favorite TV show?
America’s goat talent.
What kind of every drink does a goat drink on a dry sultry summer day?
He drinks Goat-arade.
Which is a favorite TV show for all goats where goats often showcase their unique talents?
The show is called ‘America’s Goat Talent’.
Which famous musical is loved by goats all over the world?
‘Joseph And His Amazing Technicolor Dream Goat’ is a no brainer!
What did the little goat say when he was caught playing silly pranks on a large number of sheep?
The kid goat said, “Sorry, it was nothing serious. Just kid-ding!”
What is the perfect way to call a goat that is an outlaw?
You can call him Billy Goat Kid.
What were the first words out of the mouth of a goat who woke up and found himself on a bus? He simply said, “I honestly have no idea as to how I goat here”.
What is the main reason as to why the majority of the goats are all from the French musical choir?
The obvious reason is that they all have French horns!
How can you identify the history, generation, and family tree of a goat?
You can identify it if you look at the goat of arms!
What do you call a goat on a mountain?
A hillbilly.
Why is it difficult to have a conversation with a goat?
Because they always butt in.
How did the goat label all of it’s belongings?
With a permanent markhor.
Why did the mountain goat fall down a cliff?
Because by mistake he didn’t see the ewe turn.
What do you call a a lazy singing goat?
Billy Idle.
What’s a goat’s favorite song to sing?
Bleat It.
What kind drink does a goat have after playing football?
Why was the young goat grounded?
It had been a baaaaad kid.
Which American football team do goats cheer for?
The Rams.
Which show do kid goats love to watch?
Barn-ey and friends.
How can you identify the generational history of a goat?
Look at the goat of arms.
What do you call a goat who is a famous painter?
Vincent van goat.
Where do nanny goats give a kid a bath?
In a baaa-th tub.
What did the boy goat tell his friend when he saw a past crush?
She’s the one that goat away.
What do construction worker goats drive?
Dodge Rams.
What do you call a goat that is an outlaw?
Billy goat kid.
Goat Jokes for Kids
Hey kids, are you ready for some hilarious goat jokes? These are sure to make you giggle and brighten up your day. Get ready to laugh your socks off!
What do you call an extremely lazy goat that just stands there?
Billy Idol.
Why were the kids mad at each other?
They goat into a fight.
Where do adult goats go on holiday cruises?
To the baaaa-hamas.
What did the nanny goat serve for breakfast?
What’s the best Lego piece in the world called?
The Le-GOAT.
What did the cattle rancher get when he crossed a cow with a goat?
A Coat.
What did everyone call the goat that sailed around the world?
Billy Ocean.
Why did the goat run straight into a wall?
He didn’t see the ewe turn.
Two goats are eating garbage. The first goat finds a roll of film and eats it.
When he has finished it the second goat asks him “how did you like the movie”?
The first goat responds “it was ok, but I liked the book better.
What did the goat love watching every Saturday night?
Americas Goat Talent.
What do you call a cowboy goat?
Billy the kid.
What did the goat who was amazing at sports drink?
How can you tell when a goat is in the closet?
He has a beard.
What do you call a goat that loves to climb hills?
What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat and 2/4 goat?
What was the goat duo that lip synced?
What do you call a goat that can play the piano really well?
Billy Joel.
What was the Spanish goat with no legs called?
Why was the farmer so furious?
Somebody got his goat.
Why was the goat from France such a muscial prodigy?
He was born with French Horns.
Goat Jokes and Puns
These hilarious goat jokes and puns are guaranteed to boost your mood and spread positivity. Get ready to crack up and share the giggles with those around you!
For goat’s sake, that’s enough.
If a goat grows a beard, is it a goatee?
Something’s goat to give.
Here we goat again.
You have goat to be kidding me.
Ain’t nobody goat time fo’ dat.
Cat goat your tongue?
Row row row your goat.
Shit just goat serious.
I goat this.
Whatever floats your goat.
I feel baaaaaad.
Goat milk?
Is a mountain goat a hillbilly?
If a young goat learns a martial art, are they a karate kid?
I told my parents I wanted to raise goats for a living, but I was only kidding.
Do hairless goats wish they had mohair?
When milking a nervous goat, you should use kid gloves.
Is a goat that eats office supplies on a staple diet?
Final Thoughts
There are countless reasons why goats can bring people a good bit of laughter and smiles.
Many view them as silly and incredibly adorable animals, while others respect them for their natural intelligence and strength.
Either way, it’s clear that their unique personalities are something to be admired.
Everyone has the potential to find humor in life, even if it comes from something as simple as a few well-placed goat jokes.
These goat jokes serve as a reminder that no matter what life brings your way, sometimes all you need is to take a step back and laugh at something goofy for a change.
So now we invite you to comment below this post with your favorite goat joke!
Who knows, maybe your joke will find its way into future posts!