133 Hilarious Elephant Jokes to Bring You Tons of Laughter

Welcome to our amazing collection of elephant jokes. Do you want to make your friends and family laugh the next time you chat to them? Or are you looking for a nice icebreaker for a first date?
Rather than sharing hilarious fish puns or delivering barnyard-themed cow, duck, or pig jokes, try something a little more exotic, like elephant jokes. We’ve curated a list of the best elephant jokes available, all of them are certain to make anyone who hears them laugh their trunks off.
In fact, you’ll want to be all ears (ha!), because the corniness of some of these funny elephant jokes is part of what makes them so funny. They will be adored by everyone, from children to siblings, crushes to grandparents.
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Table of Contents
Best Elephant Jokes
We hope you enjoy these elephant-themed jokes and tell them to everyone you meet. Here are some of the most amusing and best elephant jokes we could come up with.
How do elephants talk to each other?
On the ele-phone!
Why do elephants need trunks?
Because they don’t have handbags.
What do you get when you cross a fish with an elephant?
Swimming trunks!
What’s an elephant called that won’t share its toys?
Why were the elephants removed from the swimming pool? They couldn’t keep their trunks up.
Why couldn’t the elephant ride the bus to school?
Its trunk wouldn’t fit under the seat.
Why were the two mammals hesitant to talk to each other?
They didn’t want to address the elephant in the room.
Why did the elephant cross the road?
To go to a chicken rally.
Why was the elephant so scared about joining the tusk lifting competition?
He was afraid that he wasn’t up to the tusk.
Why don’t elephants drink martinis?
Have you ever tried to get an olive out of your nose?
Why did the elephant lawyer not take the 2-day case?
He wasn’t a fan of brief cases, he preferred trunks.
What did the elephant mom say to her daughter when her daughter finally matured?
You’ve got to start taking accowntability.
What do you get when you mix an elephant and a hooker?
A two ton pickup.
Why are elephants always so broke?
They work for peanuts.
Why did the elephants decide to stage a stampede?
They felt that their issues weren’t being herd.
What did the elephant say to Dumbo when he was upset about not reaching an event on time?
Don’t worry, next time we’ll use the propellephant.
What sport will an elephant always beat you at?
What’s big and gray and has horns?
An elephant marching band!
What did the elephant say when his friend gave him a bunch of fruit on his birthday?
Thanks a ton.
What did the elephant mom say when she found out that her son hadn’t finished his holiday homework?
Tusk tusk, I expected better from you!
What animal is always up for an adventure?
Elephants! They have a trunk with them wherever they go.
Funny Elephant Jokes
In this section, we have gathered some funny elephant jokes for your enjoyment and that of your family. There are a lot of elephant jokes below, so you’re bound to discover at least one that you enjoy.
How do elephants keep cool in the summer?
Ear conditioning!
What goes down but never goes up?
An elephant in an elevator.
When an elephant is bored, what’s it like to do?
Watch elevision
What’s an elephant’s favorite part of a tree?
The trunk!
How do you get a baby elephant out of the lake?
How do you stop an elephant from charging?
Unplug it.
Where does the elephant vigilante live?
In the gray area.
What is the only way to ensure that your elephant employees are satisfied?
You make sure they don’t get paid peanuts.
What do you call an elephant who is not important?
What’s as large as an elephant but weighs nothing at all?
An elephant’s shadow.
Where did the elephant store his luggage when he went on a solo trip?
His trunk.
Why did the elephant choose to cross the big road?
The chicken had handcuffed the elephant to him.
What’s the only way an elephant flies?
By dumbo jet!
Why doesn’t the elephant use a computer?
Because it is afraid of the mouse!
Hilarious Elephant Jokes
While reading this list, we’re confident you’ll cry “omg that’s the best elephant joke ever?” at least once. The most hilarious elephant jokes are listed below to make you laugh.
Why was the elephant afraid to go to the computer store?
Because they sold mice.
What do you call an elephant that laughs a lot?
