159 Hilarious Dyslexic Jokes to Make You Laugh

It may seem impossible that a learning disorder like dyslexia, which hampers reading, writing, and spelling, could be funny, but a creative play on words may make everyone laugh.
Dyslexic jokes can make us all laugh aloud with a dash of wit and a dash of inventiveness.
So settle in, unwind, and get ready for a compilation of hilarious dyslexic jokes that are sure to make you smile.
Bear in mind that humor knows no bounds and may be found anywhere, even in the dyslexia community.
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Table of Contents
Best Dyslexic Jokes
Get ready to laugh your way into a universe where funny mistakes and misinterpreted words take center stage.
Today I misread 63 as 68 so it took me twice as long to get home with the public transport
Whoops, wrong bus.
What does a zombie with Dyslexia eat?
Dear Satan.
For Christmas I want a cure for my dyslexia.
Dyslexia isnt something to joke about…
anyhow, a man walks into a bra…
I have dyslexia
I write about it in my dairy.
I took a dyslexia test online, but as it turns out it was actually a dysphoria test, so guess what.
I’m a gril who can’t raed.
The doctor said I have dyslexia which is a Brain condition
Which makes no sense since my name is not Brian.
I’ve got a joke about dyslexia.
If you don’t get it I’ll spell it out for you.
The best part of dyslexia is
That you at least get daily sex.
I used to have sex daily…
Then Reddit taught me it was just dyslexia.
My Grandad, who died in the war, could only be a chef due to his dyslexia.
He went out all buns glazing.
My ADD always beats me when I’m trying to do my homework.
The dyslexia doesn’t help either.
I realised I was dyslexic when I went to a toga party dressed as a goat.
I never get tired of jokes about dyslexia even though I have it.
I wish I could read all of them.
Who decided to make Dyslexia such a hard word to spell?
Same person who thought it’d be fun to add an “s” to lisp.
I used to go to hogwarts but they kicked me out because of my dyslexia
apparently spelling matters.
Did you hear about the goth kid with dyslexia?
He sold his soul to Santa.
People always told me my dyslexia would hold me back and I’d never be any good at poetry.
But they couldn’t be more wrong. So far I’ve made two jugs and a vase.
What do you get when you combine insomnia, dyslexia and agnosticism?
Someone who lies awake at night, wondering if there is a dog.
If life gives you melons…
You have dyslexia.
I thought I had dyslexia,
Turns out it was just dahd.
Ban weapons of mass dyslexia!
Before they start an unclear war.
Why don’t people with dyslexia like Christmas?
They don’t like getting presents from Satan.
Funny Dyslexic Jokes
Since laughter spreads quickly, it’s difficult to contain oneself after hearing a humorous dyslexia joke. You’re going to have to snort your way through them.
Got some odd news in my dyslexia association newsletter today… [NSFW]
Turns out everybodies cocks go black this weekend.
I find Dyslexia really hot
After all, you can’t spell “Dyslexia” without “sexy”
Do you know what DNA is an acronym for?
The National Dyslexia Association.
When I heard someone had found a cure for dyslexia…..
…it was like music to my arse. I got down on my knees and thanked dog. Then I removed it from this years Satan list.
Wife says to husband.
Wife: I can’t believe it, first I am diagnosed with dyslexia.
Now I have tiny tits.
Husband: Tinnitus babe Tinnitus.
The cruel god cursed his creations with dyslexia, but nothing happened since they could do no wrong while fully under his control.
So he gave all of them free will – and the first thing his creations did was deicide.
I have sexdaily
I mean dyslexia, fcuk
“I think Karen has dyslexia.”
“Why do you say that?”
“We put a nativity scene in town square, and she demanded to see the manger.”
I think dyslexia is hilarious.
So is tourettes you funch of cucking sock buckers!
I must get my dyslexia sorted out.
I bought a car off ebay last week with no reserve.
The fucking thing won’t go backwards.
As a guy with dyslexia I’m pretty scared…
A friend just told me the cocks go black in the UK tonight.