An elaughant.
What do you get when you cross a computer with a baby elephant?
A 2 ton who knows it all.
What album could an elephant listen to all day long?
Tusk by Fleetwood Mac.
What do you call an elephant with a carrot in each ear?
Anything you want as he can’t hear you!
How do you do with a blue elephant?
Tell it silly jokes!
How can an elephant sit in the car in three steps?
Simple, open the door ,sits in the car and close the door.
Why do elephants never get hot and bothered?
They always have their ear conditioning on.
What do you get if you cross a kangaroo and an elephant? Giant holes all over the Australian continent.
An elephant escaped from a zoo and no trace had been found….
Until a woman who had never seen an elephant before, called the police.
There’s a weird animal in my garden. It’s pulling up the cabbages with its tail. And what is worse, I cannot describe what it is doing with them.
How does an elephant know what size clothes to buy online?
They use the elle-e-fit size chart.
What did the elephant scientist do when he found a breakthrough in his study of animal sounds?
He trumpeted the announcement.
An elephant and a mouse went off to the movie theatre.
The elephant sat down in front of the mouse, and it was getting pretty angry since it couldn’t see anything on the screen. So it moved seats and sat in front of the elephant.
When they were going home the elephant asked the mouse why it had moved seats.
“So that you would understand how annoying it is to have someone blocking your view at the cinema!!”
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Elephant who?
Elephant on the wall.
Dirty Elephant Jokes
Whether you’re inherently witty and just want some new, cute jokes about your favorite animal, or you don’t think you’re funny at all and could need some help in the joke area, we’ve got you covered. Check out this list of some dirty elephant jokes that might inspire you.
What do you get when you cross an elephant with a poodle?
You get a dead poodle with an 18 inch arsehole.
How do you know if two elephants were having sex in your backyard?
Your fence is knocked down and one of your Hefty trash bags is missing.
Why do male elephants paint their balls red?
So they can hide in apple trees.
What did the elephant say to the naked man?
How do you breathe through something so tiny.
Why does an elephant have four feet?
Because six inches isn’t going to satisfy a female elephant.
What has 2 grey legs and 2 brown legs?
An elephant with diarrhea.
Why does an elephant have four feet?
He would look ridiculous with only four inches.
An elephant and a camel ran into each other on the bar.
The elephant drunkenly asked the camel: Why do you have boobies on your back?
To which the camel replied: Well why do you have a dingaling on your face!
You hear about the job opening for the elephant circumcisionist?
The pay isn’t great but the tips are huge.
Where does a gangsta elephant hide the bodies?
In his trunk.
Ant and Elephant Jokes
We’ve all heard about the amusing interaction between an ant and an elephant since we were children. They’re sometimes lovers, sometimes foes, and sometimes the jokes can get dark. The ant elephant jokes almost always include a surprise aspect. Stroll down through this list of ant and elephant jokes in English to choose from.
An ant approaches an elephant and asks, “Would you like to play?”
“Sure,” replies the elephant.
“So, what’s your favorite game?” the ant inquires.
“Squash,” says the elephant.
Once an ant was on her way to a restaurant on a scooter, on the way she meets an elephant who asks her to give him a lift, she tells him to sit at the back.
While they were travelling, they meet another elephant asking for a lift, but the ant refuses, why???
Answer: Traffic rules say, three people not allowed on 1 scooter.
Once an ant and elephant were going on a new scooter. They met with an accident. The elephant died but the ant was alive. Why?
Because ant was wearing a helmet.
Ant: My step brother – the elephant – has met with an accident. Since we have the same blood group, I am going to donate some blood for him.
Once some hunters were after an elephant. The elephant didn’t know what to do. He met his friend, ant on the road. He told ant his problem.
She said: “Don’t worry. Just hide behind me!!!”
One day, Elephant and Ant playing hide and seek.
The Ant was counting and Elephant went to hide.
The Elephant was hiding in Temple and the Ant caught it so easily.
The Elephant left his shoes outside the Temple.
Elephant: I love you ANT! Will you marry me?
Ant: I’m sorry, I can’t marry you!
Elephant: Is it because I am too fat?
Ant: I don’t have any problem with your size. It is because our culture doesn’t allow inter-size marriages!
One day an elephant was crying and an ant came to him and said, “Why are you crying?”
He replied that a friend of ant’s has stolen his sleepers.
An elephant and ant were friends. They decided to go to swimming. They went to a swimming pool but when the ant swims the elephant sits and when elephant swims the ant sits. Why?
Answer: Because they have only one swimming costume.
Q: Why Did the Elephant Hide behind the Strawberry bush?
A: The elephant and the ant were playing hide and seek.
Question: What did the ant tell elephant and elephant went into coma
Answer: “I am pregnant with your baby”
Once the ant is swimming and the elephant rushes to the swim pool and requests the ant to come out. As soon as the ant comes out, the elephant asks her to go back. Why? Because he wanted to check if the ant was wearing his swim suit!!!
Elephant Jokes for Adults
Elephants are among the most endearing animals on the earth, with their enormous floppy ears and playful attitudes. We picked up here the best elephant jokes for adults of all time because we adore elephants. You’ll want to be looking for these!
What did the elephant say to his girlfriend?
“I love you a ton!”
Why was the elephant driver given a speeding ticket?
He raced past the stomp sign.
How do you get a baby elephant out of the theater?
You can’t, it’s in the elephant’s blood.
What did the elephant teacher say when he couldn’t find his permanent marker?
I will look at ivory last inch of this classroom till I find that marker.
What did the grape say when the elephant stepped on it?
Nothing. It just gave a little wine.
Why couldn’t papa elephant get his daughter to ride the bicycle?
She didn’t have the necessary thumbs to sound the bell.
Why were the elephants laughing at Tarzan?
He accidentally lost his loincloth.
Two elephants one elephant was a male and another female. The female entered the bus and the male did not enter it why?
Because it was a ladies bus.
How do you trap an elephant?
You trick him when he’s calf asleep.
What did Dumbo’s friend say to him when the two elephants saw someone being greedy?
Money isn’t ivorything you know?
Why did the baby elephant ask to borrow a suitcase for his trip to the beach?
He didn’t have enough space in his little trunk.
Why was the zookeeper fired for having a conversation with Dumbo the elephant?
Because he addressed the elephant in the room.
What did Dumbo say to his friend when his friend asked him for an update regarding the winter elephant festival?
The last I herd, they were still setting up the tents.
Why did the elephants get kicked out of the pool?
Because their trunks kept on falling down.
Elephant Jokes for Kids
Are you looking for elephant jokes for kids to make your kids laugh? Then you’ve arrived to the right place! Animal jokes for kids are a great method for parents to entertain their children while simultaneously teaching them something.
What did the momma elephant say to her kid when he was misbehaving?
“Tusk, tusk!”
What’s an elephant’s favorite font to use?
Ella font.
What’s large in size, gray, and has red spots?
An elephant with chickenpox!
What wears glass slippers and weighs over 4,000 pounds?
What did the elephant want for his birthday?
A trunk full of presents.
Can anyone get down from a baby elephant?
No, one can only get down from a duck.
Why don’t baby elephants ever play a game of cards with the other animals?
They don’t like cheetahs.
An elephant married a mosquito. At night mosquito ran away. Why?
Because elephant had turned on the good night mat.
How are a big tree and an elephant really similar?
Both of them have huge trunks.
What has two tails, four eyes, eight legs, and two trunks?
Two elephants.
How do you make an elephant float?
Add two scoops of ice cream and a can of root beer to one elephant.
What has a yellow exterior and a gray interior?
A bus packed with elephants going to school.
What’s the best way to raise a baby elephant?
With a forklift.
What happens you cross an elephant with a potato?
You get a ton of mashed potatoes.
How do you place an elephant in the fridge?