They said due to my dyslexia, I wouldn’t stand a chance in a spelling bee.
You should’ve seen the look on their faces when I proved them grown.
Because of my dyslexia, sometimes I get lost when I use public transportation.
Oops sorry. Wrong bus.
Researchers have discovered that excessive masturbation can cause dyslexia.
However, tihs is olny in etxreem caess of slef aubse.
Our school for dyslexia took a trip to an insect museum.
It wasn’t quite what we expected, but our tour guide from Alabama treated us like family.
I have a dyslexia fetish
It makes my spine stiff.
My teachers always told me I couldn’t do poetry because of my dyslexia, but I really showed them…
I made a mug, a vase, and a pot just today!
A buddy of mine suffers from dyslexia, paranoia and he’s agnostic.
He’s scared all the time wondering is there is a Dog.
The Dyslexia Association of America held an organization-wide toga party.
Everyone came dressed as goats.
I have a form of dyslexia for words
At the end of a sentence I sometimes say the wrong sauce.
Someone tried to steal my dyslexia music collection
I nearly lost my hits.
I dumped the girl I met at Dyslexia Club because she used the “N” word.
I’m glad my dyslexia is mild enough that I can still dear.
My Woman Hitler doesn’t think I deserve my wife because of my dyslexia..
Shit I meant Mother in law.
Dyslexia affects people in different ways
Especially today, on Friday the 13th.
Met a guy at the bar last night who looked a bit down
I asked him “what’s up man you look a bit down”
He said “I’ve just be diagnosed with the big C”
I said “Cancer?”
He said “No dyslexia”
TIFU when my dyslexia made me take the wrong ride to work
Whoops, wrong bus.
Hilarious Dyslexic Jokes
These jokes will have you doubled over with laughter, showcasing the wit and humor that can arise from the world of dyslexia.
I’m an atheist and have dyslexia
I don’t believe in my dog.
I took the number 25 instead of the 52 today thanks to my dyslexia
Whoops, wrong bus.
My dyslexia is a little unique. I often end up reading words backwards, without realising, and it annoys the hell out of people. I sit by my bed and pray every single night for it to go away, “maybe he’ll fix it”, I thought…
After all, God is a man’s best friend.
I keep asking iris why some people have dyslexia, but she won’t answer.
Maybe my iPhone is just broken.
Did you hear about a guy who refused to believe he was gay and dyslexic?
He was in Daniel.
What’s black and white and red all over?
A dyslexic person typing.
Why being a dyslexic taxi driver is not difficult?
Because it’s as easy as C, A, B.
Why can’t a dyslexic tell a joke?
Because they always punch up the fuck line.
Why are dyslexic people bad at parties?
They can’t read the room.
How do you know you are dyslexic?
If life gives you melons.
What did the dyslexic yell after walking into a bank?
“Air in the hands mother stickers, this is a fuck up!”
Did you hear about the dyslexic KKK member?
He went around killing gingers.
How is a dyslexic cow like a Buddhist monk?
Both say “ommmmmmmmm.”
Why can’t a dyslexic be a witch?
You need to be good at spelling.
Who killed Brian?
A pack of dyslexic zombies.
Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper?
Dude sold his soul to Santa.
Joe, the dyslexic cop, is summoned to the captain’s office and read the riot act. The captain declares, “Joe, you’re a good cop, but these reports aren’t going to cut it any longer! They’re damn near illegible! If there is even one misspelt word on the next report, you will be suspended! Now get out of here and start patrolling!”
The cop swears that he will not make any more mistakes and goes on patrol. He’s driving around town when he receives a call about a nearby traffic fatality. The cop activates his lights and accelerates toward the scene. When the cop arrives, he sees the worst head-on collision he’s ever seen. He gets out of the car, grabs his notebook, and begins taking notes, paying close attention to his spelling.
“One, O-N-E. Ford, F-O-R-D. In the ditch, D-I-T-C-H.”