You open the door of the refrigerator, place the elephant inside and close the refrigerator door.
What did the elephant say to his son, baby elephant, after he hadn’t showered in 3 days?
You’re such a smellyphant!
Funniest Elephant Jokes
These funniest elephant jokes are guaranteed to make you laugh out loud. So, allow yourself to be reacquainted with these adorable and amusing elephant jokes that we have assembled for you below.
What did the elephant do when he hurt his toe?
He called the tow truck.
Why are elephants bad dancers?
They have two left feet.
Why are elephants so wrinkly?
Because ironing them takes way too long.
What do you call an elephant that hates taking baths?
A smellyphant!
How do you get a baby elephant to come out of the water?
You take away his trunks.
What do you get when you cross an elephant and a parrot?
A bird that reminds you of everything it can remember.
What did the baby elephant say to his friend after their fun playdate?
Call me on the ele-phone!
What does an elephant mom say to her children every morning?
“I love each and ivory one of you!”
What did the elephant say to his friend when he came to him with a problem?
Whatever you need, I’m ear for you.
What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?
Time to get a new fence.
How can you tell if an elephant is under your bed?
Your nose will touch the ceiling.
What animals reached Noah’s ark late?
The herd of elephants, because they were too busy packing their trunks.
Why is an elephant big, gray, and wrinkled?
If it was small, smooth, and white, it would have been called an aspirin.
What did the elephant man say to his wife on their anniversary?
You know, I like you a ton.
You can tell a woman that she is beautiful 1000 times and she will pay no mind to your comments. But tell her that she’s fat, just one time, and she will never let you forget it.
Do you want to know why that is?
Because an elephant never forgets.
What do you get when you cross an elephant and a milk cow?
What do you get when you cross an elephant and a whale?
An animal with a natural snorkel.
Elephant Jokes That Will Make You Laugh
Here we’ve compiled a greatest elephant jokes list that you won’t soon forget. If your child is an elephant fan, these jokes are wonderful, and there’s something for everyone, so relax and take it all in.
What happens when an elephant gets lightheaded?
It ele-faints.
Why do elephants have trunks?
Because they would look funny with a suitcase.
What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhinoceros?
What has big ears and makes toys for Santa?
What did the elephant say to his children on his birthday?
I love each and ivory one of you.
What do elephants have that no other animal does?
Baby elephants.
What did the professor say when his student asked him what a group of elephants was called?
Have you even herd of elephants?
What did the baby elephant do every day after coming back home from pre-school?
He watched daytime ele-vision.
Why did the elephant remove the trunk from his back?
He didn’t want to carry a tree’s load.
Doctor, I see purple elephants everywhere. “And have you seen a psychologist?” the doctor asks The man answers “No just elephants at the moment.”
Why was an elephant chosen to be a collector for the tusk museum?
He was a really efficient multi-tusker.
How do you make sure a baby elephant doesn’t smell?
You make a knot inside his trunk.
What happens when an elephant doesn’t drink enough water?
He ele-faints.
I’m getting a tattoo of an elephant on my ear…
The only reason I’m doing this is so when people ask me “Why do you have a tattoo of an elephant on your ear?” I can say “Don’t worry about it. It’s ear elephant.”
Final Thoughts on Elephant Jokes
We hope so that reading this article of elephant jokes. Elephants are magnificent creatures that may be found all around the globe.
Elephants are the world’s largest ground mammals, with some weighing up to 6,000 kilograms. They also have the longest gestation length of any animal, with a gestation period of 22 months.
Are you seeking for the funniest and most amusing jokes about elephants on the internet? Do you want to win joke battles and be known as the funniest person in the room? These greatest elephant jokes will keep you laughing for hours.
You’ll be rolling on the floor laughing at these jokes, even if your elephant friends don’t think they’re amusing. This collection of funny elephant jokes is one of the funniest in the world which will make everyone laugh out loud.
This collection of amusing elephant jokes may easily be ingested in small doses, so we hope you enjoy reading them!