The cop thinks to himself, “Okay, so far, so good.” He walks across the street to the other vehicle.
“One, O-N-E. Dodge, D-O…D…G-E. In the ditch, D-I-T-C-H.”
The cop is now extremely self-assured. He walks to the middle of the highway and finds the severed head of one of the unfortunate victims.
“One, O-N-E. Head, H-E-A-D. In the boulevard, B-U-L…B-L-U…B-O-L-L…B-I-L….”
The cop puts down his pen, looks around, and kicks the head to the side of the road. He quickly writes, “In the ditch, D-I-T-C-H.”
Son: Dad, why do I crave pumpkins every Halloween?
Dad: It’s because you’re dyslexic son.
Did you hear about the dyslexic pimp?
He bought himself a warehouse.
What’s it like texting this cute dyslexic girl?
You think she likes you, but she keeps sending mixed messages.
How many dyslexics does it change to take a light bulb?
Why did the dyslexic wizard get kicked out of school?
He couldn’t spell.
Dyslexic Jokes One Liners
Brace yourself for a rapid-fire series of laughter-inducing moments that will have you quoting these one-liners for days to come.
How does it change many dyslexics to take a light bulb?
My dad was dyslexic. Whenever I swore when growing up, he’d wash my mouth out with soup.
Tip Top: Never take advice from a dyslexic.
What’s a riot?
Three dyslexics.
There’s no ‘I’ in ‘team’.
Unless you’re dyslexic, of course.
I just found out I’m dyslexic. FLM.
Have you seen that website dealingwithdyslexia.org?
I wonder what percentage of users actually manage to get onto it on their first attempt.
What’s the best way of punishing dyslexic criminals?
Give them a long sentence.
Dyslexic people don’t know their bowels from their elbows.
Did you hear about the dyslexic pimp who bought himself a warehouse?
I’m a dyslexic agnostic insomniac. I lay awake every night and wonder if there really is a Dog.
Did you hear about the dyslexic alcoholic who choked on his own Vimto?
I went to a dyslexic rave last night. Everyone was taking F’s and a a bloke in the corner was trying to inject a Heron.
Dyslexia: Putting the cool in shcool.
How would a dyslexic person dance the YMCA?
I texted my dyslexic friend after his boxing match, asking how he got on.
“OK,” he replied.
My dyslexia has reached a new owl.
I have duja ve. It’s the feeling that you’ve been dyslexic before.
A dyslexic man walks into a bra…
I saw a dyslexic get thrown out of a restaurant last night. He was spitting in the tips jar.
Did you hear about the dyslexic zombie who ate Brian?
I’ll never forget the day I was first diagnosed with dyslexia.
41th Yam, 1892.
I was just diagnosed with dyslexia and on the same day my friend told me his wife has OCD.
I said, “Wow, I didn’t even know you had an XBox.
How power stations get their energy is always unclear if you’re dyslexic.
I’ve managed to overcome my dyslexia to become a funeral director.
I’m going to give my competitors an urn for their money.
My poor young son is dyslexic. He keeps writing on sheets of paper “semoithng, soemthnig, smoeithng”.
I think he’s trying to tell me something.
I came home from work tonight to find a note from my girlfriend which said, “I’m leaving you because you’re so stupid and bigoted.”
Well I’m not stupid, I’m just dyslexic. And I can’t help it if I have big toes.
As I’m dyslexic, my English teacher in school always used to insult my grammer.
Which wasn’t fair, as he’s never even met her.
My dyslexic son came last in the school pottery competition.
He wrote a poem.
Have you heard about the dyslexic devil worshipper who sold his soul to Santa?
A top tip for dyslexics:
Try deliberately spelling words wrongly.
At least that way, you have a chance of spelling them right.
Did you hear about the dyslexic who went to the toga party dressed as a goat?
If life gives you melons then you’re probably dyslexic.
Two dyslexics are working in the kitchen.
The first one asks the second, “Can you smell gas?”
The second one replies, “I can’t even spell my own name.”
One advantage of being dyslexic is that it doesn’t cost much to get your own personalized registration plate.
Grab your taco, you’ve pulled a dyslexic Mexican.
Is it cruel to give dyslexics alphabetti spaghetti?
I saw my friend stood outside the Doctor’s today. He looked really worried and upset so I asked him, “What’s the matter?”
He replied, “I’ve got the big C.”
I was shocked. “What, cancer?” I asked.
“No, dyslexia.”
Did you hear about the dyslexic boy who cried “Fowl”?
Nobody listened and the wolf ate him.
What does DNA stand for?
National Dyslexic Association.
Clean Dyslexic Jokes
In a world where humor often teeters on the edge of appropriateness, clean dyslexic jokes offer a refreshing and lighthearted take on laughter.
What happens if you drop a nuclear weapon on a dyslexic person?
It’s unclear.
Why did the dyslexic couple learn karate?
They tried to get some marital counselling but ended up with martial training.
What does a rooster say?
What does a dyslexic rooster say?
What does a gay rooster say?
Did you hear about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac?
Lies awake all night wondering if the dog is real.
Did you hear about the dyslexic who was told he wouldn’t be good at poetry by others?
So far he has made 3 jugs and a vase, which are lovely.
Why did the dyslexic person drink the potion?
Because it was the only option.
What did you do after the first date with a dyslexic woman?
You took her home and she ended up cooking your sock.
What do you call a dyslexic dad joke?
A bad joke.
Why did the dyslexic refuse to wear a polo shirt?
Because he was Lacoste intolerant.
A dyslexic boy is driving home from training with his mother.
“Can we go to McDonald’s, mum? I’m hungry,” the boy inquires.
“Of course, if you can spell McDonald’s, we’ll stop on the way home, son.”
The boy takes a breather, gathers himself, and begins “M…C.” He starts to struggle.
“Ah fuck it, let’s have a KCF.”
Why was the dyslexic kid kicked out of the movie theater?
He kept asking where to buy cop porn.
Why do Dyslexic criminals love weed?
It’s the ultimate getaway drug.
What did the dyslexic Satanist name his boat?
Sail Hatan.
Why did dyslexic Karen go to the Christmas nativity?
To see the manger.
Did you hear about the paranoid dyslexic?
He was always afraid he was following someone.
Why did the dyslexic mathematician go to rehab?
He was struggling with addition.
A man is conversing with a barmaid who has an unusually large chest.
“Excuse me, sir, my eyes are up here,” the barmaid says after an awkward pause.
“When you have something written on your t-shirt, people are going to read it,” the man responds.
“Yes, but you’ve been staring at my chest for the past minute, what’s your problem?” says the barmaid.
The guy replies, “I’m dyslexic so it’s taking me a while to get through the 3rd paragraph.”
How does a dyslexic person spell “baldy”?
Why are dyslexic people religious?
Because they think god is man’s best friend.
Dirty Dyslexic Jokes
Here we have a collection that is not for the faint-hearted! So are you ready for some nasty jokes that are the funniest? Brace yourselves, here we come!
I met a stripper with dyslexia
Her name was Density.
I put the sexy in dyslexia
I have daily sex
Edit: I have dyslexia*
When I found out they had found a cure for dyslexia I was like…..
Music to my arse!
The agony of dyslexia
I stopped in to visit my dyslexic friend last night. He was busy covering his penis with black shoe polish. I said to him: “You idiot!”
“You’re supposed to turn your clock back!
I tried to explain dyslexia to my friend
But i couldnt find the right anal orgy.
My doctor wrote me a prescription for dailysex…
But my girlfriend keeps insisting it says dyslexia.
Dyslexic Jokes for Adults
When it comes to adult humor, dyslexia brings a unique flavor that adds an extra dash of spice to the mix. These jokes are for people who aren’t afraid to indulge in a bit of cheeky laughter.
What did the dyslexic man say when the police shot an unarmed programmer?
“They should have just compiled.”
What does a dyslexic Mexican smoke?
What do a dyslexic alcoholic and a sex addict have in common?
They both love going to the bra.
Why don’t healthy dyslexic people eat bread?
Too many crabs.
Why shouldn’t you have sex with a dyslexic dwarf?
It’s not big and it’s not clever.
I can’t remember if I’ve got dyslexia or dyscalculia. It’s definitely won of the three.
I rang up my doctor’s today and said, “I’d like to make an appointment to see the doctor about my dyslexia.”
“Of course,” said the receptionist. “What’s your name, please?”
I said, “Mr. Kzlaczycki.”
She said, “Can you spell that for me, please?”
I said, “No.”
It was a bad day for a dyslexic plumber. He despised his disorder because it made him appear unprofessional to his clients.
He began by paying a visit to the home of a soccer mom who had a broken dishwasher. He inquired, “Are you the woman with the busted wishdasher?” She was, and she didn’t correct him because she didn’t want to offend him. He repaired the appliance, was paid, and then left.
He then went to an elderly man’s home. When he arrived, he inquired about the job, but mispronounced the words once more. “Are you the guy with the pipey leaks?” The old man didn’t seem to notice, but the plumber realised his error and corrected himself. “Leaky pipes, that is…” The plumber repaired the pipes, was paid, and then moved on to the next job.
The day’s final job was at a house that had recently been sold to a gay man. The plumber had never met him before, but he tried to maintain professionalism. The plumber got on the floor to check the U-Trap because the man’s kitchen sink was full of water that wouldn’t drain. Before getting up, he explained what he needed to do and how much it would cost.
“Alright, I’m gonna give you a deal since you’re new in town. I’ll drain your snake for only $100.”
Why did the dyslexic teen bring a tampon to class?
It was mensuration class.
How did Dyslexia cost one their job in IT?
Turns out the boss wanted to unzip his ‘files.
Do you know what the best part of having dyslexia is?
I have sex daily.
What’s the difference between $3.50 and a girl flashing you on the street?
Dyslexia. One is free tiddy and one is tree fiddy.
Two doctors working in a small town clinic had to hire a new nurse after the one that previously worked there retired. They interviewed Nurse Nora and she gave a great interview so they decided to hire her.
She’d only been working at the clinic for two days when one doctor called the other into his office and said they’d have get rid of Nurse Nora.
The second doctor asked, “Why, when we only just hired her?”
The first doctor replied, “Well, I think she’s dyslexic and does everything backwards. For example, I told her to give Mr. Hamilton two shots of morphine every 24 hours, but she gave him 24 shots in two hours and it almost killed him. Then I told her to give Mrs. Smith an enema every twelve hours and she gave her twelve in one hour.”
The doctor had barely finished saying this when the second doctor suddenly ran out of the room.
“Where are you going so fast?” the first doctor shouted after him.
“To see Nurse Nora, I just told her to prick Mr. Jones’ boil!”
These two dyslexic skiers are stood at the top of the slope. The first one says “Let’s zig zag down the slope.”
The second skier says, “No, it’s zag zig.”
The first skier is sure he’s right and the two of them start having a heated debate about it.
Finally, they spot another skier and the first skier says, “I’ll tell you what, let’s ask this guy.”
So he says to him “Excuse me, sir, going down the slope do you zig zag or zag zig?”
The guy replies “Sorry, I’ve no idea. I’m a tobogganist.”
The first skier says, “In that case can I have 20 Marlboro, please?”
Final Thoughts
Laughter has the incredible power to bring joy and create connections, and dyslexic jokes offer a unique and delightful twist that can make us all laugh out loud.
These puns demonstrate the hilarity that can be created by dyslexia’s difficulties. There is plenty for everyone to appreciate, whether you prefer the clean and family-friendly variety or the slightly risqué humor for adults.
We hope these dyslexic jokes brought some sunshine into your day.
Feel free to share your favorite jokes. Laughter is best when shared, so let’s keep the humor flowing!